However, when he was faced with a capture, he feared and trembled at the point of a gun; when followed to the dark room custody, Napoleon Bonaparte, a great conqueror of all the people, was shivering and looking miserable; who could imagine that. using a metaphor. 35. IvyPanda. I would rather say that philosophers have shown open disagreement among their different philosophical ideologies, and even among the learned there still exist gaps in opinions; it is, therefore, true that there is no single settlement as per what philosophy truly is. The human self has been a topic of exploration and inquiry in various fields of study, including philosophy and psychology. Self-Concept, also known by self-image or self-perspective, refers to the way an individual views himself (Bong & Clark, 1999). I am is also described by the use of unique features, which make human beings different from other creations (Sorabji 14). Nothing is harder than a situation where a settlement is required, but all the participants believe that they are right in their own different views. Outcome Statement: Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of the various approaches of the philosophical question of . . Reflection and insights on "The Self from Various Philosophical Perspective" Understanding the ideas lying on the nature of the self is quite an interesting to do a lot of challenge goes with being able to learn about what the sett really is. The other two main sociological perspectives would be functionalist and symbolic interaction but will not be talked about in this paper. California: University of California Press, 1986. 1. Print. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Book excerpt: The Self from Various MODULE 1: Perspectives Lesson 1: Philosophical Perspectives by: Jemimah G. Pizarro-Ompad INTRODUCTION "Who am I?" is a very fundamental existential question. Given the topics discussed in this paper, I find it hard to believe that the introduction of philosophy into ones life would not be beneficial in many ways. Furthermore, human beings have a body (Frankfurt 185). Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. This paper goes miles ahead in synthesizing Descartes findings in order to achieve a concise definition of the word I that seems reasonable and critical from a philosophical perspective of the self. This essay further digs into several research findings unearthed by renowned scholars and experts who have devoted their time and sacrificed their resources to studying and exploring the definition and how it influences interpersonal relationships in ones life. Additionally, definition of self impacts the way we interact and perceive others. (LogOut/ He believed that philosophy was a mega entity that encompassed all aspects of knowledge expressed through it. In order to bring harmony and unison among the philosophers, we have to bring at first all the interest groups on board: the learned and the unlearned, the educated and the uneducated, the interested and the non-interested. He argues that self comes to play when the owner of a body is intertwined with existing psychological states (Sorabji 13). IvyPanda, 17 June 2022, As mentioned before, the concept of self has been defined and described by various authors throughout history. A philosophy professor offers a compelling and thought-provoking study in which he attempts to reconcile philosophical concepts with day-to-day life. " (1) The okra for Gyekye has the same concept of a soul as in other metaphysical systems and proclaims that "a crucial aspect of Akan metaphysics is the existence of the world of spirits" (2a). The self's (you) answer to this defines how much you know about your self and thus presents your identity. Retrieved from From a general perspective, we can view ones self as simply a thinking something.. We can also choose to implement what we wish to become involved in. My confidence develop through time and through the situations I encounter. However even among all the educated exist disputing and arguments over some matters; when such matters arise the least learned and the uneducated are left wondering what sort of things the few educated are talking about; the less knowledgeable retrieve and withdraw slowly paving way for the most interested in the argument. For example, your parents are working hard just to send you to school, so you better do your part as a child and as a students and think wisely that its for your own good when the right time comes. PHILOSOPHY. Web. June 17, 2022. CHAPTER I: THE SELF FROM VARIOUS PERSPECTIVES A. I answered her that being an entrepreneur you have to be a risk taker and I myself know that I am a risk taker because i believe its better to try than to lose the chance I have. From there I describe myself for what I know who I am that others may/can see. This difference in the levels of interest also makes it hard for philosophy. For example, as we are living in . They had seen a lot for long times and so they could be able to draw conclusions; however, the question remains as to how possible it is for two individual livings in two different geographic environments, who go through different experiences, to develop the same theories in life and conclusions; this would mean that these people are not different. View all posts by ruelabacolod. Born in 1596, in France, Rene Descartes was a great philosopher, thinker, writer and mathematician who spent his adulthood in the Republic of Dutch. I would be happy if Ill be making it but in the process if I know I am not who I am like I am not that happy because I put too much pressure and if I didnt make it, it may cause loneliness or so. Paul churchland: the self is the brain Self is inseparable from the brain and the physiology of the body All we have is the brain and so, if the brain is gone, there is no self The physical brain and not the imaginary mind, gives us our sense of self The self is the brain Paul churchland. , students are going to answer the question, Who am I? Meditation over m. Don't use plagiarized sources. Since its everyones school of thought, philosophy is multi defined only by those who practice it. This article has three basic purposes: (1) to provide an overview of the history of philosophy in the West, (2) to relate philosophical ideas and movements to their historical background and to the cultural history of their time, and (3) to trace the changing conception of the . He argues that "self" comes to play when the owner of a body is intertwined with existing psychological states (Sorabji 13). Of great significance is the fact that the characteristics of a given self have the full potential of determining its real identity (Rorty 215). Indian philosophy, the systems of thought and reflection that were developed by the civilizations of the Indian subcontinent. It is my belief that if we were to attempt to answer by ourselves the difficult questions life poses, then our lives would be very dull and difficult to properly question. Our soul strives for wisdom and perfection to achieve this exalted state. Philosophical Reflection. Based on this approach, Sorabji further double emphasizes the fact that there is a need to protect human way of life and not only base on its relationship with the self or the interaction between members of a given stream (Sorabji 13). In his description of this analogy, Sorabji asserts that his definition of self fits other members like animals as an embodied owner of the body. His contribution in mathematics set unbeaten record with his efforts being widely applied in calculus and geometry. Many of us experience being hurt by the person that we love. This essential attribute spells the difference between man and other lower animals whose basis of action is their feeling. This involves the weighing of several alternatives and using specific standards to evaluate one's actions. Our cookies will personalize your experience on this website. By staying here you accept it. Standing and sitting here in our house waiting for some grace to come. For the last decade the topic of the Self has been under intense scrutiny from researchers of various areas spanning from philosophy, neurosciences, and psychology to anthropology and sociology. After conceiving the existence of I, the mediator does not stop at this particular point but aims at defining and explaining the meaning of the I am. All claim that their deity is superior and all-powerful; all the gods, according to major religions, have some sort of an evil opposing power, which must be fought and eliminated. The English philosopherand physicianJohn Locke * continued exploring the themes Descartes had initiated, both in terms of the nature of knowledge (epistemology) and the nature of the self. This line is quite famous in the history of philosophy and most probably regarded as the origin of Western philosophy and other schools of thought that developed after Descartes. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Even when we are in womb of our mother, our parents are very excited to see us, they are so careful on what they do specially our mothers to make us being safe. Copyright 2023 - IvyPanda is operated by,, Descartes' Cogito Argument and Hume's Critique of the Self, Meditation Two: Concerning the Nature of the Human Mind, R.Descartes' and T.Aquinas' Views on God Existence, Descartes and the Skeptics: An Incomplete Case, Descartes and Humes Ideologies in Contemporary Psychology, Descartes' and Buddhist Ideas of Self-Existence, Descartes' Philosophical Theory of Knowledge, Philosophy: Herbert Marcuse's One-Dimensional Man, A Miracle as an Extraordinary Happening Occurring in the Physical World. So, how can we rethink feminism to allow for a plurality of views which looks to better the lot of everyone? If you dont know such thing, never hesitate to ask for the help of others for you to learn something new. Although there are numerous philosophers who have devoted their lives in defining I am concept, Rene Descartes is regarded as the father of Western philosophy and a great contributor of several schools of thought. This can only be done after the discussion of Chapter 1. You can use them for inspiration, an insight into a particular topic, a handy source of reference, or even just as a template of a certain type of paper. Importantly, these cannot be visualized through metaphysical conceptualization of the self because of its narrowness in determining the nature of pictures to be adopted. Regardless of these initial doubts, many people sink into a ditch of doubts and hang on the fact that one has the ability to think. We all know that we are created in the image and likeness of God for we are geared towards the good. developing a more critical and reflective attitude while enabling them to manage and improve their selves to attain a better quality of life. Issues about knowledge of the self include: (1) how it is that one distinguishes oneself from others, as the object of a self-attribution; (2) whether self-awareness yields a grasp of the material or non-material nature of the self; (3) whether self-awareness yields a grasp of one's personal identity over time; and (4) what sort of REMEMBER: HAPPINESS WILL ALWAYS NOT BE FOUND IN THE END, BUT RATHER HAPPINESS MAY FOUND IN THE PROCESS. Definition of 'perspective' perspective (pspektv ) Explore 'perspective' in the dictionary countable noun A particular perspective is a particular way of thinking about something, especially one that is influenced by your beliefs or experiences. REMEMBER: EVERYTHING IN THIS WORLD MAY CHANGE EVEN YOU. It would be impossible for a person to say he/she exits or even thinks of existence without being in a real state. Making an assessment of my life, i will say that philosophical reflection has been a part of my life. There are two approaches in defining self at this point. These influences can take on many different forms such as: media, parents, teachers, etc. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. - a particular theory that someone has about how to live or how to deal with a particular . IvyPanda. IvyPanda. He has arguably been dubbed as the father of modern philosophy with special emphasis on the Western school of thought (Smith 1). A soul can't live in this world without a body for it is considered as a unity of body and self. Even reading the Russian philosopher Lev Shestov comments on philosophy, we can see that he did not fully decide which side to take. Th For the audio-visual material of this topic, Philosophy & Science, on Youtube channel. (LogOut/ Explains that philosophical reflection is a nice way to escape the real world. It can be described as a substance which persists through time. I believe that myself wont be possible without the real and ideal self. On the contrary, a rationalist is one who believes that the source of knowledge is reason, not experience/impression. Example, I am a person who is happy go lucky and a jolly person but at the same time I want to have a high grade or to be an academic scholar. Both the learned and the unlearned still struggle to understand what philosophers talk about and want to find if it could be given a definition. On the other hand, the Me-self is what I develop as I meet people in my life or some situations develop me that make myself who I am today. One cannot say: I sleep, therefore I am, since the act of sleeping can be doubted. And how we understand death will dramatically change how we face it. 2. Those who are able to study philosophy, can find out what is to be human, what kind of person is it good to be, and especially how are we to live a good life. Aristotle views the soul as the "form" of the human body. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Design a site like this with, My Reflections on the Sociological Perspective of the Self. Each and every one of us is, in my opinion, a prisoner of our respective perception. Philosophical Perspective of Self Essay. By the fact that thinking defines self, it is possible to relate it with human existence and consider it inseparable from being. (LogOut/ The I self refers to the self that knows who he or she is. However, not even the wisest of teachers can teach you something you need to 'feel out' on a deeper level of consciousness within yourself! professional specifically for you? We use the particle 'self' to form reflexive pronouns, like "myself" and "yourself", and these pronouns, refer to persons. Based on this analogy, it can be argued that I can be divided into various concepts as defined by specific qualities and attributes. Self has consists of three layers which are conscious, unconscious, and preconscious which are considered as far reaching impact for we have so many questions in life that leads us to curiosity and to find for an answer. Print. The present volume addresses the Self under different and influent philosophical perspectives: from pheno After we given birth all the people that surrounds us are very happy and that is the sign of love. I do not attach sentiments to whatever i do because this will lead my judgement astray. The argument that there is a correct moral and philosophical way to fight for the equality of the sexes is used to grandstand and political opponents. The very same justice he wanted to uphold is the same justice he defied and contravened when circumstances pressed him hard; it is interesting to see that certain philosophical opinions are held by people only for as long as there is no opportunity for trial. The fact that this field of human knowledge has existed for over two thousand years, has not made it any easier for understanding or closer to harmony among the thousands of its adherents. (LogOut/ As mentioned before, this essay will put emphasis on the second meditation in defining the concept of I, also known as self. Surely, there is no one answer and so philosophy is undefined by any religious thinking. As such I has to exist in order to doubt and be deceived by the evil one. Moreover, self is linked with time and mind, which determine obsessive thinking based on the future than emphasizing on the present. "Philosophers believe that self has different perspectives on how we achieve it. to depend on others who are in capacity to support me and depend to the people that I know never live me even if I do not do something to change my life But if I study, I can able to fulfill it and share my knowledge to the other people. As Socrates once said, The unexamined life is not worth living. In other words, if you are not goingto break out of your own prison of perception, then your life will be bland and very difficult. For the last decade the topic of the Self has been under intense scrutiny from researchers of various areas spanning from philosophy, neurosciences, and psychology to anthropology and sociology. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. There is so much more beneath the surface which I want to see and depending on who you are, I want to show. an academic expert within 3 minutes. When heated, the wax changes some properties but can be identified despite the deviation from the initial form. A task is a task. It is said about Schopenhauer that his philosophical beliefs in virtues were only in books: he went about preaching the gospel of a virtuous society, while in his daily life he himself became too cruel and unjust contravening the vary ideas upon which his philosophy rests. There are two related ways in which philosophical reflection on the self may usefully be brought to bear in social science. PHILOSOPHY - study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially in an academic discipline. In the tradition, if one is born to a noble family, the name of the place of his birth is For the audio-visual material of the Orientation of the course, Understanding the Self, on Youtube channel, click . Thus, it became a good topic of interest in the field of philosophy. Print. Descartes believed that the self is a non-physical substance that is capabl This is common in ancient spiritual traditions in which the human identity is conceived as a mere illusion for the existence of individual human beings. For example, meditations continue serving as principal text books in philosophy departments of most universities in the world today. It's the start of a new yeara time when energy and ambitions are at their most palpable. advanced knowledge or learning. By this definition we can gather that philosophy is, essentially, the pursuit of knowledge or understanding on a much higher level than usual. Kwak maintains that what is required for this form of membership to society or community is our future citizens' ability to engage in highly self-reflexive philosophical reflection on the human condition; such reflection gives them the skills necessary to live up to the tension between different selves of diverse origins or within a divided self. Philosophy professor offers a compelling and thought-provoking study in which he attempts to reconcile philosophical concepts with day-to-day...., how can we rethink feminism to allow for a plurality of views looks! Others may/can see s actions principal text books in philosophy departments of universities... 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