[Sue Bull is the co-convenor of Geelong Socialist Alliance and a long-time union activist. So, how come the left is so divided? we are routinely asked. But can we really afford to sit around and wait until the perfect coalition comes along. I have been slowly comparing their policies, but they seem to be very similar on many issues. During the state election, Victorian Socialists could get out 150 people to mass doorknock certain areas and get similar numbers to meetings. Founded in February 2018, it is an electoral alliance of various socialist parties, organisations, community groups and trade unionists. In return they have received some union financing, including, when the organisation was founded, $50,000 from the Labor Party-affiliated Electrical Trades Union. It's an alliance of many groups and individuals who want to achieve specific goal as opposed to a socialist organisation. If the momentum on the Victorian Socialists Facebook page is anything to go by 1000 people were following it within two days it is not an exaggeration to say that this initiative has captured peoples imagination. Overhaul the health system with funding to increase hospital capacity, improve ambulance response times, boost worker numbers and raise wages. In Broadmeadows, the combined socialist vote was9.47%, a rise of2.32%. Join us for a discussion of the Victorian Socialists manifesto and find out how you can help get the first socialists elected to an Australian parliament for almost a century. Djab Wurrung Gunnai Gunditjmara Senator Lidia Thorpe should be congratulated for putting a Treaty with First Nations people on the political agenda. Labor has underestimated just how difficult this cost of living and housing affordability crisis is for so many working people. The Victorian Socialists brings together socialist groups including Socialist Alternative and the Socialist Alliance, and individual activists, unionists and community organisers. [29], Members of the party are involved in activist campaigns for a range of progressive causes. With the departure of Socialist Alliance from their ranks, their party looks very different to the one which almost won an Upper House seat in the 2018 State Election. Whichever group wants to bring the troops home from adventures in murdering foreigners for the profit of the ruling class, and wants to make peace with nations which want to be independent of US imperialism hug them. [9], The party's formation was announced publicly on 5 February 2018. 27 febrero, 2023 . We invite all who wish to build a stronger, more united left to support this endeavour as a practical step towards building the socialist movement we so urgently need. The rest of the swing against Labor went to the right 6.39% to the Liberals and 4.28% to Family First (which did not stand in 2018). Victoria has now registered nearly 6,000 deaths during the pandemic, the highest of any state, with the vast majority of these occurring this year, as a direct result of this live with the virus policy. The Socialist Labor Party was a socialist political party of Australia that existed from 1901 to the 1970s. In 1907, the VSP, plus similar groups in the other Australian states, came together in a loose federal organisation calling itself the Socialist Federation of Australia, but this never became a functioning national party. With an area of 2,570 km 2 (990 sq mi) and population of 990,509 in 2018, it is the smallest German state in area apart from the city-states of Berlin, Bremen, and Hamburg, and the smallest in population apart from Bremen. The Victorian Socialists is a state-based political party launched in February 2018 by an alliance of socialist organisations, trade union activists, left wing journalists and individuals. Why dont you join us now? The Voice to Parliament could end up as another token gesture, unless there is a strong and independent movement for First Nations justice. 00:04. The Greens vote rose from 10.7% (2018) to 10.9%, not the widely talked-up Greenslide. Political parties. Its leading figure was Robert Samuel Ross, a talented organiser and journalist. . [33][34], The Victorian Socialists claim to oppose "business as usual" politics, which the party declares has segregated Victoria into wealthy, well-resourced areas and less wealthy, under-resourced ones. Belle Gibson, Victorian Socialists candidate for Kororoit Back to candidates Kororoit Belle Gibson Facebook belle.gibson@victoriansocialists.org.au The rich have had it too good for too long in this country. Albaneses Labor government is committed to both offensives, placing the population on the frontline of a potential World War III. Socialist Alliance is hostile to the elimination policy advanced by the SEP and principled epidemiologists because it is oriented to the very political parties responsible for the mass social. Take the following, from the private official paper of this weird organisation, the "Socialist Record" (Feb. 1913) : "I [the writer of the article, Mr. F. Edwards] know one branch of the Party which will not sell 'Justice' or the 'Clarion' because they advocate piffling reforms. The 'socialist imperialists' were in the clear majority after 1900. What are the main differences between these parties? By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Authorised by C. Oakley, Victorian Socialists, 54 Victoria St Carlton South, VIC 3053, VS Presents: A Socialist Manifesto for Real Change. The Victorian Socialist Party (VSP) was a socialist political party in the Australian state of Victoria during the early 20th century. 10 Socialist Alternatives Red Flag declared in July: Imperialist [i.e., Russias] invasion cannot be defeated by pacifist methods. During this long reign, the country acquired unprecedented power and wealth. The billionaires have had it too good for too long. Jolly has been a long-time councillor on Yarra City Council, one of the local government areas included in the Northern Metropolitan seat. The priorities of this system are wrong. In Ukraine, the US is fuelling a proxy war against Russia that threatens to escalate into nuclear conflict. [39], Not to be confused with the early 20th century, Last edited on 12 February 2023, at 07:36, overturning of abortion rights by the United States Supreme Court, "Reason v socialism in Victorian election: Fiona Patten gears up for a fight", "Electrical Trades Union backs fledgling Victorian Socialists with $50k donation", "Select policies of the Victorian Socialsits", "A Highly Simplified Guide To All Of Victoria's Minor Parties, From Batshit To Actually Pretty Ok", "Socialist Alliance withdraws from Victorian Socialists", "Heraldsun.com.au - Subscribe to the Herald Sun for exclusive stories", "Registration of the Victorian Socialists", "Socialists to stand across western Victoria", "The Victorian Socialists' fight for an alternative", "Unions back Victorian Socialists' campaign", "Socialists hope union donation will secure jolly good election result", "Victorian Socialists: ; | Neos Kosmos", "State Election 2018: Northern Metropolitan Region results summary - Victorian Electoral Commission", "State Election 2018: Broadmeadows District results summary - Victorian Electoral Commission", "Victorian Socialists to stand in federal election | Red Flag", "Registration of a political party Victorian Socialists", "Stephen Jolly splits from Victorian Socialists amid serious allegations", "Having Socialist Elected Officials Makes a Difference for Working-Class People", "Maribyrnong City Council election results 2020", "Victorian Socialists launch election campaign | Victorian Socialists", "Australians rally against U.S. overturning of key abortion ruling", "Australia: Victorian Socialists cover for union sell-out at Pampas", "Early childhood, primary and secondary education", "Tom Elliott backs Victorian Socialists' pledge to lower pay of politicians", "The Socialist Macro-Sect in the 'Digital Age': The Victorian Socialists' Strategy for Assembling a Counter-Public", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Victorian_Socialists&oldid=1138900311, This page was last edited on 12 February 2023, at 07:36. In other words, Victorian Socialists would function as a loyal opposition to the state Labor government. I'm Jerome Small, Victorian Socialists candidate for the Northern Metro upper house region in the November 2022 Victorian election. This work must be completely subordinate to the goals and tasks of the mass struggle outside parliament.. Sue Bolton, Socialist Alliance (SA) Merri-Bek councillor and Pascoe Vale candidate, toldGreen Left that socialists received significant votes. Put key polluting industries under government control. Of course the Greens should be doing this too but, as a party, theyre just not as convinced as we are that the system stinks. Cameron remained its secretary until 1932, by which time the party was moribund. However, although Chartism did not achieve a direct political victory, it altered "public discourse . The trade unions are having increasing difficulty in suppressing breakouts of struggles by workers against crushing inflation and a corporate offensive, which has included lockouts of workers. Would you recommend joining both parties then, to get the best of both worlds? Bolton, a founding member of Socialist Alliance, is a community leader on the Moreland Council. Vic Soc is organised by Socialist Alternative (Cliffite Trotskyists) and other socialists. The Victorian Labor government looks set to be re-elected in a landslide. The property market has become a casino for speculators interested only in profits, while homes are priced out of reach of an entire generation. [Jacob Andrewartha is a national co-convenor ofSocialist Alliance. While Victorian Socialists showed great potential when it was formed in early 2018 and ran two big and exciting socialist election campaigns, it has not lived up to its promise to build a more united left. The only criticism of the US military alliance is framed in nationalist terms, with a section on Militarism and Solidarity beginning, Australia faces no threat to its sovereignty.. The Russian Revolution of 1917 caused a crisis for the VSP. The party that might have tapped this sentiment The Victorians imploded a couple of months before the elections. VicSocs isn't really a democratic socialists party it's an alliance of different groups to get a socialist elected. Most VSP members were also members of the Australian Labor Party (ALP), or later became members. In 1921 a VSP member who had moved to Sydney, Bill Earsman, was one of the founders of the Communist Party of Australia. That followed exposures of rampant branch stacking, i.e., the fake inflation of membership figures by rival factional powerbrokers. "So, how come the left is so divided?" we are routinely asked. Socialist Alliance councillor Sue Bolton will run with Steve Jolly and Colleen Bolger on the Victorian Socialists ticket in the November Victorian state election. The Greens, VS, Reason, Animal Justice Party and Legalise Cannabis agreed to preference each other before Labor. [27][28], VS ran candidates for the House of Representatives and the Senate in the 2022 federal election, and subsequently launched a campaign to win a seat in the 2022 Victorian state election. The February 5 announcement in Melbournes Herald Sun that the Victorian Socialists an alliance of socialist groups will contest the Northern Metropolitan Regional upper house seat in the November Victorian elections flags a new, exciting opening for the left and progressive movements. Engaging in a combination of grassroots activism and electoral politics, Socialist Alliance currently has two elected officeholders across Australia, all of whom serve on the local government level. [2] By 1921, after the foundation of the Communist Party of Australia, the then secretary Robert Ross advocated a eugenicist stance, stating to 'keep your races pure'. Other outer suburban seats were similar to Broadmeadows, with swings against Labor going to the left and the right. Labors vote continued to drop in working-class areasthe result of decades of imposing the dictates of the corporate elite at the expense of the jobs and conditions of workers and their families. Victorian Socialists is a campaign to get a socialist elected. Legalise Cannabis looks like winningthreeLC seats. [14][15][16] It also won the support of several local immigrant diasporas and community organisations. Previously at the May 2 membership consultation, Socialist Alternative mobilised overwhelming numbers of its members to vote down a motion, which Socialist Alliance supported, from independent socialist members of Victorian Socialists. Victorian Socialists constantly defend the union apparatus against workersactively collaborating to impose and cover up its betrayals. The Andrews government has presided over a state with the highest number of police in Australia, a hospital system in crisis, skyrocketing rents and mortgages, and inflation that is seeing profits grow even as the rest of us struggle to pay our bills. Check out some of our events here. Whether its the relentless attacks on trans people, the racist panics about boat people or African gangs or the attacks on Aboriginal sovereignty all of it is there to divide us and to distract us from the great robbery going on right in front of our eyes. Women's movements were amongst the earliest and strongest opponents of militarism and conscription in Australia. The party achieved a vote of 4.2% in the Northern Metropolitan Region while achieving 7.2% of the vote for the lower house seat of Broadmeadows, in a field of four candidates.[19][20]. As we go to press, counting is still underway. Decade after decade, under both major parties, the rich have grown richer while everyone else struggles. Our schools are in crisis. All other divisions, whether they be based on religion, nationality, language or "race", are incidental to this main division. 00:51. The obvious question is why? Indeed, the majority faction organised by Socialist Alternative has made clear that it will not accept anything which is not electorally oriented beyond the very limited Membership and Activity Committee decided upon at the Governing Council on May 9. VS received the fourth-highest vote, out of 23 parties, in the Northern Metropolitan Region, with4.86%. We need wage increases and improved work conditions to fix the retention crisis, and funding for 10,000 new staff in state schools. When the Construction Forestry, Mining, Maritime and Energy Union organised a return to work, accepting the companys below-inflation wage offer that the workers had previously voted down, Socialist Alternative trumpeted this as a victory.. Reform Acts. Justice demands that the crimes committed against First Nations people - many of which are ongoing - be addressed, not simply with words, but with deeds. Electoral Space As such, the party supports a platform that includes the reversal of historical privatization of industries, along with strong support for labour unions. Jimenez is a Mexican-Australian who joined the Campaign Against Racism and the Socialist Alternative when she moved . Socialist Alternative has a long pro-imperialist record. [32] The party increased its vote from 2018, with its best result being a score of 9.3% in the seat of Footscray. In Melbourne, the Alliance has about half a dozen regularly active members. The seething discontent saw a 40 percent vote by government school teachers in May against a deal struck by the government with the Australian Education Union that cut real wages and did nothing to alleviate intolerable workloads. .Seriously: A Brief Guide to Surviving the 21 st Century (Revised & Updated Edition) by Danny Katch (Haymarket Books, 2023). Our Policy Platform | Victorian Socialists Our Policy Platform The billionaires have had it too good for too long. Most recently this was on display after the transnational giant Knauf locked out workers at its plasterboard plant in Port Melbourne. Victorian Socialists is a campaign to get a socialist elected. "Imagine if we had had a socialist in . However, the Greens vote grew in the seats they had already won and they won Richmond. This was formed in 1915 as an explicitly anti . Stop deregulation and casualisation, and use every means to improve wages and conditions for workers. Victorian Socialists are campaigning in those wards because the Alliance demanded that we do that when they were still part of VicSocs and now the Alliance is likely to just split the vote and make it harder to get a socialist elected into any of those. 8vo. I'm involved in Victorian Socialists because I think getting a socialist elected means they could play an agitational role. It allows us to build unity by working together on a campaign. From last December, Andrews used his previous popularly supported association with the 2020 lockdown in Melbourne, which eliminated local virus transmission, in order to work with then Liberal-National Prime Minister Scott Morrison and New South Wales Premier Dominic Perrottet to scrap nearly all pandemic safety measures. Socialist Alternatives preparedness to use its numbers to restrict the democratic participation of independents in the Victorian Socialists means that Socialist Alliance does not believe that our continued participation in the project can be effective. But it would help champion progressive ideas in a mainstream way. For these reasons alone, any readers living in the Northern and Western Metropolitan Regions of Melbourne should vote Victorian Socialists in both houses - and encourage others to do the same. She was also instrumental in stopping the East West Link and has initiated fightbacks around local environmental issues including the toxic waste dump in Fawkner. As at November 2020, the party had one elected representative, Jorge Jorquera, a Councillor on Maribyrnong City Council. We will also collaborate in handing over to Victorian Socialists any of the positions or responsibilities that we have undertaken. Victorian Socialists' state election candidates on our vision for a society that puts people before profit, and why you should VOTE 1 Victorian Socialists this November and elect a socialist to parliament to fight for real change. Subscribe to Socialist Alliance & Green Left newsletters. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Since Victoria retains the undemocratic group voting ticket system, the so-called preference whisperer Glenn Druery tried to maximise far-right parties chances of election to the LC by organising them to tightly preference each other, but none received a high primary vote. The Victorian Socialists also support the introduction of a carbon neutral economy by 2035. I'd preference both above lab/lib/greens. Labor's resolution of status permanent visadoes not go far enough. The Socialist Alliance passes resolution that Labor'sIndigenous Voice to Parliament will be another token gesture, unless the government is forced by a strong popular movement to take real measures towardsFirst Nations justice. At the end of the day, change had to be fought for by ordinary people not parliament. Chartism, Social Agency, and the Victorian Novel, . Turnbull and Peter Dutton predictable law and order comments are clearly meant to attack the Victorian Labor government in an election year. Good for too long involved in Victorian Socialists ticket in the clear majority after.... State of Victoria during the early 20th century and Legalise Cannabis agreed to preference other... 1901 to the state election numbers and raise wages out 150 people to mass doorknock certain areas and similar! Socialists brings together socialist groups including socialist Alternative and the right organised by Alternative. 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