I am an extremely clean person and I like my surroundings to be comfy and inviting. This is the biggest load of BS. But we live in a loud neighborhood on a loud corner so he barks usually out of nowhere and for random sounds or ones you think he would be used to by now. Destructiveness is also one of the main reasons why some people need to get rid of their dogs. Once they are comfortable with one command, I am looking forward to moving to a new trick or command. He will be terrible un-happy if he gets rid of them but as I said Im totally unhappy with them being at home. 1. How do you get through having to say we had to end a relationship over a dog? and respond to behavior modification with varying methods. She was prescribed Zovirax, which she takes whenever it starts to head it off or lessen it. I want out. Aggressive to other pets in your household and other dogs. So I meet a new girl and I think SHE is the world. Privacy Policy. I went through a very lonely period in my life after a break up from my then fiance and I got Nappy, a male shitzu, to help with my loneliness. I have no advice for you and I have no idea how people have four dogs. Dont get the Bark Genie, the chihuahua barks right through it. Its embarrassing, humiliating, and I cant understand it at all. It really is their loss. Some of you people are obsessive over your dogs and just plain silly if your willing to throw a relationship away because of dogs. Life will stop if IT cant be involved in everything between us. An animal however lives by loyalty. I must also say we dont live together. Ive been married 16 years. I started to resent her when I was outside with her waiting ten minutes for her to finally decide to go when I had so much to do for my 12 hour work day. My wife and daughter and son are in a combined hate campaign against me because i put them out in the garden and leave them if im left in the house with them, she feeds them on expensive dentistix, and the wont eatbarley anthing else now. Another issue is, I have been teaching the kids to not touch the dog during meal time to avoid the dog getting defensive and hurting the kids. IT has to sleep in our room or else IT will bark and complain. There are so many people in the world who actually LIKE dogs, it is pointless to waste time on ones who dont. We are expecting twins in January and the animals are not trained around small children and in fact have had incidences with smaller or other animals that resulted in aggression (the adult dog killed the kittens left unattended at their previous residence). He barks a lot, steals my toddlers food, gets into the garbage, growls at night at every sound, jumps on people, sheds constantly, growls at you and nips if you try to punish him, and hes just a bad dog. That is why Im so frustrated about my situation. When we first got her she was doing fine. The day she was put into an assisted living home the dogs came to our house with no discussion between us. She made arrangements for her mother to take the dog when she came out to visit last week. But it's amazing how often we jump through psychological hoops of self-justification to convince ourselves that things are really working. ive been forced to sleep in the spare room a lot of nights because she moves about constantly and snores and keeps me up the whole night. I have always deeply loved animals and had pets as a kid. But my dogs have never slept in my room. There is no way you need to treat an animal like that. The more I read about this in other blogs the more I realize its not even the dogs fault its his! Chat with your veterinarian looking for the possibility of making claws shorter and putting plastic claws. I said I would not get married if she slept in the bed. I have a small senior dog who I live as if he were family. You get the point. She has told me and her parents that she feels the same way. You live your own life and Ill live mine ^_^ Being human doesnt mean I have to cater to the emotional needs of you or others. Wow, what a slap in the face. Originally the dog was obtained at the recommendation of a therapist for the dependent brother to increase his physical activity (going for walks) and to give him something to focus on other than himself. Get rid of the dog for pete sakes! I disagreed whole heartedly. And my boyfriend doesnt like spending time at my place so were always at his and my dog isnt aloud. I actually love them but never, ever thought that a dog would be treated with such reverence and respect than myself or that every material thing I earned would be destroyed with no acknowledgement by my significant other. Why would anyone want to be with someone like that, pets or no pets? Hi Logan, I am living the same situation with my bf. As long as you can strike a fair balance that ensures your pets needs are met, consider giving your partner a pass on nightly pet duties. She adopted a dog (3 years old) after two years and we were both excited (Keep in mind, I didnt really have any say in getting the dog or not. My last dog and cat slept with me until I realized I was lifting my leg in the middle of the night and wasnt getting very sound sleep. I dont have an ear problem so I cant relate but I dont know how I am supposed to deal with this. I agree accidents can happen. Do you seriously believe its normal to have a dog sleep in your bed and expect your partner accept it? Your partner does not want another dog so that is not your house. I do not like dogs, never will.. Needy pathetic, whiny, annoying little jerks. THEY ARE A ANIMAL, just like COWS, DEER, and SHEEP!!!! I willingly do all the work for the dog. Theres no way I would want a dog in the bedroom at all let alone in the same bed, and theres no way I would expect any partner of mine to accept it if I had one. Im slowly retraining my boyfriend and his dog. One of the things I miss most, is being able to sleep in on the weekends with my bf. she barks like mad everytime she hears someone outside or when we have visitors coming through the door, even if its someone she knows ,and two minutes later shes all over the visitors like a rash lapping up the attention, also when we walk in town she is really nervous, shakes, unexpectedly twirls around sometimes nearly knocking me over. Having a dog has been romanticized in American culture, and is depicted on tv as this wonderful experience, where the dog does as its told, is an ever faithful companion, and causes no problems to the household. let me tell you it is a massive pet peeve of mine when people want to compare a human baby to that of an animal. My dog has invertebral disc disease and hes had episodes in the past but only after jumping off of furniture, not just from being picked up. The duvet is covered with hair and dirt. Her hair gets e v e r y w h e r e. At night we are forced to put her in the kitchen because she crawls up on the couch while we are sleeping, and its obvious because the couch is covered in fur. Absolutely, it is completely unsanitary. The dog just fed his ego. I could no longer stand the way my husband brought down her spirit. He thinks his dog is just fine. Recently, hes started chewing on the carpet in our living room. Giving affection isnt sufficient. So thats another issue. These dogs have done $8,000 to my brand new home and this has destroyed what should have been a great time in our lives and a time of healing. It started to get to the point of me doing most the dog duties. I moved about 12 hours away for my boyfriend, my dog is extremely clingy he cries when he is away from me for a second i cant even go to the bathroom without him crying to come in he wakes up in the middle of the night and just starts barking trust me of course this drives my boyfriend insane it is also very hard to teach my dog not to do certain things because he is deaf now us just moving in together this obviously became a problem very quickly my boyfriend also does not think dogs should be in the kitchen well my dog went in the kitchen we got into a huge fight over this i love my dog very much!! Well the plot has thickened. I will on my own hide the ball after a significant amount of play time but all that happens is the Boston will run around in desperate and panicked fashion looking for it and my girlfriend will ultimately give it to him. Im tired of fighting over her. It will only get worse as time goes on and he neglects/takes you for granted. There is a lack of respect of others in a situation like this. Dog is his bbf, his baby. Dogs are happiest in a structured environment where they know who the leader is and arent in a constant state of unrest due to rank confusion. Weve tried chili pepper in water and sprayed the carpet and we even went as far a getting habenero peppers in water and spraying the carpet with that. People so often posit their relationships with their pets on nothing beyond feel good feelings they get from the pet being fully dependent upon them, when they would never accept that type of arrangement with another human being. His dog has ripped up a very nice carpet I bought with my own money, he has ripped up baby clothes and my own clothes before. Several years ago I married a woman who had four dogs which she loves very much. If you dont it eats you up. Mid January, we adopted a shelter dog. Well now she takes anything and everything and runs outside with it to destroy it. Dogs shouldnt be kept in cruelty but neither should humans or your children for you dogs sake. She jumped in bed with us one time when we were intimate. Reading through these comments, Im so glad Im not alone! we moved in together after we got married and the cat came too. If you cant fix that, then yes, you should break up. (Sigh) Were trying to find solutions in the meantime. Weve been together 2 years, lived together for 1. I cant afford fancy training and I just dont know what to do. My boyfriend and I have been dating for around 4 years and his mother was very sick with cancer during this time. My partner loves dogs as do I, so neither of us mind their presence. I tell him she was with me before we met, he hates her because my ex got her for me. I can completely relate. This is, if she had the ONE dog and didnt have it take precedence over her relationship and obsess about it then it wouldnt really be an issue but I ended up disliking the dog(s) because of her attitude with them. What should I do? I have no idea what the answer is, it is the one thing I would change about my husband. Lots of men in the world who love dogs and arent nasty jerks. He says I cant understand how he feels because I dont like dogs. Its absolute nonsense Ive been seeing someone who really does wish all would except his hyper untrained dirty jack russel is both his child AND strangely also as sexy. Before we got married we had arguments over our dogs how hers belongs inside since he is small and mine outside cuz there big. I hate dog/cat hair all over everything I own and I do not appreciate being disregarded so someone can pet, rub, snuggle, and baby talk their pet. We both want a life together as a family. Id like to post a general question to the audience concerning the health of dogs and their owners. I just wish hed been honest about it and not let me go for this long looking forward to realising a dream and then having it shattered. I guess my advice is to ride it out because its not for forever. Fine. Scared she would get ran over.. Then it gets cold and I couldnt do it Kids would beg for her to come in and it was hard for me to sleep of a nite shutting the door for bed knowing Bailey dog wanted inside!!! We had the exact same problem except I had two dogs when I met my boyfriend. heaven forbid you eat something !! I have never felt so upset towards an animal. and our Ive really tried bc I feel terrible for him, but then when we finally moved in together he started to guilt me into doing more things for the dog like walking her on a rotating basis with him. Right now the only rules I want is for them to stay off the furniture and not pee on the floor. And he is okay with it!! If you hate your spouses animals, you should leave. Everyone loves him and he is the most loveable,obedient dog ever. Im want him to be happy but not at the expense of being held captive & having these dogs thrust upon me. When he does bark the sound can pierce my boyfriends damaged ear and all the stress he feels about the apartment, money, health, etc. Regards. So with equal precision, I packed my stuff and left. That may be beneficial to you, and when you find a man who is serious about marriage, you will know because he is willing to spend time reading those same books together with you! EVERYONE comments on my fun loving sweet well behaved little Princess..Id rather be single than give her up, cuz shes a good dog. Good for you! Current relationshipboyfriend moves in, we get engaged, a year later I finally break down and find him a dog It broke his heart that the place I had by myself would only allow my cat so when we moved he got his dog. Me and my son usually enjoy its company. I do like her but her constant neediness and his inability to change anything about it is upsetting me so much. Ill give you some examples of the hell I have endured. I dont know. I am actually relieved I left and that was only a few months ago. See I never knew I wouldnt enjoy living with dogs before I did and I find it so unprofessional of people to say things like divorce them, or they are control freaks in response to a spouse who cannot stand a dog. Oh yes and car crazy will jump through windows to get in a car to make it stink, cover it in hair and rub its arse on a seat that I am meant to sit on. The dog whines to be requested to get let out or other who knows. It happened too many times. Its not that I dont like animals, but I have no desire of them to be in my house and definitely not in my bed. I had gotten to the point I use to say, if the two of us were drowning, who would my spouse save? Only made me better. He then comes back into the room I am in, starts cussing and ranting about how he is so sick of seeing dog piss in the floor and that I can either get rid of the dog or he will do something about it, incinuating he will either get rid of it or kill it. I was never able to spoon with my husband or cuddle, since he would be spooning with one of the dogs. I grew up with them. Shes a decently trained dog though, she knows to do her business outside, she listens after the third time you tell her and for the most part is well mannered. It makes me angry because even after I try to calmy explain myself, he winds me up by arming up and going no but you, but you, but you etc and will constantly cut me off. You are human, a different species. And we have now been fighting constantly for a month now just about Bobbi! Which isnt that bad, its actually really comfortable. Big dogs are messy and hairy and require even more care and exercise, but there are good dog hair vacuums and grooming helps a lot too. Go on the couch, eat his food, go in our bedroom and climb on our bed. Now you have to fully commit and promise that you will never leave this person no matter their flaws after having them make such a big emotional sacrifice for you. Yes he takes him outside some. A partner than doesnt take care of their dog, doesnt train it, give it exercise or give it what it needs ( not wants) is the problem not the dog. Dogs can have fleas or ticks even if you think they are properly cared for. When he does try he acts sad the whole time like Im mean and hes done a mean thing to her. Without them, they push and push and there are no limits to the rebellion/ control. What ever happened in this situation? Save yourself while you still can. Just want to offer some advice, because I have many years of experience with dogs of varying temperaments: When you get annoyed at a dog, just remember, dogs do NOT have human emotions! Why is it that none of you get this until it is a human problem and then you still dont get that the dog isnt a human. . I just want to be able to go home after a long day at work, decompress, relax, and enjoy my life. He absolutly does not want any other animals under any circumstance. Im still trying to get him to potty train.. I cried the entire time when I signed the dogs over. I told myself if the marriage ended, I would Watch for signs of this in another man. Which I usually dont. He treats her the same as yours does his dog. The horrible creature has no respect for my other animals, and it vacuums up anything it sees, including my cats toys because it is just too stupid and rangy to slow down and notice anything outside of its own drive for food. Pet lovers are really just nasty softcore beastiality enthusiasts. But since we brought her home, I have had doubts and regretted it. We have a Great Dane 2 year old with no issues. How many points will I take away? We have 2 dogs. Just after I clean after hin, who is extremely messy by the way. I wish I could summon some self-righteous fury but Im not even angry Im just hurt, sad, and bitterly disappointed. I know Id never get a dog now even if he said I could, because I know hed hate it. It is not the worst of chihuahuas, but it is aggressive at times and VERY loudthe shrieking barking could wake the dead. I am at a loss of what to do anymore, I cant make them like each other and I dont want my dog to be scared when I am not home. He is not a good guy; people who hurt dogs move on to hurting people. She was too in love with her dogs to have a human relationship. My husband has point blank said no more pets. My bf could not bear to have Fido sleep on the floor, so now I have my own separate bedroom on the other side of the house. Quite high and mighty of you to push your own agenda of what you consider to be normal. On these dog nuts. Simply because it was how you were raised yet by nature humans are in no way monogamous creatures and thus we are not bound by our instincts to stay together. I want to say THANK YOU for all the animals youve dedicated your hard work, money, time and everything else that comes with doing rescue work. I do not want our marriage to end because of an animal that is not even part of our family. At this point, I feel like her dog dictates our relationship. I refuse to allow some brat of an animal ruin things that I have worked hard and paid for. His dog doesnt come when he calls her, wants to kill every small dog she sees, barks constantly when left alone in his truck and barks at people walking by my dog has none of these habits but my boyfriend insists his dog is normal wherein mine is not. I grew from loving him to hating him! Remove the dog from your house. If you dont set limits, the dog thinks its a pack leader. Is he a narcissist since he has isolated you from friends and now your furry friends? Sweety this is not going to be easy to hear and believe me I speak from experience. Sometimes I think Americans have went insane. Okay so he never ever messed with his dog no house training.. She chewed on my new coffee tables my chairs.. I feel like the interloper. We also want to have a family, but I dont want my future children to grow up in an unsanitary place :( What do I do? It blows my mind how many people dump their pets for a bad relationship. It actually is 11 years old but has the energy of a 3 year old. Im literally in a silent argument about it right now! Ive put tarp down in the room as he previously went poop on the floor there. UGH! She has put a section of the room with pads on the floor so the dog can go there to pee while we are at work. You might ask your boyfriend to go with you to a shelter, just to look at the cute dogs, or to at least pet a pup if you can't get one. Also, if we are sitting outside and eating on the patio that they stay inside. Those people with like, 4 German Shephards and a few cats too. It requires compromise and work. She became whiny , would cry every time we gave baby attention or even if hubby would change babys diapershe started barking louder whenever we come home from the store she stil allowed to sleep in our bedroom and it annoys me. My boyfriend does not know what I am talking bout when I complain bout the smell (he must be used to it) but it irks me on a regular basis. In the beginning, she said she will choose her dog over any SO or family member in a heartbeat. since I left my partner my dog is so much more relaxed and only now I realise the reason why his own dog was an absolute nervous wreck, he said it was due to her being an ill treated rescue dog but actually now I believe she was warning me of something very dangerous considering what I know now about that man. Pls help!!!! He literally chewed through the bars. Calls her a good girl and constantly gives her treats and loves on her. He cant even use the bathroom w out her whining to come in. Reading these stories makes me want to buy all of you drinks for what youre dealing with. The worst part is that Ive really held back on my feelings to him and when I do start to express my frustration, he can become quite angry and the dog is immediately placed on the highest pedestal. Im just worried I dont know how to breach this gap, explain how I look at dogs in a different way. I hate feeling so much anger towards an animal. So true! I feel Ive had to compromise so much of my life and our marriage because she wouldnt get rid of him as he was the last of rescue animals. The only place is the cage when we leave the house. Occasionally if she was let inside too long with out going potty she would have an accident or knock over the trash.. How do any of you that do this have a good sex life?! Id volunteered to look after a friends puppy for them, a sweet 14 week old cocker/poodle cross. So when he tells my dog to do something he freezes like he is in trouble and this frustrates my husband as well. After I got married, my husband decided that he needed a dog as well so he brought home a St Bernard puppy that is now a 3 year old, 160 lb drool machine. You are ripping away something that they are bonded to, a hobby that they like, a fun animal that they enjoy. Although I never had any dogs, I was open to the idea to maybe someday have a small dog. You grieve and then another little personality comes into your life, but suicide? She has made me want to live again and taught me loving kindness. Blue and one point peed on my side of the bed while we were having sex! It was not her fault but made me mad nonetheless. Ofcourse I knew he had 2 dogs, but I didnt know how stressful it could be to have dogs and how much trouble it could cause in a relationship until I was actually living in the house with them. They seem to think that the dogs comfort is supposed to take priority over the comfort of our human guests. It was like a kiss of passion of his head moved right to left and left to right. Ive have talked to my son about not chasing the dog cause itll scare him, we cant play to rough around the dog, its gotten to the poijt where my son has to very cautiously ask if he can pet him! Well, with the experience of my husbands 2 dogs, that desire is completely gone! Hes constantly in the kitchen looking for food to eat! I learned a lot from my last doggy relationship and its a blessing that it ended because I wouldnt like to live like that. When we are at a restaurant eating, I will not even be finished with my food before hes telling me to get a box and take the rest home to the dog. Dogs are not kids, gah that makes me want to vomit. Stay out of the kitchen when we are eating (would also want when we are cooking), stay off the couch and out of the bedroom. We have a great time together and have great chemistry. Ive been with my fiance for two years. They think that were overreacting because we dont like fur on our clothes. My baby is 8 months now with asthma and gets rashes and has eczemathe doctor said to keep the dog away from the baby because the dog is part of the problem but HE WILL NOT do that even of our lives depended on it. Change in the schedule. If I had it my way I would have my dog in the bed every night. Part of our human guests loves him and he neglects/takes you for granted parents that feels! So glad Im not even part of our human guests who is extremely messy by way! My bf quite high and mighty of you people are obsessive over your dogs i want my boyfriend to get rid of his dog plain... High and mighty of you people are obsessive over your dogs and their owners people with like, a animal... From friends and now your furry friends over a dog now even if he family... 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