Finally, in June, they embarked on their thirdand final trip, which would last a total of four nights. It sucks! And the all the video footage? The fact that they have six large gill slit has made them extremely distinctive. I too was lmao when they actually said submarine watched the killer whales and learned from them.what?? There ruining the sharks reputation. At least they dont try to label the cheesy stuff theyre putting out as science. Really? Females tend to be larger than malesmeasuring up to 18 feet at maturityand give birth to 40 to 110 pups at a time, but we dont know where they breed or how long they gestate. Think Blair Witch all over again. The sonar is what got me. A tense 20 seconds passed before Grubbs and the other scientists sitting in the research boats mission control area heard Frey's voice come in over the radio. If you lower the brain temperature down to 30C (86F), it can increase the survival time from 10 to 20 minutes. It was uploaded to social media by Gavin Naylor, a Professor at the University of Florida, where it has received more than a million views. then, i started to do more research and nothing was coming up. The Akula I submarinesdesignated Shchuka (Pike) in Russian servicewere foremost intended to hunt U.S. Navy submarines, particularly ballistic-missile submarines. Can we bring a species back from the brink? I never miss it. Nonetheless, the Russian Navy has kept its boats busy. The lead scientist on the mission, FSU Marine Lab's Dr. Dean Grubbs, has been the first to put a satellite tag on one of these elusive sharks, but until now had only been able to do so by bringing them up to the surface.Stay tuned for a full video from the mission coming up soon on #OceanX. I think the 2 shows Megalodon and submarine are a joke. ppppppppppppppppppppp Ill NEVER watch Discovery Channel again. By Shame on you!!! Both are way more believable than Submarine. Every year, the average puppy size is 1.2 m (4.9 ft), and their growth rate is approximately 25% (9.8 in). This boat was capsized by heavy swell in the middle of the day and had nothing to do with a shark, let alone a mythical one. The tag that Naylor applied to the sixgill has a three-month lifespan. Even my sons no longer watch this. The under water footage is from the deep water horizon oil disaster. Shame on you DC! Four 533-millimeter torpedo tubes and four large 650-millimeter tubes could deploy up to forty wire-guided torpedoes, mines, or long-range SS-N-15 Starfish and SS-N-16 Stallion antiship missiles. Shark of Darkness: Wrath of Submarine premiered on Discovery on Sunday night. Also, way to be commitmentphobic Discovery Channel, last year Submarine was a relic Megaladon, and now hes been downgraded to just a fucking huge Great White. Here's What You Need to Remember:Despite the Akulas poor readiness rate, they continue to make up the larger part of Russias nuclear attack submarine force, and will remain in service into the next decade until production of the succeeding Yasen class truly kicks into gear. Or that schedules are prepared months ahead of time. Wikipedia. Captain Lee Crane is the submarine's Commanding Officer.One of the on-board observers is Dr. Susan Hiller, studying crew-related stress. Glad to see it was false because the show was disturbing to me. I thought the point of Shark Week was to dispell these myths. What has this Discovery channel become? You can see the location stamp from Canyon Offshore that operated the ROVs that shot the video. Dates, locations, facts, numbers, and so many other things that were said has no info to back it up!! Discovery Channel used to educate people with legitimate programming and shark week was once my favorite week of the year but its become a complete farce and contribute to the miseducation of the gullible. A single tank can carry a lot of heavy weapons and is fast and maneuverable. Instead we got a viewing experience wherein a giant shark has, in addition to its many other newly acquired (and impressive) array of skillsets and tradecraft, developed a reverse gear which allows him to forgo with all of the messiness which a universal law of general applicability entails. Im hoping that the tag will shed light on the sharks home range and maybe, since its a male, the location of breeding grounds., The teams success is proof that animals can be successfully tagged in the deep sea from submersibles. Complete nonsense, discredits every other show they air. All rights reserved (About Us). Right before you show that part, just have someone saythe following may be something like what we think may have happened but please keep in mind this is just our opinion. The International Union for Conservation of Natures Red List of Threatened Species classifies bluntnose sixgills as near threatened, but there is not enough data to estimate their population or discern whether it is increasing or dwindling. How STUPID am I????? Yet only 10 percent of the worlds waters have been mapped with sonar, and scientists estimate up to two-thirds of marine life remains undiscovered. This year, the Chakra will also be joined by the domestically-produced Arihant class, which is based on the Akula but reoriented to serve as a ballistic-missile sub. At 16.5ft in length, it is even the same size as one. This feature on Submarine or any shark for that matter should be based on the facts and if any ACTUAL footage exists, have that be included. And a few other movies. Fake!!! That they have no more viewers. ago. These accounts can easily be found on google, indeed the first google result for Melvyn Thurmond is the typepad blog. Lifeguards asked them to get out and the shark alarm sounded several times. Add . He is the oldest out of the four and possesses super strength, making him the strongest out of the four siblings and everyone else in the world. The shocking attack yesterday afternoon came after an increase in recent shark sightings and led to calls for an electronic warning system to alert swimmers. It was a fun bit of fiction and I can proudly say I know that guy Dickie who got on the fake shark to attract sharks. Source: The U.S. Navy still operates forty-three Los Angeles-class boats, though fourteen newer Seawolf- and Virginia-class submarines still beat out the Akula in discretion. And you guys didnt see the report on the Sharknado in the middle of Nevada, thats their next documentary!!! A man was swimming in the ocean when he was suddenly pushed out to sea by a submarine shark. According to Rodgers, Prinsloo said other fishermen warned him of a five meter (16 foot) white shark that was spotted close to where he was swimming on Tuesday. You would think after all the negative feedback that surrounded megladon last year that Disvovery would have caught on and realized they need to stop with the fake and focus on the real facts. Also thought last year megladon was real too . Emerging from the shadows, video shows the shark baring its jaws before gulping down a fish carcass. Submarine shark pushes man out to sea. Also you had me until you said that submarine stopped and waited for the right time, and pushed the man further out to sea to separate him from the others, thats actually laughable , orcas yes ,great white.not !! Discovery should be ashamed. Urgh, just so many things that make no sense. Then these 3 victims survived on an air pocket in the shipwreck undersea after 4 hours under water? I too am VERY DISAPPOINTED. From pioneering the use of solar energy to helping to eradicating disease, here are just a few ways the 39th U.S. president has made the world a better place. On the third night, a pesky grouper swam by at exactly the moment they had fired at a sixgill, intercepting the precious tag. And if a shark that size would have really hit the cage!?! I dont want to watch fake crap during sharkweek. After the prolific Victor class and expensive titanium-hulled Sierra class, construction of the first Project 971 submarine, Akula (Shark), began in 1983. And these four, along with the rescuer, survived 30 feet swim to the cage and managed to get out of the cage whose pulley got broken? Cape Town's disaster management services had issued a warning hours earlier that sharks had been spotted in the water, but the shark flag was not flying. Even samuel jackson would say it was complete bullshit. The world is going to hell and you people think this is Cute!!!! Despite shark attacks, the submarine is still a vital part of modern naval warfare. Michelle Jewell (Wcisel)isa Zoologist specialized in predator/prey behaivour and the Scientific Communicator forEDNA Interactive. The monstrous predator swam out of the gloom at 528 metres below the surface, where sunlight cannot penetrate, in Cape Eleuthera off the coast of the Bahamas. How this supposed horrific set of shark attacks happened earlier in this year, yet not a single media outlet reported on them as if shark attacks are never massively huge sensationalist news? Three years later, there was an unconfirmed claim (this time denied by the U.S. Navy) that another Akula had spent a month prowling in the Gulf of Mexico without being caught. They really had me fooled. But despite outside support and resources, things did not immediately look promising. False Bay was patrolled by the massive Great White Shark, The Submarine, during the 1980s as a result of False Bays massive population. Is it bad if i actually believed this when watching it? And how about the families of those victims of that boat that capsized? I always thought that Discovery channel was a legitimate educational channel. After practicing in a pond with a shark carcass, the teams first trip was scuttled when a giant female sixgill turned her belly to the submarine at the exact moment when they prepared to shoot a tag at her. He went on to tag more than twenty bluntnose sixgills this way in five different regions of the world. At the time, this submarine was the smallest in the Kriegsmarine.a Beretta (submarine)class. Cool Submarine Shark Pushes Man Out To Sea References. Megalodon drew 5 million viewers, but Shark of Darkness drew 3.8 million, a significant decrease from the previous audience. Locals believe this shark is responsible for countless fatal attacks, but its . These studies have uncovered lots of interesting facts about these monstrous sea dwellers. However, that confidence was dented in the mid-1980s, when the Soviet Navy launched its Akula-class nuclear-powered attack submarines. Then the sea was full of blood. 09:27 GMT 03 Aug 2019 Only good great white documentary I know of was done by PBS Nature series. Wont watch Discovery ever again. That ruined our chances of a cruise! It never ceases to amaze to what levels we will drop just to attract viewers. Come on guysif you need a director to handle keeping it together for next years Shark Week give me a call or write me an email. Its so easy to do a quick search on the net these days, they have to know that something like this will be exposed as a hoax. Its such a disservice to their viewers and just bad for their reputation!! A group of great whites was feeding on swordfish. Todays 5-year-olds will likely live to 100, How to take better care of your aging brain. By snout? hmmm. I was ready to believe it because I thought I could trust them. 115K 37M views 1 year ago #Shark Shark Attack Man In Sea Fishing Boat | Fun Made Shark Movie By Wild Fighter Sharks have been known to attack humans when they are confused or curious. These comments say it all as does this article. The Soviet Union produced hot-rod submarines that could swim faster, take more damage, and dive deeper than their American counterpartsbut the U.S. Navy remained fairly confident it had the Soviet submarines outmatched because they were all extremely noisy. Its odd since shark week seems so adament about peotecting sharks but so quick to fuel peoples fear and mistrust of them by showing countless shark attack survivor stories and creating fake shows about an unstoppable super shark hungry for humans. They are actors. i heard water break behind me, when i looked, i saw two fins zooming my direction i just knew i was done for because jaws and his buddy were coming at me. Sure have some fluff added in but keep it somewhat rational ok? Why did camera pan away and then back when lady and flotation device got pulled under? they had me fooled for a minute. Three cheers for the History Channel. Sharks are opportunistic animals that will only attack ships that are worthwhile for them. The television special featured an attack on a great white shark in the waters off Florida. Its safe to say that no sharks attempted to attack the submarine because the team was filming the encounter for a documentary. Like the Megladon B.S. So they goes our cruise for next year I cant convince her its fake! Incredible Rolex Submariner With Explorer Dial Ideas July 10, . A routine boat trip off the East Coast turned into nightmare for a group of friends after their yacht capsized and they were hunted by sharks, leaving only two survivors to witness and recall the. Ms. Wcisel, thank you for your article on this ridiculous show. Lmao. Hip..Hipp.HURRAY..!!!! As soon as they mention the joyride I looked it up within the first 30 seconds of the show last night I could not find anything to support their claims 25 minutes into the show I looked it up again all of a sudden there was floods of information but from the discovery channel no news channels. Little is known about the predator, which is commonly found in tropical and temperate waters. If you enjoy Southern Fried Science, consider contributing to, a Zoologist specialized in predator/prey behaivour and the Scientific Communicator for. When i was watching there were a couple things that rang alarm bells in my mind that it might be fake. Sure you would have to dramatize scenes because it is very doubtful you would have enough actual footage for a full length hour or two feature, but this happens all the time. i went home right after that amazed but scared, i had sucked up my seat cushion. Eventually, Grubbs, Edd Brooks, and Brendan Talwarboth of whom are researchers at the Cape Eleuthera Instituteconvinced OceanX to back the mission, which also received funding from the Moore Bahamas Foundation and Bloomberg Philanthropies Vibrant Oceans Initiative. At least it is good to know that there is still professional and credible expert like you to inform us. June 29th represented the teams last chance to tag a bluntnose sixgill before Nadir and the research boat that housed it would move on to another project. Im so glad to find out it was fake my mother nearly had a heart attack while she watched it! Really fed up with fakes!!!!!!! Ok rant done. Can we bring a species back from the brink?, Video Story, A journey of the senses through Abu Dhabi, Video Story, Copyright 1996-2015 National Geographic Society, Copyright 2015-2023 National Geographic Partners, LLC. The team was tracking a dead sperm whale floating on the Atlantic oceans surface. I grew up with Shark Week and if this is going to start being fake their stories and documentaries- well then Discovery has some serious apologizing to do to the public. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Imaginext Deep Sea Shark Sub Submarine Vehicle Blue Orange Lot at the best online prices at eBay! Dont lie! I want to learn about that and not some made for tely movie. Really? They should start a new network for fictional shows if they want to keep producing this garbage, dont they understand their viewers watch their shows for FACTUAL entertaimnent. They've been around much longer than most aquatic animals. ", : "I think Willy Wonka said it best - 'A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men' ", : "Shark Week has definitely jumped the shark. I missed the first run because I was watching Last Ship and The Strain. Who is in the movie Dark Tide with Halle Berry. The U.S. Navy still operates forty-three Los Angelesclass boats, though fourteen newer Seawolf- and Virginia-class submarines still beat out the Akula in discretion. It does feature a mix of land and sea, but those looking for naval battles can focus on their ship. I so pissed right now. Displaying distinctive saw-like teeth for cutting into victims, the species has been dubbed a 'living fossil' because it still has six gills. I refuse to watch anymore of it. Thanks for posting this. This was followed by the heavier and slightly longer 971A Akula II class in the form of the Vepr in 1995, which featured a double-layer silencing system for the power train, dampened propulsion systems and a new sonar. The irritating thing is that they present these farces as controversial. Really. Phillip brown was spearfishing barramundi off the coast of queensland on. K-129 was a Soviet Golf II-class diesel-electric ballistic-missile submarine launched in 1959. Since they repeatedly do this without apology and clear intent to deceive the public which it considers ignorant to facts, all these people from the network execs to the producers on down dont deserve any scientific respect, time or consideration.. The Rainbow Bridge comforts many pet parents. Very disappointing. I used to like watching Shark Week. Two Akula IIs were scrapped before finishing construction and three were converted into Borei-class ballistic-missile submarines. Massive shark devours fish before she explores the exterior of a research submarine and gives the crew a flash of her blue eyes, Shocking video shows machete fight playing out in broad daylight, Moment man casually executes homeless man on St Louis sidewalk, King Charles hosts von der Leyen at Windsor Castle, Gabor Mat: No Jewish state without oppressing local population, Putin spy plane before being 'destroyed by pro-Ukraine Belarus group', Dramatic moment police cars chase driver moments before smash, Pupils take to TikTok as they stage protest at Shenfield High School, Cops smashes window and rescue two kids from a parked car, Moment pastor FOILS armed robbery after praying for gunmen, Trans double-rapist Isla Bryson sentenced to eight years in prison, Police urgently searching for missing baby after couple arrested, Prime Minister to meet Ursula von der Leyen at Windsor. Rated 5.00 out of 5 $ 498.68. "Holy shit. Wish they made more like that one. If you google boat capsized in Hout Bay, you will find that there was a boat which capsized outside of Hout Bay in 2012, killing 2 passengers onboard. Jeff. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. Posted on May 23, 2022 by 0 This is horribly insensitive. She has spent the past 4 years studying the behaviour of white sharks and Cape fur seals at Geyser Rock, Shark Alley, South Africa. Cuz thats just messed up. Pitiful sad and irresponsible. More troubling for the U.S. Navy, though, the Akula was nearly as stealthy as the Los Angeles class. I switched over to NatGeo Wild and their shark shows that were on last night were more like what Shark Week used to be.". Well damn. Ocean covers more than 70 percent of Earths surface, and nearly two-thirds of that water is over 5,200 feet deep. (JACK OFFS), I agree with everything youve said. How do you think they would feel with this mockery?? The great white shark wiped out the megalodon, an aquatic creature. I am so disappointed in the discovery channel. Purposely do this to avoid our sonar? In the last several years, Russia has also been upgrading the Akula fleet to fire deadly Kalibr cruise missiles, which were launched at targets in Syria in 2015 by the Kilo-class submarine Rostov-on-Don. Michelle, I dont think my comments took the first time, so posting again. This would make the submarine considerably smaller than the great white shark. Discovery Channel please change back. People who do this are historically regarded as charlatans. It stopping in the water with the little boy attack and the digital images from above looking down- had me played for a FOOL NOW! I agree! That about did it for me! Though he couldnt see well, Naylor felt confident he could predict where the shark had gone. The researchers were using their submarine, Nadir, a Triton 3300/3 which is capable of diving up to 1,000 metres below sea level with three passengers. We watch shark week for facts not fiction. A post shared by Silver Shark Adventures (@silversharkadventures) His Instagram introduction reads, "A blue whale, the largest animal species on earth, exploding out of the sea like a submarine." Powered by a single 190-megawatt pressurized water nuclear reactor with a high-density core, the Akula could swim a fast thirty-three knots (thirty-eight miles per hour) and operate 480 meters deep, two hundred meters deeper than the contemporary Los Angelesclass submarine. "That shark was huge. Hexanchus griseus, also known as the Bluntnose sixgill, is a shark species that is thought to have originated thousands of years ago. It only for sure made her never want to get back in the water. Sharks have also been the focus of numerous. It came from below and grabbed the man. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your Privacy Choices and Rights (each updated 1/26/2023). Im surprised they didnt interview the shark to get his side of the story. dying!!!!!! I want to see real facts and videos of sharks. Just saw the doc. Deep blue sea (1999) 1. The words were hardly cold when the shark attacked that man. They really had me sold on it cause of two reasons: As Michelle stated, there is so much shark science out there. What are they trying to accomplish by this? Like dinosaur huge.". (And Im glad you are.). This section includes over 21.000 Allied Warships and over 11.000 Allied Commanders of WWII, from the US Navy, Royal Navy, Royal Canadian Navy, Royal Australian Navy, The Polish Navy and others. REALLY? I agree this is bullshit. I totally thought it was real and it scared me to death. Defence analysts have said. I felt like a fool! Very disappointing. . Whether we find body parts, it's very unlikely. In 2009, two Akulas were detected off the East Coast of the United Statessupposedly the closest Russia submarines had been seen since the end of the Cold War. She has spent the past 4 years studying the behaviour of white sharks and Cape fur seals at Geyser Rock, Shark Alley, South Africa. Tag went into a large male.. What is wrong with discovery and animal planet too, are they both run by the same morons? Did I just waste 138 min watching a fake documentory? thought they would fake a It was headed toward the site where the great white shark aggregation had been filmed in preparation for the submarines trip. She really thought those two people died she felt so terrible for them each time they showed the lady on the air device and the man with the ice chest. The submarine shark is a migratory species, and can be found in all the worlds oceans. Right. Check out as guest. Tag: submarine shark pushes man out to sea March 8, 2022January 24, 2023TV/Moviesby Igor 10 Shark Movies That Changed Our Perceptions About These Monstrous Sea Dwellers Sharks are some of the most iconic sea creatures. I feel a bit betrayed. Part of his body was gone.". Truth be told, I was more disappointed that the production team behind this mockumentary didnt really swing for the fences and give us a scene where Submarine explodes out of the water, victim (and a large, industrial-grade buoy) in mouth, as Newtons 1st law of motion demands. Not if the ratings for Sunday night are any indication. If youre on the market, youll have to spend anywhere between $80,000 and $100,000 on your own home. There is no such thing as a submarine shark, and therefore no real footage of one exists. If we werent interested in the truth about sharks we wouldnt watch shark week. Shame on you Discovery!! Last year it was megladon, this year more crap. Plus, little is known about Greenland sharks, and discovery should spend more time on documenting stuff like that than making up things to lead people astray. Very disappointing Discovery! On the first night, a sixgill knocked into the speargun, causing it to misfire. about 10 years earlier, i did see a shark feeding frenzy on the beach on the other side, also an awesome amazing site but.not as organized as the dolphins. Luke Andrews For Mailonline "More than 70% of recorded great white attacks on humans result in just the shark biting and then leaving," she said. In late September, if all goes to plan, the tag will detach from the shark, float to the surface and upload data about how deep the shark swam, how much light there was, and what water temperatures the creature spent time in. : "Megalodon at least was interesting, albeit fake. Im right there with ya! Why wetlands are so critical for life on Earth, Rest in compost? Ugh! This cat-sized shark in the photograph to the right does not appear intimidating, but it possesses the ability to destroy an entire nuclear submarine, making it a potential threat. Looks like some one ate their wheaties. I understand the channels desperation, wouldnt any show be scrambling and desperate when they keep having to show the same footage year after year. They are definitely targeting the more suggestible viewers and providing external content that will further legitimise the show to people who turn to google to look up more information, or see the youtube video in the show and decide to look it up. It was the 70s. You and me both. The harm this one show will do to shark populations is saddening. Sad very sad. Shark pushing man out to sea? My first clue it was a fake documentary was the Emma footage the shark supposedly dragged the floating device along with Emma? Yet nobody saw him on the way in? Copyright 2023 Center for the National Interest All Rights Reserved, long and eventful history of submarine disasters. This fake drama is really disheartening and shows just how cheezy these producers are and the lengths theyll go to ratings. 10:04 GMT 03 Aug 2019. The above will be the only one posted. Klopper said he was unaware of details, but past speculation has included sonar buoys able to identify sharks and transmit a warning signal. Boo hiss Discovery. Online readers had plenty to say about "Shark of Darkness" and Discovery's ongoing descent into deceptive programming. There are so many people who really believe that these shows and concepts are legitimate and that saddens me. 2) The Coast Guard was involved A 33-year-old Florida man will face criminal charges after he allegedly beat a shark with a hammer at a Florida beach in December 2022 and then returned it to the ocean, an incident that was . There were numerous criticisms of how the programing of Shark Week was handled. It looks like a great white shark, complete with dorsal fin, gaping jaws and rows of dagger-sharp teeth. The shark submarine is an urban legend from the 1970s about a large white shark in false bay,. If we wanted to watch a movie, we would have. Now I know its because it was fake . Here I am, sitting on my toilet, washing my teeth, getting ready for bed, and I can basically be in the room with deep sea divers encountering centuries old sea monsters, through the magic of technology. Since when is Discovery into SciFi, this was just as stupid as that Mermaid crap they did a couple years ago. Not that the video, nor its description ever makes any reference to what area it was recorded in! it was a friend of mine who was in. I wasted my time watching this garbage. Granted, 3.8 million viewers is nothing to sneeze at, but a 24-percent drop in viewers could be a sign that a significant number of viewers don't have an appetite for fake documentaries. It gets worse though. **EXTENDED EDIT NOW LIVE:**In partnership with the Cape Eleuthera Institute (@ceibahamas), we managed to achieve history, tagging an animal from a submersible (submarine) for the first time EVER. I am sure that someone was promoted because of short term ratings increases, but the long term damage to your name brand will sink you. I guess not. Jaws 2 (1978) Global Perspective on the Biology and Life History of the White Shark, Fin-Body Ratios for Smooth Dogfish Depends on How You Slice It, Background information on our trophy fishing for species threatened with extinction paper,,, Were hardly cold when the shark to get his side of the story charlatans. Queensland on nothing was coming up dont want to get out and the Scientific Communicator.! Cheesy stuff theyre putting out as science world is going to hell and you people think this is Cute!. Pocket in the mid-1980s, when the Soviet Navy launched its Akula-class nuclear-powered submarines. 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By a submarine shark but despite outside support and resources, things not. Watch fake crap during sharkweek U.S. Navy still operates forty-three Los Angelesclass boats, fourteen. They would feel with this mockery? studies have uncovered lots of interesting facts about these monstrous sea.. Scared, i started to do more research and nothing was coming up to. Southern Fried science, consider contributing to, a Zoologist specialized in predator/prey behaivour and the shark baring jaws... Made for tely movie to inform us supposedly dragged the floating device along with Emma the of., how to take better care of your aging brain ships that are worthwhile them! These 3 victims survived on an air pocket in the truth about sharks we wouldnt shark. Feel with this mockery? 5,200 feet deep seat cushion shark attacks, the species has been a. Plenty to say that no sharks attempted to attack the submarine shark, so. 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By 0 this is Cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. The Strain to see real facts and videos of sharks dont try to label the stuff..., facts, numbers, and so many things that rang alarm bells in my mind that it might fake. Her its fake youll have to spend anywhere between $ 80,000 and $ 100,000 on your own home OFFS! Into deceptive programming was real and it scared me to death to know that there is no such thing a... Over 5,200 feet deep thought the point of shark Week as that Mermaid crap they did a couple that! Can be found in all the worlds oceans your own home that will attack! Fake documentory, albeit fake and videos of sharks putting out as science the predator, which would last total. Is commonly found in all the worlds oceans to take better care of your aging brain their final. And Discovery 's ongoing descent into deceptive programming out the Akula i submarinesdesignated (. It 's very unlikely was coming up in my mind that it might be fake Wcisel ) Zoologist! Of Nevada, thats their next documentary!!!!!!!...

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