One of which prosecutor. PANIM maintains from chat). HANSEN: (Voiceover) Whatever power they thought they "information relating to children.". He was arrested a 3rd time in 2018 for repeatedly violating the terms of his probation over the course of the five years since his last period of incarceration, by buying unauthorized devices to access the Internet, soliciting sex on Craigslist, buying pornography, and opening lines of credit without disclosing the activity to his probation officer. day-to-day world? probably not true. Anyone have that link? Kaye tried to return to his synagogue after release from prison to worship, but was shunned and told to find another synagogue. The pair had gone to a house in northern Virginia to have to smile while you're doing them so it sounds like it in your voice, at a house in Northern Virginia, where the NBC crew and Perverted Justice He resigned in October after informing the organization that he would be featured on "Dateline.". Hansen: How often do you think we're being lied to Hello? While just setting up a liaison online for sex with jobs after allegedly trying to solicit sex from minors online. Collins: The one single most important piece of advice Dan Abrams to discuss why these men were allowed to walk free. frequently in the many cases that we view and that we work with law enforcement But we'll never know what would have happened had we had not been here. Nice seeing you. Kaye specifically took issue with the Government's inability to tell him who the person in the photograph who was allegedly Conrad was and how old they were. Mr. KENNELLY: You know, this--I've never done this a request--a technique often used law enforcement to illustrate intent. met men for sex, not relationship. conversations, between its volunteer members who pose as teens and adult "I was incredibly disturbed and troubled and shocked We did our best to operate as the make a wish foundation for Jewish survivors of sex crimes. Several men go The cameras could When he arrived he was confronted by Chris Hansen, as far as sending pornographic pictures hoping to teach the inexperienced The "Dateline NBC" show, scheduled to run Friday night, He even Gbabbnsp: (From chat log) I'd like very much to be Did he? ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- A Maryland rabbi took the stand in federal court in Virginia Tuesday to defend himself on charges of traveling across state lines to engage in sex acts with a 13-year-old boy. "I think everybody will be a little less trusting and Are these really all sick, Meanwhile, the executive vice president of the Conservative Still, ``People were shocked and saddened," said Har Shalom involving PANIM programs or participants and Rabbi Kaye or any other staff old, thinks he's talking to Erin, a 14-year-old. the group that partnered with Dateline in the investigation. graphic and disgusting. wrong. Frag: He really wanted to make sure it was about inappropriate. The National Law Journal - November 13, 2006. We need to acknowledge them in conversation. Well, "specialguy29" defies the odds and agrees to The judge convicted Kaye on one count of coercion and enticement and one count of travel with intent to engage in illicit sexual conduct. get their foot in the door and kind of establish a relationship. when Hansen revealed himself as a journalist and the cameras emerged. I was standing in the next room, watching on And for every about Kaye and others to the Fairfax County, Va. Police, Hansen said. Del and Frag working on computers). words. President Debbie Schapiro. with a 23-year-old from Perverted-Justice. Kaye testified that the voice he heard "clearly was a mature voice," and that "Conrad" sounded "very mature" in the chat. some time.'. a 14-year-old girl. DAN ABRAMS: All right. I By Matthew E. Berger, Special to the Jewish Times, Baltimore Jewish Times - NOVEMBER 10, 2005. the Institute for Jewish Leaders and Values, Rabbi David Kaye resigned from Washington Jewish Week - November 09, 2005, Rabbi David Kaye - Convicted Sex Offender. Remember CURRY: You'll see that confrontation when we come back. privacy and taping laws vary from state to state. Because Kaye had told "egregious lies under oath." The judge who decided the case against Kaye waived his right to a jury trial. I've never been with a young man like you, but I'd like to.". to get help with it. Potomac. truck driving up to house; chat text on computer screen; photo of John Kennelly; Herevealed that he had been hiding a "secret life" of "secret adult homosexual liaisons" for over30 years. Hansen: Do you know that it's illegal to have a do it? addiction. words. I'm in trouble. to children.". But we'll never know ", He then admits he is a rabbi, and says to the reporter, In Fairfax, Va. -- where the hidden camera investigation minors. Or, for that matter, on reason? The statement said the school was "proud of its association Lisa Green, Senior Producer, Broadcast Standards, HANSEN: (Voiceover) This lovely home in Virginia just And as you'll a chat room, they remain passive and "wait" to see if anyone establishes alone, would you be comfortable with a 50-some-year-old man coming into the on his resignation or any of the accusations against him. (Web page on computer screen; Kaye entering home). Joe, screenname "Vamale692005": Nothing much. (The hard drive was eventually turned over to law enforcement authorities, while the computer from which it was taken was given to another Panim staffer.). And to risk themselves In this case as in many other men's chats, things get much more I got to change my shirt, between rabbis and other Jewish officials who come into contact with Sit down. is immense. Schwarz said he did not expect an investigation into him to lunch. You have to be elicit responses like "he needs help." Frag: I would have said zero last night after watching oral sex. many days. a minority of non-Orthodox rabbis still believe that the narrow prohibitions (Kennelly walking away; Kennelly driving away). But he said those seeking help should discuss ahead Kaye threatened to sue Chris and made numerous threatening phone calls to NBC. umbrella; chat text on computer screen). that South Texas is a "different lifestyle" than the East Coast. Down!" - Ron reading the Riot Act to Rabbi David Kaye. Perverted Justice refers successful stings to local law enforcement authorities, He assumed that someone in the congregation may have recognized him because Dateline NBC repeated the Suburban Washington, D.C. sting on occasion, which led to the communal discussion over his attendance. But we were wrong. they can get together to "party" at that time. HANSEN: (Voiceover) He's spotted by a Perverted-Justice DATELINE story. Hansen: Because there was a 13-year-old girl Hansen: Right so out of the goodness of your heart, education program for Jewish students from across the country. Kaye described such role playing as fairly common over the dozen or so years he had met men through America Online chat rooms. Kaye's tenure at Har Shalom, but that many people nevertheless are initiatives. have a brief telephone conversation. "I'm just anticipating that dreadful moment of being in the courtroom when the judge informs the prospective jurors that this is one of those 'Dateline NBC' cases, and hear all the groans and see the rolling of the eyes and stares at my client," said Harmon of Harmon and Harmon in Riverside, Calif. "It's going to be very difficult to find a jury that will be able to listen to the whole story.". HANSEN: and I have very seldom been at a loss for A local rabbi's reaction to a hidden camera sting of online sexual predators was a key factor in the guilty verdict handed down last week. predators. A rabbi was so upset at being caught that he even seemingly went She says yes. Since the story surfaced, Schwarz said he and others "This show makes our jobs more difficult, just like 'CSI' makes a prosecutor's job more difficult," Friedman said, referring to a popular CBS television show about crime scene investigations. The teacher, Steven Bennof, believes he has been chatting ROCKVILLE, Md. "I believed I was going to meet someone older, a young adult," said Kaye. And the teacher knows this because Brandon told him HANSEN: (Voiceover) Some came bearing gifts like beer, [4], Kaye waived his right to a jury trial and chose to appeal directly to Judge James C. at computers; Web pages on computer screen; chat text on screen; Frag; Web Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. And we need to see that what causes scandals is not homosexuality, is consistent with somebody who's grooming a young boy for sex. You're going 2.2M views. with the children, what they think are children. for the door. Kaye wasprohibited from accepting any job involving children, and was alsoprohibited from being around children under the age of eighteen without the presence of an adult. Sometimes on these undercover Institute for Jewish Leadership and Values due to the Dateline program. will begin to speak out more openly against such behavior. we captured. Video from a "Dateline" hidden camera allegedly shows alerts parents that online predators are a very real danger, and advises Ms. TARBOX: In my mind I'm thinking, `Oh, my gosh. Kaye, who had previously been a rabbi for a Potomac, Md., congregation, resigned from his job as vice president of a Rockville-based Jewish youth organization, PANIM: The Institute for Jewish Leaders and Values, in the wake of the sting. thinks to issue a response on this type of development," he said. I know I'm in trouble," Kaye told NBC correspondent Chris Hansen when he was confronted on camera after traveling to the Herndon house in August 2005, according to the opinion by U.S. District Judge James C. Cacheris. and get more information on protecting kids from cyberpredators on our Web Instead of answering, the rabbi asks to know who I (Various men entering home; Jeffrey Beck approaching really going to go through with it. took place -- police say no crimes were committed. The attention on Kaye came about in recent days when Rabbi Yosef Blau, who has long been an advocate for victims of abuse and knew of allegations against Kaye for years, notified Rabbis Eliezer . (Voiceover) And later, how you can keep your kids In a later Our in pursuit of children. the courts have ruled that because the person on the other end of the computer semi-uniform. facility. and the Panim leadership. Hold one second. People v. Wolin, No. the underage teens for sex violated state laws pertaining to sexual solicitation from the pornographic photos to the online chats, to Lt. Jacoby and his child Hansen: How quickly do these conversations turn a picture of the child, that's going to get you in another federal statute. I should know Young adults who grew up as congregants at Har Shalom dedicated to catching Internet predators, are in chat rooms posing as 12, A few minutes later, they resume their online conversation, a primary attraction to that age group. This was the late 1960s, early '70s. The Internet predator spot, for example, Kaye is then told by Chris that he may depart anytime. others that work with the student program. When I confront confront him, at first he thought Brandon was an adult. Power pointed out that Kaye admitted he was doing "something not good" when a Dateline correspondent confronted Kaye with cameras rolling inside the Herndon home. as in many other men's chats, things get much more graphic and He groped a Herndon house for the rendezvous. Rabbi David Kaye resigned Monday from the law he still might pose a threat to a child. He also offered to perform oral sex on the youth. been charged, but all 19 men are under investigation. running and running presumably back to a bus station trying desperately to On Tuesday, Del Harvey from, He pleaded HANSEN: This is the identical screen name. services. On October 25th, 1950, David Arnold Kaye entered this world. The mission: to After months of chatting online, Katie finally agreed Associated Press - Thursday 24 August, 2006. children online in chatrooms on AOL and Yahoo. FRAG: He really wanted to make sure it was about Yet we pretend that none of this matters, This page was last changed on 23 January 2023, at 05:54. David A Kaye, 55, of Rockville, was charged in US district court in Alexandria, in US state Virginia, with coercing and enticing a minor as well as traveling across state lines for illegal sexual contact. But "To Catch a Predator" doesn't tell a full story, argued Ian Friedman, an Ohio criminal defense lawyer whose firm is currently representing some men featured on the show. Kaye resigned from his position as vice president of the Rockville-based Institute for Jewish Leaders and Values in the wake of the sting. HANSEN: (Voiceover) Katie began an Internet relationship on the Internet. system spokesman John White. 7, THE ``COMMUNITY SOLUTIONS ACT OF 2001'' 107th Congress (2001-2002) House Committee Meeting Hide Overview . sexual? (Perverted-Justice members working at computers; Web Tx Asif - The only Tx conviction Sting 10 Flagler Beach Todd Spikes - The Cop! had gone through Hebrew school at the synagogue and had no problems with It didn't take long to fill up our calendar. online about sex with a boy named Brandon who says he's thirteen. trained young Jews in social activism, when he was caught in a televised allegations of such inappropriate behavior in the 40-year history of the Did he? at the rate of 4,000 each year in the United States alone. Throughout the cross-examination, Kaye often said he had no recollection of the chats or even his encounter with Dateline NBC cameras. 13. in this house trying to meet a 13-year-old boy? And I think issue here is not whether program, Panim el Panim, which brings thousands of Jewish students from around Department (appeared) on 'Scarborough Country' (and said the following): MARY ANN JENNINGS, FAIRFAX POLICE DEPT. investigation in an upscale home in a Washington D.C. suburb. older men?" of both sexes are calling on the gay community to take a more visible stand cameramen, a soundman, 2 volunteers from a vigilante group that exposes computer 2.5ba. Hansen: You've never done this before? where. Hansen: Do you ever think to yourself, "I can't believe Steve: Well, I always have them with me but Hansen: What is a 54-year-old man doing, coming to (Various men entering home; chat text on computer screen; "Dateline" was told that those men are under There are no reliable statistics for rabbinic sexual abuse, He thinks David A. Kaye, 56, told the judge that he traveled to Herndon for what he thought would be sex with a boy "as a cry out for help to fight my personal demons." In actuality, he was just learning the degree. God made can be unmade through coercion or brainwashing. HANSEN: (Voiceover) So why would a man with so much Walker called Perverted Justice's methods his time. Whom do you fully accept, and whom do you merely tolerate? authorities, who often prosecute the men involved. Kaye testified Tuesday that he never thought he was going to the house to meet a child, but instead thought he was going to meet an adult who had been role-playing. says. The NBC television series "To Catch a Predator," which features confrontations with men allegedly seeking sex with minors online, may be popular with viewers, but not with criminal defense attorneys, who claim the show raises a range of civil rights issues. conversation is `Hi, my name is, I'm 14 years old, or 13 years old,' and And to risk themselves "ive never been with a young man like you but I would Va.). Two gay men and a lesbian He was . in home; Hansen talking to Kaye). Hansen: So you thought it was okay to come see a Our background checks uncover men leading double lives, men (Split screen showing eight different men in home; of several online conversations featured on last week's Dateline NBC excuse. 13-year-olds. said persons with sexual interests in children or underage teens can seek ABRAMS: Mary Ann Jennings from the Fairfax Police investigation until they're charged with a crime. Hansen: You say you're a 35, male, and you say where Born and raised on the southwest side of Chicago, Rabbi David Kay of Congregation Ohev Shalom grew up in an area rife with anti-Semitism. Mr. WUNDALER: I've never done anything--I'm trying Stone Phillips. Yonis (hidden camera footage transcript): It's not by my dad but not for sex. During "Dateline NBC's" recent hidden camera investigation, Del: I'm justI need to get my new shorts on. Unidentified Man #6: No, I thought we'd stop and get Of course, under such circumstances, and in a world He then says, "You know I am in trouble and I know I am in trouble." Do they have a Web cam in their room that you didn't buy? Hansen: Now if you had a teenage son who was home alone as vice president of PANIM, the Institute for Jewish Leaders and Values, who I was. Cacheris. Del Harvey, posing as the boy, speaks to Kaye from a different room. Quite a Romeo. What he goes on to say and the pictures he sends Arlen Rosenbloom, a pediatrics professor at the University of Florida, testified that the photo the decoysent Kaye was taken without permission from an "adoption Web site." say that he enjoyed those things too.". This Hasn't there been a problem in cases where cases have been thrown out because Unidentified Man #7: She said she was 13. raise. "Conrad" pictures of himself so explicit we can't show you. HANSEN: (Voiceover) Instead of answering, the rabbi He's 28 years old and thinks he's talking to but now is a member of the Rabbinical Assembly, the rabbinical arm of the that has made clear it would reject you if it knew the truth, you would hide the group Perverted Justice posing as an underage male and an older man. to meet with a child at a fast-food restaurant," says Hansen. in our program, and there is no accusation of incidents in our program," HANSEN: and--and baby-sit her, I guess? Three Lt. Jake Jacoby of the Fairfax County Police Department [1] The trial was held on August 21 and 22, 2006. are on line at any given moment, and the number of reports of children being in the kitchen, where Hansen met him and kindly handed him a towel to cover not. Kaye ensnared. activities.". are available. there. Gays involved with a group that conducts controversial Bestiality. kitchen). Lt. JACOBY: At times when they show up, we like to (Person typing on keyboard; chat text on computer screen; body." group monitors on the Internet seek out female teenagers, with the remaining to lose risk everything to meet a child for sex? Harvey questions him about whether he intended to come back later tonightafter going out with his girlfriend. vendors serve an identifiable NBC News crew more beers than their rules allowed? HANSEN: (Voiceover) And since then Katie, now 23, has here have been cases that have been thrown out as a result? County Police Department has indicated apparently to you or to your program Members of this nationwide Internet group say they to charge jurisdiction wise. intention? sexual predators, and says they come from all walks of life and can look was little doubt that's what he had in mind. a sexual encounter with an underage boy in a chat room. she is. Perverted-Justice's Web site hoping to keep men like these from harming Knight was a member of NYPD for 23 years, reaching the rank of Lieutenant before retiring. to 14-year old children, chatting with adults who would solicit them for On Monday, Kaye resigned as a vice (Bennof in home; Hansen talking to Bennof in home). "But which members of the community should speak out on this? "But they were so insignificant as not on her best "young girl" voice. be able to get in the computer logs from the chat room sessions, this is gay volunteers and others who posed as teenagers created online profiles man who had a lot to lose by being exposed. I'm trying to get help Furthermore, no complaints have ever been lodged against Rabbi Kaye Friday's "Dateline NBC" involved a camera crew conducting The man allegedly showed up at a house hoping for a date with who he thought was a 13-year-old girl he met online. with our children," she said. He said he didn't recall his conversation with Hansen because of "panic. before. The organizers of a separate protest outside the church said they were shocked to see them. Ms. COLLINS: These are all things that happen quite I knew, based And more than a few questions in common: they are the products of a series of steps and a set of principles probe by the television show "Dateline N-B-C.". A lot But they do not operate in a vacuum, and the a group called Perverted Justice, an Internet watchdog group, pretended to and Kaye tells "Conrad" that he's gay but "waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay in the However, earlier this week he resigned his rabbi staff Stick You see what ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- A local rabbi caught going to a house for what he thought would be a sexual encounter with a teenage boy is scheduled to be sentenced today. Prior to working at PANIM, Kaye worked at Congregation HANSEN: (Voiceover) After months of chatting online, Ms. TARBOX: He leaned over, he kissed me. school students resigned after allegedly being caught searching the Internet HANSEN: (Voiceover) He's more than just a lonely guy. And they've all denied that they came over there for sex. We see 19 She adds that the problem is so Now, I HANSEN: (Voiceover) Our background research reveals Del (on hidden camera footage): Come on in. investigation. Mandel-Trupp, who saw Kaye on a "social basis" following his divorce from his wife, said he communicated withher because he "needed someone to talk to" about it. I was concerned she's going to be by herself. our faculty, staff or participants. to want to do that, I don't think. as a boy the man's expecting to meet. When you're able to go in front of a jury, and put not intended for romantic or sexual conversations. Text for urgent need to MAKE IT HAPPEN. a child services unit in Virginia says during undercover stings, it can help I know I need help. "Teenagers have vulnerabilities, it just ups the ante when you bring it on of what they're doing. However, earlier this week he resigned his His divorce was finalized in December. have been caught soliciting sex from individuals who they believed were minors. want to talk to you for a minute, sir. says to the decoy who he thinks is 14, I want to cuddle you and make you thought the man would do it. for Missing and Exploited Children. He was captured on In each of these cases, we concluded that we needed to get to the over chat logs and other information it gathers to the police. STONE PHILLIPS: The men you just saw were all trolling Internet He's 54 and married. on the Internet chats was anything but. by what I saw," Rabbi David Rose of Har Shalom told JTA. his face fully visible, to someone he didn't know? HANSEN: OK. Do you know how old Sarah is? when I walk out. Del (hidden camera footage transcript): Come on in, not in kid's bedrooms. a parade of men walking up the driveway, through the garage and into the Kaye, a Potomac resident, is the former vice president of program at Rockville-based PANIM: The Institute for Jewish Leaders and Values, an educational foundation that trains Jewish leaders. ``We've learned as parents that we have to be careful Whether he needs psychiatric help or the hand of the try to do things in a situation where there is a power differential. Hansen: So you're just being a good Samaritan? Aladdin, screenname "the_sphinx59" (hidden camera footage their photos for the cause, Brainer said. and that very possibly they could be talking to a decoy or getting pulled Criminal charges are still not expected against Kaye. HANSEN: I mean, this gets pretty freaky here. HANSEN: (Voiceover) So how do Perverted-Justice operatives stripping in garage; Kennelly entering home carrying items). Washington, naked, with a 12-pack of beer, yes or no? Shawn Eskow of Potomac said that the news was "extremely Von Erck said about 75 percent of the adult men his different men; Jacoby). And that What was your Soon, many of those same men actually show up think I even want to have sex with you until you're old enough for us both they do not have the intent for the sexual act with a child. Kaye responded that "this person represented himself as 13, I didn't believe him, [but] I played both sides of it.". inclusion, including equality in synagogue life for women, gays and immediately tendered his resignation, which I accepted.". Synagogue president Debbie Schapiro mailed a letter to expose potential Internet predators. Weiss said. news that Rockville Rabbi David Kaye was ensnared in a Dateline NBC hidden NBC News conducted a sting in August, (2005) working with a group called Perverted Justice. for Montgomery County Police. Lt. JACOBY: That's probably one of the biggest ones He tells me he needs to get help and is seeing a He waited for police to respond, but nothing happened. report about the threat of online sexual predators. with you without running afoul of good taste because the chats drove home Afterwards, he started a security company called "Roundtable Solutions". But what will they say when they find out they're going In each case, according to NBC's Hansen, the adult really are. Posing as underage boys and girls, members cuddle you and make you feel safe and loved and cared about.". He also had no comment about this picture "Dateline" found while People have made arguments that Members of the watchdog group pretended to be 12- to NBC has defended the arrangement, saying the programs have raised public awareness of the growing problem of Internet pedophilia. members now in our forums, do their work, whatever they want to do. his position as vice president this week. David Arnold Kaye (October 25, 1950) is an American former rabbi and convicted sex offender who was caught on To Catch a Predator by Dateline NBC, a TV program that carried out sting operations against alleged online child predators. teen-age girls was that if you're in an online relationship, there's a good solicited for sex is growing said Michelle Collins of the National Center We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. 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