B. tattling. Suzanne, a sales representative at MedEx, a pharmaceutical firm, was being sexually harassed by her manager, Phil. E. price discrimination. D. Restricted. 146. Principled. E. frame of conventionality. 122. Explanation: Making claims or predictions about specific results can lead to misrepresentation lawsuits if failure to uphold the claim occurs. Lee has been told that if she wants to keep her job, she needs to get at least three couples to sign up for this trip. 61. Dianas division produced Geyser, Cathys division produces water pump. C. earn less sales revenue. A. gives the buyer three weeks to return merchandise. Answer: Misrepresentation and breach of warranty. Multiple world religions adhere to the Golden Rule. Do I need a Box Spring with my Emma Mattress? Explanation: Cooperative acceptance is the employee right to be treated fairly and without sexual or racial harassment. A. postconventional. Average sales per employee for the region (Average sales = Total sales made for the region / Number of employees in the region). _____ are the codes of moral principles and values that govern the behaviors of a person or a group with respect to what is wrong. I ordered an incorrect size, can I still change my order? What does society expect from me? E. be separate from the individual. 1. if the division that produces mixer doesnt produce juicer, which of the following statement is true? Search orders for rows with a customer number of 001. D. 3. 56. Or 19,20,5 (20 - 19 is not 3 and 5 is not a multiplication of 3). D. What is the right thing to do? Explanation: An increase in the number of sales territories usually necessitates splitting a single territory, which takes customers away from a salesperson. {FIXED [Customer Name]: COUNTD (year ([Order Date]))}={COUNTD (year ([Order Date]))} Then write a table calculation to compare current sales with . A. operational. : Result: 650, +64 +64. Reciprocity. Bribes, which can involve gifts and travel, are often hard to detect because in some cases they may be legitimate gifts. 129. C. whistle-blowing. B. allows some customers to receive price reductions while others do not. not sure. E. preconventional. Principle-based statements generally outline the procedures to be used in specific ethical situations. A. Barna Research is conducting an ongoing study of sources influencing Americans' ethical and moral decision-making processes. 115. E. Most managers feel that they and their employees are operating as ethically as possible. STV XYA KKT BDE: Result: KKT, contains 2 same character. Explanation: Reciprocity refers to buying a product from someone if the person or organization agrees to buy from you. VAILANT:UBKJZOS -> TRANSCEND:? Under what condition(s) is it illegal for a manufacturer to offer a reseller an exclusive dealership? She has also purchased goods worth Rs. D. Discretionary. A building supply salesperson who sells vacation real estate on company time. 1. It will save you a great amount of time! A salesperson competing in a foreign country may end up competing with foreign companies that are allowed to do things considered unethical by U.S. standards. He is not ready to sign a bond but doesnt mind paying a sum of $1000 as security deposit. 161. B. managers. Although several federal laws influence record keeping, they are primarily directed at private employers. Result: OEXP, +2 +4 +6 +8. 27. Explanation: Reciprocity involves agreeing to buy a product from one person if they return the favor. D. was designed to protect the rights of the employers. Marketers at 50,000 organizations worldwide choose us to power smarter email campaigns and hit their goals faster. Please feel free to connect with us via our channels below available 24/7Email: support@emma-sleep.comLandline: +1-888-580-3662or speak directly with an agent using the live-chat feature on our website, available from 08:00 to 18:00 GMT-6, Monday-Friday! Many religions follow the Golden Rule in one form or another. This means that the mattress is made of non-toxic materials and is safe for use! 148. A. co-workers. In the blank write coord. difference from previous token is not the same). D. Discretionary. 1. 42. She has also purchases goods worth $150 in the previous month. Am I still eligible for the 10 year warranty? Allows you to share lockdown templates, logos and manage distributed groups and helps turn your busy routines into a streamlined brand. Union influence is less likely to be affected. E. preconventional A. the organization's employees and the organization itself. Kindly have your order number or email address handy for a us to quickly check your order, and we'll take care of the rest. E. minimizing union control. Companies around the United States have been liable for million-dollar judgments for making such mistakes, particularly when their salespeople sold high-ticket, high-tech products or services. D. Ethics related to employees and communities are never difficult to understand when doing business in another country. 0. He/she should have stayed in Georgia for not less than 5 years, immediately preceding the date of application, 5. Explanation: Cooling-off claws provide a cooling-off period (usually three days) in which the buyer may cancel the contract, return any merchandise, and obtain a full refund. Control systems that monitor and penalize the ethical behavior of salespeople are a useful tool in creating an ethical work environment. A salesperson should thoroughly educate all customers before making a sale to avoid future legal problems. Europe, Middle East and Africa - EMEA: Europe, Middle East and Africa is a geographical division used by many multinational corporations. D. "Our employees have extensive training in how to pamper our customers." C. Most people are in the preconventional and conventional levels of moral development. C. Cultural differences are never the source of ethical dilemmas. Which conditions were needed to know how many fridges were sold this year. 120. All of the following are involved in the majority of sales people's ethical issues EXCEPT: I am missing some of orders, can you please update me? Should not be more than 28 years and not less than 21 years of age as on 01.02.2012from aonecode.com C. Conventional. Explanation: Most international firms have high ethical standards, and the ones that do not cannot be defined to a specific region or culture. Green River ordinances require that industrial salespeople who sell complex machineries to organizations be licensed before approaching customers. E. The development of ethics training seminars. E. Protect consumers from high-pressure, unethical sales tactics C. mandatory cooling off period. 0,1,1,2,4,8,? Explanation: When a customer relies on a salesperson's statements, purchases the product or service, and then finds that it fails to perform as promised, the supplier can be sued for misrepresentation and breach of warranty. D. Taft-Hartley Act. All of the following are characteristics of ethical behavior EXCEPT: The division that produces mixer doesnt produce blender. Ethics. What you can learn from the given information. Sales drives in big organizations, many a times, fall flat on the face. Explanation: Integrity, trust, and character help form the values or moral code of conduct toward others. 75. If you simplify your message, the customer would remember your entire presentation. B. the organization's production and finance departments. 94. Donna buys two laptop computers for $2,000. Explanation: The Clayton Act serves to prohibit sales tactics such as tie-ins and exclusive dealerships when such actions lessen market competition. Explanation: A code of ethics is a formal statement of the company's values concerning ethics and social issues. C. Conventional. 25 > Age > 20, 4. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1. 3. What are the two major influences on the ethical behavior of sales personnel? Report to HR if a candidate was not majored in CS but has 3 years of CS experience. According to the text, why do most employees in organizations succumb to questionable ethical standards or only follow formal policies? E. Moonlighting. I received my Emma as a gift. The salesperson promised the radio station manager that the new $30,000 computer system would be compatible with the equipment already used by the station. A person at the preconventional level of moral development follows rules to receive rewards or avoid punishment. Given expression: (V # X) / (V X), X ? The law covers sales of $25 or more made door-to-door. For more information, please check our Terms and Conditions. Such actions are prohibited under the Clayton Act because they lessen competition. E. Eliminating cooperative acceptance A. misrepresentation and breach of warranty. C. "We offer a 100 percent order-fill rate; you'll never experience a back-order." You know that in the past Craig has sold some items that were not what he claimed they were and you suspect that some of his baseball memorabilia might be forgeries. Learn more via this link. 160. D. habitual. False. 85. Jackson buys 15 units of the same laptop computer for $12,000. Unfortunately, only Emma products that were purchased in the US and through our official website are covered by our warranty. E. support for corporate social responsibility programs. Yes, you definitely can! What is the right thing to do? A. A. misrepresentation. What condition can I return the mattress in? Under current U.S. laws regarding termination-at-will, it is illegal to terminate an employee for: B. E. an exclusive kickback. The actions taken by top management. C. Affirmative action. C. never sells the customer more than he/she wants. Because there are now matching rows in orders, do not place a row in the result table. Where is he from the original spot? Employees who observe or become aware of criminal practices or unethical behavior should be encouraged to report the incident to their superiors, but in this case, Harold was unfairly dismissed. A sister is N years younger than her brother. Which of the following statements, if false, would most likely have legal consequences? If management decides to increase the number of territories in a state, there is a possibility the earnings of the salespeople working that state will decrease. B. 100. Let's take a closer look at how to create subscriptions, and how they work. C. Commissioned salespeople cannot be bribed because of the commission system. :Result: 100, difference 1^2 ,2^2, 10, 74, 202, 394, ? It automates provisioning, configuring, securing, tuning, scaling, and backing up of the data warehouse. His territory includes Illinois, Iowa, and Missouri. which of the following pairs are at the diagonal corners? Discover how State Fair of Texas used automation to quadruple ticket sales . D. discretionary. 62. Sample table: nobel_win. Which of the following statements about employee rights is true? E. A mutually-beneficial buying situation that does not lessen competition. A. Explanation: Requiring a customer to buy one product when buying another product is known as a tie-in sale. Drop us an email The case should be referred to the Chairman. When the exclusive dealership lessens competition. Question: How many people is in the second floor. It uses foams certified by CertiPUR-US, which are tested to ensure a low level of VOC emissions that could affect indoor air quality. Result: 652 each number -1. Result: 643 each number -1. Explanation: Respect for the dignity of the individual is at the heart of the universal moral code referred to as "the Golden Rule" by most people of the world. Sharon will be upset because she is losing commissions for a large account. A. however, if the customer fulfills all the conditions except (2), and if the sales region code is less than 10, delivery charges of $10 would be levied. Anna, a non-Georgia, American citizen, is a high school graduate with family income of $20,000 per annum. Linda Moore is a commission salesperson whose territory for the last nine years has been the entire state of Virginia. E. Preconventional By using this site you agree to our use of cookies as described in our, &HUWLILFDWHRI7UDLQLQJ86 'HSDUWPHQWRI/PERU :DDWG+RTU 'LYLVLRQ$FFRUGLQJWRWKH3DSHUZRUN5HGXFWLRQ$FWRIQRSHUVRQVDUHUHTXLUHGWRUHVSRQGWRWKLVFROOHFWLRQ XQOHVVLWGLVSODVDFXUUHQWOYDOLG20%FRQWUROQXPEHU20%&RQWURO1XPEHU, ACCORD CREMATION AND BURIAL SERVICES CREMATION AND DISPOSITION AUTHORI, THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA REVISED UNIFORM PARTNERSHIP ACT, CIVIL LAW NOTARY - AN OFFICE WHOSE TIME HAS COME IN THE U, Power of attorney - Big Fish Payroll Services, Upload Initials Event Facility Rental Agreement, Upload Initials Roommate Rental Agreement, Upload Initials Standard Lease Rental Agreement, Upload Initials Boat Slip Lease Agreement, emma is a customer whose sales region code is 08, emma is a customer whose sales region code is 08 she has been regularly ordering goods from abc company for more than four years she has also purchased goods worth 150 in the previous mont, emma is a customer whose sales region code is 08 she has been regularly, priya is a customer whose sales region code is 08, priya is a customer whose sales region code is 8, priya is a customer whose sales region code, priya is a customer whose sales region code is 8 she has been regularly ordering goods, priya is a customer whose sales region code is 8 she has been regularly ordering goods from abc, priya is a customer whose sales region code is 14, priya is a customer whose sales region code is 8 she has been. D. How big is the territory? Explanation: Price discrimination refers to selling the same quantity of the same product to different buyers at different prices. D. discriminatory selling. E. maintaining personal sales goals. B. 153. B. For maximum brand recognition, a company need not spend on media channels other than radio publicizing. Result: J2L, the first character increase by 3(+3), the middle number drops 5, the last letter = first letter + middle number, G + 3 = J, 7 - 5 = 2, last = J + 2 = L. COMPUTER:GKQLYPIN -> SENATE:? Explanation: As principles of ethics and social responsibility are more widely recognized, companies can use codes of ethics and their corporate cultures to govern behavior, thereby eliminating the need for additional laws governing right and wrong. Explanation: Moonlighting occurs when an employee takes a second job or attends classes on company time. Explanation: A code of ethics is a formal statement of the company's values concerning ethics and social issues. Explanation: A fixed point of reference refers to something that provides the correct action to take in any situation and never gets tailored to fit an occasion. Explanation: Employee disclosure of illegal, immoral, or illegitimate practices on the employer's part is called whistle-blowing. F is facing A. Brother was born 1988. We'd love to hear from you. Our experts have concluded that this is the firmness level suitable for most types of sleepers, as it offers the right balance of pressure relief and support. Conditions for selections of a candidate are as follows: 1. C. Ethics related to employees and community are often more difficult to understand when doing business in another country. Statements: I) Lithium has the smallest size. 16. B. Suzanne can most likely sue MedEx based on which type of sexual harassment? Live support is available from 08:00 to 18:00 GMT-6, Monday-Friday! A. many early 20th century courts strictly applied the termination-at-will rule. False. Principled. What to do with the candidate? Using a box spring is optional when using the Emma CliMax Mattress. D. Cooperative acceptance. C. sales puffery. C. A travel agent who sells antiques on the Internet during the weekends. Is the 365-Night trial applicable for all products? E. relies on conflicting belief systems. Decide whether to invite a company to Environmental Protection Conference. Kindly have your order number, email address and tracking number handy for a us to quickly check your order, and we'll take care of the rest. On the job, Gary acts purely in his own best interests. You can choose your country from the list below: The email address will naturally be cared for according to our strict. C. Misrepresentation. 20. B. The single most important factor in improving the climate for ethical behavior in a sales force is the existence of a detailed code of ethics. D. employers have the right to terminate sales personnel for excessive absenteeism. This is an example of: At the conventional level, a person conforms to expectations and laws. 113. Deliver charges of $12 would be levied for a code more than 10. Chapter 5 Vocab Evolution and Community Ecolo, Final study guide professional selling MAR3400, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self. 106. Cooperative acceptance. If you wish to return it later on, simply reach out to us and we'll take care of the rest! B. bribery. Both together are sufficient for answering the problem question, 4. C. What is the industry standard? A. misrepresentation. A. be accurate when describing her product's capabilities. What is the single most important factor in improving the climate for ethical behavior in a sales force? Print Pattern: Missing { } to wrap up the two lines of code in a for-loop, causing the second line to be excluded from the for-loop. 66 people are in a 3-level building. B. selective discounting. _____Is Dad cooking dinner tonight or ordering pizza? Policy-based statements generally outline the procedures to be used in specific ethical situations. Such statements are viewed as opinions and are generally not considered unethical. It is known that one of the levels has 21 people in it and the second floor has 2 people more than the first floor. Our free shipping takes approximately 2-5 business days nationwide. 2. Termination-at-will: E. Recognizing good deeds. Each coordinator is at a different corner of the rectangle meeting hall. Salespeople want to boost sales for the firm but also need to be ethical with their customers. Explanation: A person at the preconventional level makes decisions based on what he or she can get away with. 139. Religious background. E. Key account. 26. Edna Wallace is a little worried concerning all the talk she has heard recently about lawsuits due to misrepresentation and breach of warranty. 74. At the conventional level, a person conforms to expectations and laws. 4. must not have availed bulk discount before, 5. must have been provided a special discount of 5% or less than that in the previous dealings, 6. must have been regularly ordering for more than 3 years, 1. if the customer fulfills all the conditions except (2), and if the sales region code is less than 10, delivery charges of $1- would be levied. To help her "stay legal," her sales manager should advise her to do all of the following EXCEPT: Return year, subject, winner, country, and category. D. Discretionary. Reciprocity. She lives in a rural district. B. assumes that the individual is operating at an unrestricted moral level. Sharon's manager has decided to change Sharon's key account in the territory to a house account. At most, they only follow formal policies and procedures. When salespeople loosely describe their goods or services in glowing terms, those statements cannot be relied upon by the potential buyer. A customer is as gullible as a child and hence may ask many questions. If he can sell these remaining tickets, he will receive a $500 bonus. If northwest becomes east, northeast becomes south, and so on, what does southeast become? A round table sits 8 people A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H. F is two seats to the right of C. A and E sit by the sides of G. B and H are right facing each other. "This refrigerator will preserve foods in the warmest weather." 35. I would write the query like this: SELECT c.CustomerName, Count (o.CustomerId) FROM Customers c LEFT JOIN Orders o ON o.CustomerID = c.CustomerID GROUP BY c.CustomerName; Notes: Table aliases ( c and o) make the query easier to write and to read. According to the U.S. Supreme Court, sexual harassment violates ________ if it is unwelcome and "sufficiently severe" and creates an "abusive working environment." A. stringent codes of ethics. Call Must have at least 1 years work experience, 4. Our mattres is compatible with any type of bed frame; you can even lay it flat out on the floor! E. To "stay legal" a salesperson needs to understand the difference between general statements of praise and statements of fact. A. Philanthropic. Which of the following statements about bribery is most likely true? D. sales over $50, made in hometown offices. My order is showing delivered but I did not receive it. Which direction is he from the original spot? A. Reciprocity is considered illegal if it hurts competition. The salesperson is most likely operating at which level of moral development? "I'll buy all my building supplies from your company if you'll make sure your people rent generators from my firm." The firm sells modular office furniture, offers space planning consultations, and provides office relocation services. What other financing options are available? E. removes the employer's ability to terminate-at-will without justification. The travel demands 3 men and 1 woman. A round table sits 8 people A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H. F is two seats to the right of C. - which two people sit in front of each other? B. D. standardization of fixed points of reference. 3. The customers: 1. are divided into two categories: those who have sales region code of 10 or above into one category and those with a code less than 10 into another. E. Personality. D. television. He is not ready to sign a bond but doesnt mind paying a sum of $1000 as security deposit. D. Mature. Clark is a soft drink salesperson who is enrolled in a vocational technology program that meets at night. Our financial partners Klarna & ShopPay offer flexible, interest-free payments: you can choose either our pay-in-4 option, or our monthly installments option of up to 12 months. Evans is most likely guilty of: Therefore, most employees in an organization feel they must "go along to get along"; in other words, they acquiesce to questionable ethical standards to keep their jobs. Evans tells a potential client that Innovative Installers offers the most modern and stylish office furniture available on the market. 88. E. Even if the salesperson misrepresentation statement is made innocently, many courts will award damages to the customer. 9. Explanation: Many companies are concerned about sexual harassment, and they educate employees about inappropriate behavior with brochures and training. D. price discrimination. Jack walked 4 miles south-east, 8 miles west and then 4 miles northwest. If an applicant is from a rural district but is not a resident of Georgia, the case may be referred to the Chairman. B. 1. According to the text, modern corporations seek salespeople with all of the following characteristics EXCEPT: A. character. E. fact-finding. 71. Sometimes the odd indices follow a pattern and the even indices follow another pattern. To sign a bond but doesnt mind paying a sum of $ 25 or made! And are generally not considered unethical when buying another product emma is a customer whose sales region code is 08 known as a tie-in sale estate company... And the even indices follow another pattern ongoing study of sources influencing Americans ' emma is a customer whose sales region code is 08 and decision-making! 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