c. Correlational research Which of the following statements about education as a social institution is true? D) In what ways can we communicate about the product? Cultures that score high on the Uncertainty Avoidance Index. c) Personality 1: The Equity Method of Accounting for In, Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition, Marketing Essentials: The Deca Connection, Carl A. Woloszyk, Grady Kimbrell, Lois Schneider Farese, Axial Skeleton Overview - lumbar vertebrae, s. While running, each machine can turn out 50 pieces per hour. b. counterculture. C) Culture often provides detailed prescriptions for appropriate behavior. Which types of government foundered during the 20th century? d) Society, Unlike humans, nonhuman animals do not have social groups. A case study B) African American and Latino children are more likely than White American children are to live in small families. The firm treats discounts taken as a reduction in the acquisition cost of merchandise. D. the interest in understanding cultural influences on behavior. a) enculturation A common practice or belief found in every culture. How do social institutions affect cultural values? 1. b) Race is a social construction. Neil: Sure, I can memorize the rules, but my problem is I want to be sure I understand the basic concepts behind the rules. When people from different cultures come together to communicate, their messages are guided by and reflect their fundamental values. o It enables communication between marketers and consumers. Question: 1) Which of the following statements is correct regarding organizational culture? The emergence of cola brands such as Mecca Cola and Arab Cola in the Middle East in the 2000s is a reflection of which of the following? Americas are expected to be on time to an event, and they expect others to do so as well. o Markets are static entities that do not evolve in response to cultural influences. o willing to take risks c. Police officers A responsible effort to learn from the cultural ways of others in the quest for a solution to a society's problems is known as, In the context of thought processes, Asians. judicial activism. The most obvious rituals take place when people are experiencing turning points in their lives. Which of the following statements is true of human cultures? o Culture is important to all aspects of marketing except pricing. d) Phonetics; Phonemes, All humans share the same basic needs and abilities, and it's important to understand the reasons why people of different cultures do things the way they do them. Which of the following statements is an example of cultural relativism? c) Animals have the cognitive ability to share their intentions with others. a. Which of the following statements is true of animals? Which of the following statements about the origins of culture is true? E) lifestyles, With respect to demographics, which of the following refers to the number of individuals in a society? b) False. o It is easier to gain entry into a country for foreign investment if local content from the host country is not used in any of the products. d. subculture. Which statement is true of culture? A) distribution a) People have worldviews because of evolved, complex cognition. E) concentration, With respect to demographics, which of the following describes the society in terms of age, income, education, and occupation? C. Many animals communicate with each other, What are the three characteristics of human cultures that differentiate them from animal cultures? Even though English is spoken in the schools she attends, there are students from all over the world whose parents have jobs similar to Karen's father. . Which of the following statements about rituals is true? Marketers adapt to changes in their business circumstances through. A) standardization A culture is most likely to accept something new when _____. when doing business in a foreign country, ignoring how seriously the local people take their superstitions, Patterns of cultural behavior and interaction that are learned and repeated are known as, The loss of various spoken languages is part of a general. The probability that a machine will have to wait for an adjustment. a) embeddedness E) all of the above, Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition, Essential Cell Biology - Chapter 13, ESSENTIA. d. mores. 4: Socialization and the Life C, NEP 2380 - Chapter 14: Lifecycle Nutrition Pr, Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics, Douglas A. Lind, Samuel A. Wathen, William G. Marchal, Claudia Bienias Gilbertson, Debra Gentene, Mark W Lehman. c) Beliefs One aspect he must learn about the country is its size, structure, and distribution. (3) During February: Sold merchandise costing$162,400 to various customers for $62,900 cash and$194,600 on account. With each new school, Karen spends the first few weeks merely observing the other students to learn which behaviors are appropriate in specific situations because she's learned that at each school the kids behave differently. c) Masculinity vs. femininity refers to the distribution of emotional roles between males and females. Values are concepts that have ultimate and long-term significance. b. One of the most important thinking abilities that humans have unlike other animals is the ability to _____. Which of the following statements regarding cultural borrowing is true? c) Many animals communicate with each other. a It involves observing behavior in the lab without taking formal notes or using b. e. Mastersource Inc. is engaging in cultural, Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield, chapter 7 Circulation: The Heart and Blood Ve. o It affects all marketing activities except pricing. Which of the following are characteristic of global marketers who understand cultural differences that affect their business operations? Which sociological perspective is most closely aligned with the factory manager's statement in which he attempts to justify the dangerous working conditions? Which of the following have the greatest effect on values and culture? The spread of McDonald's restaurants throughout Asia is an example of: What's Moving After Hours. In Maria's situation, the income her family needs to pay the rent and purchase food and clothing represents the __________ component of culture. In the context of international marketing, culture. C) In many countries, males have more career opportunities than females. Mastersource Inc. is engaging in cultural. Which of the following are characteristic of global marketers who understand cultural differences that affect their business operations? o They anticipate changes in markets where they are presently doing business. o When people are introduced to a belief or practice from another culture and they approve of it, they incorporate it into their own culture. b. cultural leveling. In the context of best marketing practices in the European Union, international marketers must. Philip Parker's work indicates that managers should. Her ethical need to avoid turning in the names of her coworkers in the union represents the ___________ component of culture. The viewing of people's behavior from the perspective of their own culture. Fast food is the best way to feed busy families. b.. C) China a. cultural imperialism. In the context of society and culture, which of the following statements is true? C) Per capita income (PCI) E) all of the above E o Argues for geography's deep influence on history, economics, and consumer behavior E) composition, _____ refers to the physical location of individuals in terms of geographic region and rural, suburban, and urban location. c. Culture acts as a lens through which one views the world and is passed on from one generation to the next. Which of the following IS NOT true about cultural psychology? a. - shows up at school or work wearing inappropriate clothing, maintains that stability requires a consensus and the support of society's members. C. Many animals communicate with each other (True) 28. d) power distance, Schwartz's value dimension of _____ refers to the degree to which cultures emphasize the legitimacy of pyramidal allocation of fixed roles and resources such as social power, authority, humility, or wealth. D) structure o It does not affect the expansion and contraction of markets. People from cultures with low Power Distance Index scores often say that _____ is a source of power. D) music Military uniforms Explain capital. 1. a) Many psychologists today agree that race is more of a biological essential than a social construction. b. on our roadways. The imposition of one culture's beliefs, practices, and artifacts on another culture through mass media and consumer products is called: a) True B) young children b) uncertainty avoidance It is designed to help you learn the material. b) Etics; Emics B) optimization Does the given item can be properly classified as part of factory overhead for Caterpillar, a maker of heavy machinery and equipment? Sustainability is a societal goal that relates to the ability of people to safely co-exist on Earth over a long time. Governments have little influence over cultural values when compared to school, religion, family, and the media. d. technology is only useful for spreading factual information. a. in the media. a) mastery An established standard of behavior maintained by a society. c) Religion A set of cultural beliefs and practices that helps to maintain powerful social, economic, and political interests. b) Cultural worldviews are universal belief systems about the world. d. that elites (such as politicians and wealthy business owners) apply different standards to others' personal behaviors than they do to their own. o A country's culture is independent of geographical influences. o fascism It can lead people to think that cultures have more in common than they actually do. Preferential treatment programs for minorities can be illegal in some cases. E) concentration, The population of the United States is almost 300 million people. D) Geographics a. o The way people consume has little to do with their culture. c) Collectivism o Family time has replaced media time in most western cultures. Cultures with high Uncertainty Avoidance Index scores have. Which of the following statements about values is correct? (True) 27. . In reality, organizational cultures are typically blurry and fragmented. techniques psychologists use to observe The marketer's interaction with the local culture determines whether the marketing will fail or succeed. C) schools Which aspect of culture best explains this behavior? o colonialism. o They pay attention to cultural differences in markets they are attempting to enter. Which of the following are advantages of cultural sensitivity in international marketing? o Marketers expect consumers to have flexible cultural demands that adapt to market conditions. The term wellness is defined as the characteristic or quality of being in good and fine health, mental, and social well being.. Wellness is basically being in best physical and mental as well as social health.There are several types of wellness such . b. positive sanctions. D) Purchasing power parity (PPP) d) Unlike humans, other animals cannot achieve a cumulative culture that ratchets up. c. that American society has consistently moved toward embracing greater amounts of personal freedom. E) Saudi Arabia, Which of the following is enabling the growth of a global culture? C) demographics o Markets are in a constant state of flux. The process by which individuals learn and adopt the ways and manners of their specific culture is called _____. c) Societal cynicism o Geography is the key to inequality o Individualism/Collectivism Index. Which of the following statements regarding cultural values is true? The machines operate for an average of 86 minutes between adjustments. b) hierarchy c) Both culture and society refer to the meanings and information that are associated with social networks. His Uncertainty Avoidance Index score is low. Unlike a collectivist society, an individualistic society is one in which people. b) Power distance refers to the degree to which people feel threatened by ambiguous situations. Which of the following is true of cultures that have low Power Distance Index scores? True or false: Marketers must be aware that their own cultures affect how they perceive other cultures. Tools c) Communication, groups, and institutionalization How much is in the fund at the end of 5 years it is less expensive to do business in a foreign country where people speak a language that is similar to that of the marketer. People from cultures with low Power Distance Index scores often say that _____ is a source of power. o willing to put up with people who deviate from normal behavior They gave men more time to spend with their children. Cultural wars are frequently played out: d) Social axioms, _____ is a social axiom dimension that represents an outward-oriented, simplistic grappling with external forces that are construed to include fate and a supreme being. Innovations most easily incorporated into a culture are those that. grain elevator. a) power distance It is static and does not change. B) Gross domestic product (GDP) o Japan's population is increasing dramatically as young adults marry early and have numerous children. b. folkways. b) individualism versus collectivism d) Language, groups, and social needs, B. What are the implications of this difference, if there is one? The bank loan bears interest at a rate of 12% each year and is repayable with interest on February 1, Year 9. b. decrease in cultural distinctiveness around the world. She will continue to show this generosity for 202020 years, giving a total of 202020 payments. a. Which of the following statements is a good suggestion for managing cultural diversity? It has led marketers to the false conclusion that there is such a thing as the "European consumer.". b) Worldviews d) Animals do not have the ability to invent and use tools. link people strongly together through close-knit groups. Which of the following is the geographical argument used by Jared Diamond to theorize why Euro-Asian cultures have sometimes dominated African and American cultures? o manipulation. d. cultural warfare. Boris: Yes, pretty basic stuff . a) Cultural worldviews contain attitudes, beliefs, opinions, and values about the world. Because subcultures work against the dominant culture, they should be suppressed. E) all of the above, In which country is the concept of guanxi, which involves personal relationships, an important consideration? d) motivation, Scientists agree that many psychological processesattitudes, values, beliefs, personality, cognitionare inherently constructed by culture. The degree to which a culture will tolerate social inequality between superiors and subordinates is measured by the, Individuals from cultures that have low Power Distance Index scores, Cultures that score high on the Individualism/Collectivism Index tend to. o Governments have little influence over cultural values when compared to school, religion, family, and the media. 2. C) Psychographics Which of the following statements regarding similarities among cultures is true? Which of the following will cause the countries within the European Union to become increasingly similar in what they need, what they want, and how they behave in the economic market? know how people resist change within their cultures. It is easier to communicate with consumers who can read and write than with people who can understand only symbols. A smile c. A speeding ticket d. Being arrested b Which of the following is true concerning norms? What is the corresponding standard deviation? Values reflect a person's underlying beliefs. b) His affective and intellectual autonomy and egalitarianism are positively correlated with Hofstede's individualism. D) Dispersion a) Cultural worldviews contain attitudes, beliefs, opinions, and values about the world. Which of the following best explains the effect of birth control techniques on men's lives in the past 50 years? Thus, the United States values _____. d. Cultural diffusion usually occurs in the direction from more developed to less developed nations. d) Newborns have no culture. D) India Which sociological perspective claims that attacks on bilingual programs are often a result of ethnocentric views? d) intellectual autonomy, Hofstede's dimension of _____ has been used to both predict and explain many differences across cultures, especially in many aspects of thinking and emotions. A responsibility center in which a manager is responsible for revenues, costs, and investments is a(n), Identify the following term and explain their significance. o Cultural influences do not affect the expansion and contraction of markets. What are the four primary dimensions along which the cultures of nations differ, according to Geert Hofstede? Which of the following statements is true concerning cultural change? is the sum of the values, rituals, symbols, beliefs, and thought processes that are learned and shared by a group of people, then transmitted from generation to generation. d) individualism vs. collectivism. Axsome Therapeutics stock price target raised to $76 from $49 at Mizuho. C) power Norms deemed highly necessary to the welfare of a society. o composed of behaviors and values, the seen and unseen, that are learned, shared, and transmitted by a group of people. Which perspective would have particular concern about the exploitation and discrimination practiced by the company in El Salvador when it forces women to take pregnancy tests prior to being hired? b) False, Some cultures serve their purpose better than others, and not all cultures have worked until now. Karen's father is an executive for a major international corporation and has been transferred to various countries over the years. Which of the following statements about linguistic distance is true? C) concentration A) mass media (12) February 28: The firm recognizes an appropriate portion of the prepaid insurance as of January 31, Year 8. Which aspect of culture best explains this behavior? View full document. E) cooperation, Which of the following is considered a symbol that has varying meaning across cultures? Which of the following is a mistake sometimes made by marketers? (6) During February: Collected $84,600 from customers for sales on account (see transaction (3) above). _____ are rules that specify or prohibit certain behaviors in specific situations. Which of the following statements is true of the ratchet effect? a. A) size o Markets are molded by a marketer's promotion and distribution system, the region's economy, and various cultural influences. 1. Around the world, the number of spoken languages has been dwindling. Business OR BEHAVIO BU 401. Historic events can affect technology, social institutions, culture, and behavior. Which of the following is a mistake sometimes made by marketers? E) Cross-cultural purchasing power (CPP), Using one marketing strategy across various cultures is referred to as _____. The firm borrowed$90,000 from a local bank to finance the purchases. They pay attention to cultural differences in markets they are attempting to enter. c. Values are often consciously articulated in a company's mission statement. B. understand principles about human behaviors within a global perspective. d. in prison systems. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization [a] is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) aimed at promoting world peace and security through international cooperation in education, arts, sciences and culture. Randy works for a large manufacturing company. James would need to learn about poka-yoke. Question: Which of the following statements regarding culture is true? o It exists in the mind of each person. a. Norms are similar in every culture, time period, and situation. They gave men more time to spend with their children. A) Organizational culture is evaluative rather than descriptive. o Power Distance Index The process by which a cultural item spreads from group to group or society to society. d. taboo. a) Society is a system of interrelationships among people. . generate the most interest within society. In a group of four or five, select one person to play the role of Boris and one person to play the role of Neil. Which of the following statements is true? a) He reported data from 63 countries spanning over 100 different languages. As the economies of European nations are unified, consumers there want to buy the same products and services. C) work Values reflect a person's underlying beliefs. a. What is the major stated difference between subcultures and countercultures? o Historic events can affect technology, social institutions, culture, and behavior. Casca is a former unit commander of the Band of the Falcon and an estranged companion of Guts. a) Individualism versus collectivism d. It includes punishments but not rewards. Solve for the variable without using a calculator. b) Morality, a uniquely human product, is present since the birth of a child. (4) During February: Paid to employees compensation totaling $32,400 for services rendered during the month. B) Demographics Which of the following is a feature of language? _____ are widely held beliefs that affirm what is desirable. (5) During February: Paid utility (electric, water, gas) bills totaling$2,700 for services received during February Year 8. A) Economics The process of making known or sharing the existence of an aspect of reality. o India has mostly abandoned its tradition of arranged marriages. 1. b) Culture - Evaluating the practices of other cultures on the basis of one's own perspective Cultural relativism -Churches Cultural universal A common practice or belief found in every culture. c) Culture influences psychological processes, not behaviors. a) Hofstede suggests that there are four dimensions that differentiate cultures. a) All animals are solitary and do not live in groups. Which of the following statements regarding cultural values is true? c) He identified six universal values. Specific definitions of this term are difficult to agree on and have varied with literature, context, and time. It is easier to communicate with consumers who can read and write than with people who can understand only symbols. While outsiders may consider these rules too harsh, they are in the best interest of the whole company, including the workers." The systematic study of how biology affects human social behavior. Which types of government competed globally throughout most of the 20th century? A. Japanese women develop the self-concept that is bounded in one in which the self is separate from others B. Japanese women develop a self-concept that is flexible and situationally dependent C. Japanese women have difficulty developing self-esteem D. American women develop a self-concept that is flexible and situationally dependent d)Intellectual autonomy refers to the degree to which cultures emphasize the promotion and protection of people's independent pursuit of positive experiences. Which of the following is NOT true of technological change? o More women are waiting longer to get married. d. There may be a difference between espoused and enacted values. Cultural information about the ways in which the material resources of the environment may be used to satisfy human needs and desires. o inheritance. (a) The reaction is favorable at all T. (b) The reaction is unfavorable at all T. filhereaction is favorable atlowT, but unfavorable at high ~1hereaction is unfavorable at low T, but favorable athigh ~ fu'""\-"11\ev,.., Consider the . What kind of capital is education? (2) During February: Purchased merchandise on account totaling $217,900. In preparing for the Module 2 Discussion 2, you learned that news of the changes in Grand City has been spreading throughout the state and garnering interest among leaders in many In the context of the relationship between culture and human behavior, which of the following statements is correct? c. When it is most effective, it feels like self-control. A period of maladjustment when the nonmaterial culture is still struggling to adapt to new material conditions. Question: All of the following statements about culture and learning are true, EXCEPT: Group of answer choices A: Firms with strong cultures tend to have higher economic performance, especially in competitive markets. d. All of these statements about culture are true. -Silence on tee-off, norm that has been written down and that specifies strict punishments for violators. Which of the following statements regarding cultures that score high on the Individualism/Collectivism Index is true? Are cognitive, emotional, and physical abilities different in the degree to which jobs can be redesigned to accommodate people who lack relevant abilities? E. Culture is acquired, that is, it is learned. d. social change. C) cross-culturalization b. that norms change over time and across contexts and that changes in such norms are not always predictable. One suggestion for building a culture that respects diversity is that managers should be accountable for diversity-related goals. b) Only humans are social and have societies. Gabby feels pressure to change her shopping habits and considers purchasing clothing made in the United States or at least by more responsible companies. Which of the following statements regarding culture is true? d. Fans of the Cleveland Browns. B) distribution The firm depreciates such equipment on a straight-line basis over the expected life and uses an Accumulated Depreciation account. They tend to distrust people who are not part of their groups. o They anticipate changes in markets where they are presently doing business. b) Individualism Describe the return on a college degree investment. a. that the United States has always adopted a punitive approach toward this substance. Human culture is a unique meaning and information system, shared by a group and transmitted across generations, that allows the group to meet basic needs of survival, pursue happiness and well-being, and derive meaning from life. Which of the following statements is true regarding the function of the brain a. Glucose molecules are ultimately secreted into the renal tubules. Which of the following statements about social institutions and their influence on culture is true? Watch the full episode on Rumble or listen to the podcast on SpotifyIt is the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the decision by the U.S. and its NATO allies to treat the war as its . B which of the following statements about linguistic Distance is true borrowing is true regarding the function of the may! Expect others to do with their culture 62,900 cash and $ 194,600 on account ) Language, groups, social... 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