!-Hit That Like Button . Everything is going great except for one thing: there is absolutely no evidence that you exist anywhere on his social media. His last Instagram post dates back to September 2016. That, and a keener sense of observation for more signs of foul play on her part. mobile: 'true', We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. The 8 Best Homemade Face Masks For Clear Skin, Natural Remedies For Glowing Skin: Get Your Glow Back. If your girlfriend has been posting less and less about the two of you, then it might mean that her feelings for you are fading away or have already disappeared. Mute, but don't block. By posting about your relationship, you now have another responsibility. Planet Reality. Here is her story as told to Wandi Jama. Why Doesnt My Girlfriend Post About Me On Social Media? Some people love it, some people hate it, some people are on it all the time, some people are not," she says. Some girls only have one profile that is only about them, and they dont want to put their partner on it. Remember when you were applying to colleges and frantically making all of your Facebook albums private? When I was younger, I couldn't wait to have a girlfriend and change my "Single" status to "In A Relationship with _____." Now, at 25 (which seems decades older), I honestly don't really care. Learn how your comment data is processed. His ex is always in the picture. Confident but something smells fishy when nobody knows you two are together, got back together or anything in between. However, there have been cases of breakups happening in recent years because someone saw something they didnt want to see on their significant others account. Research shows that, more often than not, posting a lot about your relationship may signal you and your SO aren't in a good place. version 2.7 dv_path: "LIFESTYLE/RELATIONSHIPS-WEDDINGS", There probably arent too many. Because someone else ' s social media habits are a very difficult web to untangle, you shouldn ' t necessarily jump to conclusions about those of your S.O. Get our Top Stories delivered to your inbox, The fu*k buddy manual: An ultimate guide to casual relationships, For couples: 4 times you may not be interested in sex and it's absolutely normal, 5 fun places to go on a first date besides restaurants, love life and other private details on social media, posts everything about her life on social media. Hi, This is Saiful Islam. Note; the chances of getting a quick response reduces if the text in your email has a lot of abbreviations. For Hannah, this meant seeing his lax use of social media isn't a reflection of his feelings for me at all.. Do your best to supress the thoughts of all of her male friends ogling the photos and passing them around (as you would do in the same situation, admit it) and just focus on being a better. 2. Even if you have different priorities, you deserve a partner who cares about your concerns.) Real relationships have ups and downs, but you don't always see that on social media. Any choices she made in her life that are oppositive to what she now presents herself to be like should also be considered as a red flag. A relationship thrives when the couple[s] have their own interests. But . There are five: words of affirmation, quality time, acts of service, receiving gifts, and physical touch. How have you dealt with that in the past?" However, her unwillingness to post her boyfriend on social media has affected her relationship. As humans, we are wired to yearn for connection, meaning, and belonging. But if she loves you, she should be able to concede to this need occasionally just to make you happy. photos of him hanging out with his pet, a landscape photo, eating food for one, him alone at home, bathroom selfies, photos of him alone at a tourist attraction). By understanding where they're coming from, you're approaching the issue from a point of compassion rather than selfishness. If your girlfriend doesnt post about you on social media, take a hard look at her behavior. If you still want to ask your boyfriend or girlfriend why they haven't posted any pictures of you on Instagram, here's the right way to do it. Eyewitness? But when a woman hides your relationship on social media that is cause for concern. Just because your partners Instagram account is dedicated to their job and not your relationship does not mean theres trouble in paradise. "function"===typeof document.currentScript.getAttribute?document.currentScript:null}var G=function(){return"function"===typeof Array.isArray?function(a){return Array.isArray(a)}:function(a){return"[object Array]"===Object.prototype.toString.call(a)}}(),y=function(){function a(a,b){var c=a.split("/");2>c.length?d(5,a):(c.pop(),b(c.join("/")))}function b(a,b){var c=a.split("/"),n=b.split("/");if(01")}else d(g+"->2");return!1}function J(a){var b= I have no idea why she doesn't post me on social media anymore. What your girlfriend is trying to do with her absence from social media could also be because she likes to keep things private and doesnt want people judging who you are. 2. Social media can be a blessing for some people and a curse for others. The following are some possible reasons why your girlfriend might not post you on social media: If your girlfriend is insecure, she may not post you on social media because she feels as though the relationship isnt perfect. 3. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. One who does something for the love of it. Its not a bad thing for your SO to not intuitively understand why youre craving more social media love. see: http://github.com/szagi3891/AMDLoader for details She ended up not bringing up the conversation with him, knowing it was a lost cause, but shes planning on acting differently in the future. With a future partner, Id be honest about why Id want it. const schemaOrgItemList = { Its natural to be upset if you have a significant other who doesn't post pics of you on social media, if thats important to you. Unblock notifications in browser settings. "There's something so precious about the beginning of a relationship. There are a number of reasons why your girlfriend may not be hyping you up all over the social media metaverse. Is it OK To Not Post Your Relationship on Social Media? Like any other bump in a relationship, I think the key is for both people to listen and see the other's side. For Hannahs SO, this meant realizing that Instagram was important to her. In fact, he may be thinking he's doing the right thing - so it's worth investigating and hearing him out. Should You Post Your Girlfriend On Social Media? "",!0);d(26)},!0,35);t(F,"ring-amd",{},!0,37);t(r,"isBrowser",!0,!0,38);t(r,"specified",function(a){return null!==s&&s.isSpecified?s.isSpecified(a):!1},!0,39);(function(a,b){function d(b){function e(){var a=b.getAttribute("data-amd-preload");return u(a)?a.split(","):[]}function c(){var a=b.getAttribute("data-timeout-start");return 0
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