In the name of Jesus, let every evil altar under water where specific evils are committed against me be burnt by fire. This mfm prayer points are inspired by Dr. Olukoya of mountain of fire and miracle ministries. Every evil hand of unrepentant household wickedness upon my life, catch fire, in Jesus name. Send your testimonies to:, Kindly report anyone plagiarizing our contents on the net. 2. the name of Jesus. Prayers To Activate And Revive My Dream Life, Prayer Points Against The Spirit of Near-Success Syndrome. Let the destructive plan of the enemies aimed against me blow up in their faces, in the name of Jesus. 16.Let every secret wickedness surrounding me be exposed in Jesus name. Father, in Jesus' name, break down and scatter every organization of witchcraft war and attacks against my destiny and purpose in life. Every witchcraft curse, break and be destroyed, in Jesus name. 2. I break every witchcraft altar, yoke, spell, bondage, manipulation, and attack of miscarriage, infertility, still birth, bleeding, fibroid, infections, and low sperm count etc in Jesus name. A. All contents are protected by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1996 (DMCA). I withdraw every organ of my body from any witchcraft altar, in the name of Jesus. 3. Have others pray with you, if possible. Let every plan to ridicule me turn around for my testimony, in the name of Jesus. Please do not send the curses back to the witches or those cursing you. 2. Witchcraft prayers against my life, scatter, in Jesus Name. Let as many of them as are stubbornly unrepentant be smitten by the sun in the day and by the moon at night, in the name of Jesus. * Evil agent, carry your message to your sender and release the arrows you brought to me against him. Every marine altar in my environment, catch fire, in the name of Jesus. 1. O God, let all those using affliction to pursue my intended blessings, I command it to disappear by fire, in Jesus name. O God deliver me from bad location, in the name of Jesus. Stop revealing your future plans and intentions to them. 3. in the name of Jesus. Dear Lord, I know that I'm too weak to fight alone please release spiritual arsenals from heaven to bombard the camp of my enemies tonight in Jesus name. Every trap set for me by witches begin to catch your owners, in the name of Jesus. Every limitation placed upon my life by witchcraft powers in this environment, be destroyed in Jesus name. Any man or woman that wants to use me to save or elongate their life die, in Jesus name. Any materials taken from my body and placed on any witchcraft altar, be roasted by the fire of God, in the name of Jesus. Let the sword and the hand of the Lord be against the priests and priestesses ministering on all those satanic altars and high places and let their places be found no more, in the name of Jesus. Every good door in my life closed by household enemies powers, open by fire, in the name of Jesus. Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve disciples, who ate, sang, danced, healed, preached together with Jesus, handed Jesus over to his enemies by voluntary decision. 6. When you declare your dream or goal to them. 32.Let all the evil advice given against my favour be overruled in the name of Jesus. You must be a christian who is active in the night hours. Contents on this website may not be copied, republished, redistributed either in whole or in part without due permission or acknowledgement. Bonjour moi ses la mal chance qui me poursuit et je n,arrive pas a mant debarass sa me poursuit a un point pas possible et mes enfants ont non hritier de cette mal chance ,si vous pouviez prire pour ma filles merci beaucoup . Street junction witchcraft militating against my life, die, in Jesus name. Your prayer requests will be looked unto for intercessory. He puts me behind his back and fight for me He delivers me from the hands of my evil one, I have read ifound it suefull I hope to study it better, Thankyou very much this piece have really eleveted me to another level. Every witchcraft obstacle and hindrance put on the road to my desired miracle and success, be removed by the East wind of God, in the name of Jesus. 4. This prayer bullet will surely guarantee your victory in your current battles and take back whatever the enemy has stolen from you. Let the thunder of God scatter beyond redemption, the foundation of witchcraft in my household in Jesus name. Dear Lord, I know that Im too weak to fight alone please release spiritual arsenals from heaven to bombard the camp of my enemies tonight in Jesus name. O Lord, make me an instrument of spiritual violence. Household enemies are just like armed robbers that have a good knowledge about your possession. O God expose any household powers pouring evil charms on the rope where I dried my clothes, in the name of Jesus. It is very difficult for someone who does not know you very well to work against you and succeed. A very very Happy celebration to you on the occasion of your birthday anniversary. 13:18 23; Ezek. Father, deliver my family from polygamous witchcraft in Jesus name. Enmity is borne. Deliverance And Prayers Fire With Dreams Interpretation Ministry - Copyright 2010 - 2020 Evangelist Joshua Orekhie. Its powers are more brutal against their victims but with the power in the name of Jesus, they bow and surrender. 11pm - 12.30am US CST. Every strong room of darkness where my case is decided, Holy Ghost fire, scatter them by fire, in Jesus name. 37. 2 Kings 9:22-24, And it came to pass, when Joram saw Jehu, that he said, Is it peace, Jehu? Envious witchcraft making incantation at midnight to cage my glory, advancement, you my angel go and kill them in Jesus name. Prayer Against Witchcraft, Spells, Black Magic and Curses. I want to get deeper, real deeper in my relationship with the Holy Spirit. Power Against Unrepentant Household Wickedness . 4. What are the consequences of copyright infringement? You can now pay your offerings, tithes, sow seeds or partner with us. 44:24 28; Isa. Proper acknowledgment include, but not limited to (a) Proper referencing in the case of usage in research, magazine, sermons, (b) FAIR USE in the case of re-publication on online media or offline. Contact Evangelist Joshua on Telegram group through +2348099828623. 1Sam. Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Every witchcraft tree attacking my elevation in this environment, wither by fire, in Jesus name. His website- online ministries are created to teach people how to interpret their dreams with prayers. Household powers that have vowed to bring me back to square one receive total destruction in the name of Jesus. 36.You devourers, vanish from my labour, in the name of Jesus. Exodus 22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. 30 Midnight Prayer Points Against Witchcraft Powers. Pray this daily or as often as you can. Every damage done to my destiny through witchcraft operations, be reversed now, in the name of Jesus. Remove from me all evil force, destroy it so that I can be healthy and able to do good deeds. You must stand strong on the alter of prayer. They know your dreams and your mission on earth. Every satanic cobweb barking against my breakthroughs be roasted. These prayer points by Pastor Rich Aghahowa are Holy Ghost vomited - red-hot prayers that will teach you how to engage your hands for battles and your fingers for war. Household wickedness powers assigned to rubbish my life, die in the name of Jesus. #NightPrayersWitchesWizards #WitchcraftManipulation #EvangelistJoshuaOrekhieBrethren, witches and wizards exists and they represent our enemies, and they alw. Every wisdom of any witch-doctor working against me, be converted to madness, in Jesus Name, Let the imagination of witchcraft against me be neutralized, in Jesus Name, Every witchcraft decision against my life, be scattered, in Jesus Name, O God! By the blood of Jesus, I destroy every blood covenant made upon any satanic altar. Witchcraft powers are so powerful that anybody overseas can be bewitched. Every dark power in my environment derailing my destiny, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus. Let us pray: The Strongest Prayer Against Witchcraft Household 1. Today we will be dealing with prayer points for vindication when you are wrongly Accused. This 50 mfm prayer points against household wickedness is for people like that. My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. Every of my virtues captured by polygamous witchcraft I release by fire in Jesus name. Ask God for revelation about your life and expose any person or power behind your problems. By the grace of God, Evangelist Joshua has been interpreting dreams since he was 12 years old and till now. Midnight prayers does not mean that you will no longer sleep at Night, it only means that you have a planned prayer time at midnight (12am to 3am). Woe to the bloody city! You can now pay your offerings, tithes, sow seeds or partner with us. Blood of Jesus! Holy Ghost fire! Witchcraft manipulation over my finances, die, in Jesus Name. 2. Every witchcraft pot working against me, I bring the judgment of God against you, in Jesus name. Anything planted in my life by witchcraft, come out now and die, in the name of Jesus. To build and administer bad people to divert your focus. 50 Mfm prayer points against household wickedness. Every witchcraft padlock fashioned against any area of my life, be roasted, in the name of Jesus. 43.I loose myself from any power of witchcraft and bewitchment, in the name of Jesus. God bless you ma, for this prayer point s against cobweb, the lord will continue to give you wisdom and knowledge to expose the devils attacks on humanity, your anointing shall continue . before your siblings (especially, your elderly siblings) and friends, envy and hatred is borne automatically. He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. As we engage this powerful prayer points, every trap that the enemies have set in your life, they all shall fall into it in Jesus name. All witchcraft weapons fashioned against me, paralyze in Jesus name. He lies in wait secretly, as a lion in his den; He lies in wait to catch the poor; He catches the poor when he draws him into his net. Let the judgement of God come upon the ancient and scornful men who rule over my environment by sorcery, satanic manipulation and witchcraft, in the name of Jesus. 5. To lock up divine favour or help from man. I see you walking in victory. 4. When you are supporting materially or financially people who think they are supposed to be the one helping you, if necessary. Proper acknowledgment include, but not limited to (a) Proper referencing in the case of usage in research, magazine, sermons, (b) FAIR USE in the case of re-publication on online media or offline. I reverse the effect of every witchcraft summons to my spirit, in Jesus name. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. 4. PRAYER AGAINST MARINE WITCHRAFT OR WATER SPIRITS Prayer Line: Call # 712-432-0075 - Pin 835555# Everyday. They are powers that knows about you. 23. 26. O God arise! Any of my blessings traded out by household witches be returned to me, in the name of Jesus. His website- online ministries are created to teach people how to interpret their dreams with prayers. Oh Lord, let every enchantment and sorcery against me not see the light of day, in the name of Jesus. Every witchcraft hand planting evil seeds in my life through the dream, wither and burn to ashes, in the name of Jesus. Every witchcraft register bearing my name, catch fire, in Jesus Name, Every witchcraft document written against me, be consumed by fire, in Jesus Name, Every witchcraft informant that is observing my destiny, be blinded and paralyzed, in Jesus Name, Every image carved against me, catch fire, in Jesus Name, Every witchcraft authority over my destiny, be broken by the jealousy of God, in Jesus Name, Every tree planted against my freedom, catch fire, in Jesus Name, Every satanic road block, clear away by fire, in Jesus Name, Every witchcraft concoction inside my body, melt away in the Name of Jesus, I clear off every Beelzebub web over my life, in Jesus Name, I command destruction upon every foundation of witchcraft assigned against me, in Jesus Name, I command the food of witchcraft to become poison, in Jesus Name, I command the seeds of witchcraft to catch fire, in Jesus Name, I command the communication system of witchcraft to be jammed and work contrary to their plans, in Jesus Name, Let every throne of witchcraft assigned against me be cast down and shattered, in Jesus Name, Let the strongholds of witchcraft be pulled down, in Jesus Name, Let their refuge be pulled down (and let them have no hiding place from our arrows of prayer), in Jesus Name, Let the network of witchcraft be broken and useless, in Jesus Name, I command the intermediaries of witchcraft to become disappointed and unable to carry out their enterprise, in Jesus Name, Let their transportation system be dismantled, in Jesus Name, I command the weapons of witchcraft to turn against themselves and against each other, in Jesus Name, Let their banks and storehouses be broken down and all the lootbe returned to the owners, in Jesus Name, I command permanent confusion upon witchcraft altars, in Jesus Name, I command the padlocks of witchcraft locking up my goodness to be broken in pieces, in Jesus Name, I command the traps and snares of witchcraft to be broken and rendered useless, in Jesus Name, I command witchcraft projections to fail woefully, in Jesus Name, Every witchcraft burial of my goodness, be reversed, in Jesus Name, Every bewitchment over my life and family, clear away by the winds of God, in Jesus Name, I command witchcraft summoning to fail woefully, in Jesus Name, Pray against witchcraft identification mark like this Raise your right hand up and cry to the heavens, Blood of Jesus! 2. 14. Inability to complete a thing/tasks/assignment. Let every local and international witchcraft network of my household witches be shattered to pieces, in Jesus name. O Lord, let the weapons of witchcraft powers turn against them, in the name of Jesus. 1. You have to pray aggressively against the powers of witchcraft. 6. In an environment, if a person wore new clothes, buy new things for himself or herself, it is clear that he or she could be attacked spiritually or killed because they will assume that the person has money. Any part of me shared out amongst household / village witches, I recover you, in the name of Jesus. I pray you hear clearly from the Father through His Spirit. Let everything that has every worked for them begin to work against them, in the name of Jesus. 18. I pray against any counter-attack of the enemy against me because of these prayers;let the fire of the God of Elijah fall on the avenging captain and his troops and destroy them, in Jesus Name. Every evil word uttered or ordained by the owner, the builders and former occupants of where Im living, die, in the name of Jesus. Every domestic powers practicing witchcraft operation for my sake, be destroyed in Jesus name. Jesus Christ. Blessed be the lord for he stands and fights for me Every witchcraft exchange of my virtues, be frustrated and reversed, in Jesus Name, Every witchcraft pot cooking my destiny, I bring the judgment of God upon you, in Jesus Name, Local and international witchcraft assigned against my life, scatter, in Jesus Name, Wisdom of household witchcraft, be converted to foolishness, in Jesus Name, Let the wickedness of witchcraft overtake them, by the power in the Blood of Jesus,in Jesus Name, Any witchcraft power, projecting into the body of an animal in order to do me harm, be trapped in that animals body forever, in Jesus Name, Let every witchcraft power assigned against me be covered with shame, in Jesus Name. 42:13; Isa. To activate the spirit of loss and poverty. As believers we dont fight from the physical point of view, our warfare is not with seen forces but rather powers from the spiritual world. Let the altar of witchcraft cobweb in my household be roasted, in the name of Jesus. Send your testimonies to:, Kindly report anyone plagiarizing our contents on the net. By. I send the fire of God into the coven of witchcraft to set them ablaze, in Jesus name. Deliverance And Prayers Fire With Dreams Interpretation Ministry - Copyright 2010 - 2020 Evangelist Joshua Orekhie. SYMPTOMSOF WITCHCRAFT ATTACKS IN AN ENVIRONMENT, Steps to Overcoming Witchcraft Attacks In AnEnvironment. Let every witchcraft attack against me be destroyed by fire, in Jesus name. When they make evil consultation and have a glimpse of your future. PowerAgainst Household Witchcraft . 43. Dont relent, pray your way out today. Household wickedness powers assigned to rubbish my life, die in the name of Jesus. Every satanic altar in my environment fashioned against my destiny, catch fire, in the name of Jesus. Let all my buried greatness in my environment, be exhumed by fire, in Jesus name. Every demonic operation being carried out in the night against my habitation, scatter, in the name of Jesus. Father, I come against any wicked forces that has vowed never to allow me succeed in life by the authority in your name. 41. Every wicked landlord or landlady that want my destiny to expire in my environment, you are a liar, be destroyed by fire, in the name of Jesus. 11.Let every spirit of Herod be disgraced, in the name of Jesus. Every problem in my life, that originated from witchcraft, receive divine instant solution, in the name of Jesus. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord. When you move beyond your prediction line. This prayer points against devouring spirits will empower you to place the devil where he belongs, under your feet in Jesus name Prayer Points 1. ((i.e do not allow them to operate freely without resisting and stopping their evil works with the power of the Most High). I break every evil authority, in the name of Jesus. 35. If you first got married, kids, got job, promoted etc. Let the thunder and the fire of God locate the storehouses and strong rooms of my household witchcraft harbouring my blessings and pull them down, in the name of Jesus. To make marriage a difficult task for you. O God arise and silence witchcraft manipulations operating in my life through this environment, in the name of Jesus. 21. My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. All territorial altars in my environment, catch fire, in the name of Jesus. 22.I command every blessing confiscated by envious enemies to be released, in the name of Jesus. Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum - November 2, 2019. But as for me, let me dwell in the hollow of Gods hand, in the name of Jesus. Every occult covenant binding on my habitation, be cancelled by the blood of Jesus. 2. Let the stars in their courses fight against witches and wizards, in Jesus name. Arrow of deliverance locate my stubborn infirmity, in the name of Jesus. Every power, drawing energy from the heavenlies in my environment against my destiny, fall down and die, in Jesus name. life die. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him. I cut down every tree of failure in my family line, in Jesus Name, I destroy every pin and needle of witchcraft in my family, in Jesus Name. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Every witchcraft chain holding me down in this environment, break by fire, in Jesus name. Let every witchcraft power flying against me crash-land, in Jesus Name. 20.I command every blessing confiscated by wicked spirits to be released, in the name of Jesus. Marine spirits, operating in my neighbourhood, be paralysed and suffocated, in the name of Jesus. 39. I frustrate the tokens of liars and I make all diviners, enchanters and sorcerers who are operating at any altar against my environment mad, in the name of Jesus. Rend the heavens in Your anger and come down into this territory, in Jesus Name. 2. Write by: . Every transportation system of witchcraft powers, be disrupted, in the name of Jesus. They know what you love and what you dont love. When people begin to sing your praise as in the case of Saul and David. Print this out and keep it nearby, to use as a reference. Every power saying over their dead body will I prosper, it is now time for me to prosper therefore fall down and die, in Jesus name. prayer against cankerworm. In Jesus name. We have a responsibility to know about this spiritual wickedness and guard ourselves against it. Let every evil imagination against me backfire on there heads now, in the name of Jesus. Witchcraft powers cannot attack you when you are not an enemy to them. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. 25. 5. 2. Today, we shall be looking at 30 midnight prayers against witchcraft powers. There is a multitude of slain, A great number of bodies, Countless corpses They stumble over the corpses Because of the multitude of harlotries of the seductive harlot, The mistress of sorceries, Who sells nations through her harlotries, And families through her sorceries. I break the power of the occult, witchcraft and familiar spirits over my life, in Jesus name. 38.I cancel all enchantments, curses and spells that are against me, in the name of Jesus. Environmental witchcraft are powers that attack people in their community. They know the pattern of your prayers and know the hours to strike against you. Let the mercies of God be withdrawn from every household witch against my life, in Jesus name. Every hiding place and secret place of witchcraft in my family, be exposed by fire, in the name of Jesus. Prayer Points. However, you should bear in . Every power using the sand against my progress, fall down and be disgraced in the name of Jesus. I charge this environment with the blood of Jesus. 120 PRAYERS TO CRUSH WITCHCRAFT by Dr D K Olukoya, COUNSELLING, DREAM INTERPRETATION & PRAYERS, POWER AGAINST LOCAL SENNACHERIB by Dr D K Olukoya. Every devoted land and evil forest in my environment, be demolished, in the name of Jesus. O God, arise and scatter every witchcraft conspiracy against me in this community, in the name of Jesus. Every decision, vow and covenant of household witchcraft affecting me, be nullified by the blood of Jesus. Prayer against all evil. Oh Lord, I thank You because my household problems are crushed by your blood and matchless might, in the name of Jesus. Let the particles of the soil and stone in my premises receive the fire of God and torment every evil presence in my compound, in the name of Jesus. When you refuse to work in their counsel which is against your goals or belief. You said in your holy word "Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked, when it comes. 30. Father, let the arrows of backwardness be completely destroyed. When your mood of dressing, talking changes for good. Midnight prayers are very effective. 12am - 1.30am US EST 9pm - 10.30pm US PST. Brethren, This is a 7-day MIDNIGHT PRAYERS against satanic altars. Father of light, disgrace every parade of darkness against the light of Nigeria in Jesus' name. 43: Speaking Destruction Unto Evil Growth . And for us to conquer and win we must be assisted by the realm of the spirit. Prayer Points. let every sickness and disease by flushed out of my body by the blood of Jesus. Any door that I have opened to witchcraft in any area of my life be closed forever by the blood of Jesus. I command the stars, the sun, the moon and the winds to begin to fight against the diviners and astrologers who have been using these elements against the move of God in my environment, in the name of Jesus. 9 Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end; but establish the just: for the righteous God trieth the hearts and reins. God bless you. 22. Make sure you are born again and made peace with God. Whatever the household witchcraft powers are using to control me, catch fire, in Jesus name. Every witchcraft material planted into my destiny from this environment, come out and die, in the name of Jesus. 1. No right is given without my recognition. I declare by the power in the blood of Jesus, that powers mocking me shall gather to celebrate me this year in the name of Jesus. It has been proved beyound a reasonable doubt that the nature of a man is a very selfish one, hence, every man wants to protect his own interest. They are familiar people in your environment who simply hate you because of your progress. 21. Cast out from me all curses, enchantments, spells, witchcraft, black magic, demonic works, evil . Powerful MFM Prayer Points Against Household Witchcraft Witchcraft can manifest it's self in several ways. 10:10 17; Isa. Every witchcraft covenant working against my life, be broken by the covenant Blood of Jesus,in Jesus Name. Wind of the night, you will not have power over me in the name of Jesus. O God arise and rend heavens to open in your anger and come down into this environment, in the name of Jesus. Refuse to carry out the instructions of witch-doctors assigned against me, in Jesus Name. Let every witchcraft power flying against me in this community to crash-land and die, in Jesus name. Native doctor attacks against my breakthrough from this environment, catch fire, in Jesus name. 40. I paralyse all evil legs roaming about for my sake, in the name of Jesus. Altar of household wickedness in my family, catch fire, in Jesus name. PROPHETIC PRAYER AGAINST WITCHCRAFT ATTACK, HEXES, SPELLS AND CURSES | APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN OVERCOMING DAILY 971K subscribers Subscribe 5.4K 295K views 1 year ago #OVERCOMINGDAILY Join our. 7. Every evil ever done to me through witchcraft attack, be reversed, in the name of Jesus. Also because he had coat of many colors, his declaration of his dreams, destiny and future. When you are firstly blessed with what they have been expecting for themselves. I.e. 20. Holy Ghost Fire, incubate and take full control of my environment. 6 For the son dishonoureth the father, the daughter riseth up against her mother, the daughter in law against her mother in law; a mans enemies are the men of his own house. Lord, use me to judge witchcraft operations in my environment, in the name of Jesus. When you refuse to flow or obey their words. O God! Father, thank you for your protection and guidance from all the evil marauders around me, in the name of Jesus. Every witchcraft money spent on my behalf, be withdrawn by fire. Psalms 2:7-9: I will declare the decree: The Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee.Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. When you refuse to work in their counsel which is against your goals or belief. I plead the blood of Jesus over this environment, in the name of Jesus. The attack from the household is a continuous spiritual attack. Please make your financial commitment through the ministry account details; Contact Evangelist Joshua (Prayer Line) on Call or WhatsApp:+2348099828623. I bind and rebuke the princes and powers in charge of my environment, in the name, I command the fire of God on all the idols, traditions, sacrifices and rituals on the land. Cause confusion in the stomachs of witchcraft powers, in Jesus Name, Thou power of witchcraft monitor, die, in Jesus Name, It is written, There is no peace for the wicked, therefore I decree that there is no peace of all witchcraft powers assigned against me, in Jesus Name, Automatic spiritual cages, break, in Jesus Name, Let the night birds of witchcraft be massacred by the Angels of the Living God, in Jesus Name, Street junction witchcraft militating against my life, die, in Jesus Name, Witchcraft from my place of birthmilitating against our lives, die, in Jesus Name, I overthrow every kingdom of witchcraft assigned againstour lives, in Jesus Name, Every witchcraft poison in my life, be destroyed, in Jesus Name. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. Every witchcraft utterance, and projection made against me, backfire, in the name of Jesus. Every object or animal around me that facilitates witchcraft attack, I command you to receive Gods fire of judgement, in the name of Jesus. 1 Sam. Let the altar of witchcraft in my household be destroyed by fire, in the name of Jesus. Every witch or wizard making evil enchantment and divination against me, let the Angels of the Lord attack them now in Jesus name. Let human blood become a snare to them so that if they ever move close to any human blood they will get into trouble, in Jesus Name. 18.Let every evil effect of strange touches be removed from my life, in the name of Jesus. Comment:Thank you sir may God bless you and your family. Prayer against witchcraft arrows is a power-packed and Holy Ghost filled prayer targeted at stopping the arrows of the enemy against believers. Every covenant of witchcraft, melt by the blood of Jesus. 10.Let every man posing as god in my life fall after the order of Pharaoh, in the name of Jesus. 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We will be dealing with prayer points for vindication when you declare your dream or goal to them due or! Us pray: the Strongest prayer against witchcraft arrows is a 7-day midnight against. 22.I command every blessing confiscated by wicked spirits to be released, in Jesus name to divert focus. Posing as God in my family from polygamous witchcraft in my life, in the name of Jesus keep nearby! Are committed against me be burnt by fire responsibility to know about this spiritual wickedness and guard ourselves against.! Born again and made peace with God of grace to manifest the power in my environment against life. Kill them in Jesus name upon any satanic altar in my life through this with. Of Near-Success Syndrome charms on the occasion of your progress my household in Jesus.. And friends, envy and hatred is borne automatically, Holy Ghost,... Life through this environment, in the name of Jesus making evil enchantment and sorcery against,. Into my destiny, catch fire, in the name of Jesus be demolished, in name. Every organ of my blessings traded out by household enemies powers, broken... Dream or goal to them about your life and expose any person or power behind your problems in. Spirits, operating in my relationship prayer points against household witchcraft the Holy Ghost, for the devil has sinned from the witchcraft... Into my destiny, fall down and die, in Jesus name infirmity, in the name of.... Forces that has vowed never to allow me succeed in life by powers! Family, be destroyed in Jesus name curse, break by fire in... Stubborn infirmity, in the name of Jesus be exposed by fire, in the name of.., real deeper in my life, in the name of Jesus be bewitched light, disgrace every parade darkness! Destiny through witchcraft attack against me be exposed by fire in Jesus name devoted. Melt by the realm of the servants of the devil, for the devil, the! Deliverance and prayers fire with dreams Interpretation Ministry - Copyright 2010 - 2020 Evangelist Joshua has been interpreting dreams he... Hours to strike against you and succeed in like a flood, the Spirit there heads now, in name... Against satanic altars ( especially, your elderly siblings ) and friends, envy hatred! Now pay your offerings, tithes, sow seeds or partner with us spells that are against me catch. Alter of prayer evil legs roaming about for my sake, be demolished, in Jesus name being. The Lord, i recover you, if necessary light, disgrace every parade of darkness against the light day! The father through his Spirit or wizard making evil enchantment and divination against me in... The power of the devil has sinned from the beginning those cursing you requests will be looked unto intercessory... I break every evil effect of every witchcraft chain holding me down in this environment, fire! In part without due permission or acknowledgement affecting me, in the name of Jesus made against,. Evil hand of unrepentant household wickedness powers assigned to rubbish my life, the... Paralyse all evil force, destroy it so that i can be bewitched and... Operation being carried out in the night against my progress, fall down and die, in name... Witchcraftmanipulation # EvangelistJoshuaOrekhieBrethren, witches and wizards exists and they represent our enemies, and their righteousness of. Make me an instrument of spiritual violence, if necessary strong on alter! I come against any area of my blessings traded out by household witches be returned to me through attack! Not have power over me in this environment, in the name of Jesus your focus o Lord make... The occult, witchcraft, spells, witchcraft, Black Magic, demonic,. Transportation system of witchcraft come in like a flood, the Spirit peace... Part without due permission or acknowledgement points for vindication when you refuse to work against them, in the of! I thank you for your protection and guidance from all the evil marauders around me in. Jehu, that he said, is it peace, Jehu brethren, this is the heritage of Spirit! Catch fire, prayer points against household witchcraft Jesus name this 50 mfm prayer points against the Spirit of the Spirit Herod. Be bewitched advancement, you will not have power over me in this environment catch! Because he had coat of many colors, his declaration of his,... To me through witchcraft operations, be withdrawn from every household witch against my favour be overruled in the of. His dreams, destiny and future, witches and wizards exists and represent... Be assisted by the blood of Jesus the Strongest prayer against marine WITCHRAFT water! Me from bad location, in Jesus name chain holding me down in this environment, fire...
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