I dont like sneezing in front of people. He told Will and shoved his face back into his pillow. So, Hello People of This World. Nico later says that Rachel and Annabeth dragged him along with them, saying that saving Percy was the only thing they could agree on. Nico rushed into the Labyrinth again after Minos told him Percy was in danger, showing that he indeed cared about Percy. Nico cried that night about the exchange and was jealous of Percy that Bianca summoned him, but gave up on trying to get her back. Frank thought he seemed to dematerialize when he wasn't speaking, and didn't know what scared him more: Hordes of reckless ghosts, cow monsters, or being alone with Nico. Hazel asked Artemis if Nico was okay when she went to Delos. Caleo Nico also planned to track escaping souls and find the Doors of Death. Nico has black hair that always looks like he just got out of bed (messy and shaggy) and olive skin. Nico also stood up for Bianca when he called her an insufferable girl. Jason tried to convince Nico to stay at Camp again, but when Jason finds out Nico is staying at Camp Half-Blood, Jason almost hugged him, but he realized he didn't like touching and apologized, but Nico said he was an exception. Nico and Bianca shared a very close relationship. Later, when they returned to Camp Half-Blood, Hedge told Will about Nico overusing his powers, obviously concerned. Nico tells Reyna that he and Hazel learned about the giants from Pluto, and how the eldest giant, Alcyoneus, was born to oppose Pluto. Im gonna come in. Nico didnt know what to do. Nico also warned Percy and Annabeth that Rachel was going to Half-Blood Hill, and they went to find her. Nico and Percy argued until Nico asked if he was planning to go anyway, and Percy said yes. It feels good, feels familiar. Nico explained he was dying and should've died long ago. Later, Frank trusted Nico to guide him into the house of hades. Jason was pushed down the stairs, but Nico ran to help him up. While crossing the Atlantic, Piper was anxious to reach Rome to save him, and imagined what Nico was feeling- stuck in a jar with only two seeds left, no idea if he would be rescued. Join Antonia Talheir, Priestess of Juno, as she tries to navigate the political world of New Rome, help restore Perseus memories, find her missing friend and survive in a world full of monsters. Jason comforted him by saying out of everything he had seen, what Nico had done was the bravest. Xxchoo, hehrshxx Nico sneezed and then hid his face in the comforter. Nico and Maria were very close when they were little, and they visited Dalmatia once in 1938. The next day, Percy was sent another message to Nico. Apollo questions if it could be Jason. He is the only child of the Big Three to never have gone on an official quest in either series. Nico told Frank to get back to the ship with Hazel, but a man leads them into The Black House. Nico di Angelo to Percy upon his confession in The Blood of Olympus. After Iapetus lost his memory, Nico would visit him at his father's palace from time to time. Can i come in? Nico internally groaned. Frank thinks that Nico is okay, though thinks he is mysterious and doesn't think he is as nice or as good looking as Hazel. When the line was over, Leo asked Nico if he was done with the physical abuse, and Nico smiled and said that at Camp Jupiter, there were many people who wanted to punch him. However, another reason Nico ran away was that he was afraid of his crush on Percy. Hazel felt that Nico radiated old energy and felt that he didnt belong in the modern world. Please consider turning it on! 1 2 3 Im coming in, Nico Will told him. When Reyna shares her strength with Nico in The Blood of Olympus, she is horrified at how much pain and raw anguish she felt inside Nico. Nico was against doing it, since it was murder. Reyna even began thinking of Nico as her younger brother in spite of herself, and wanted to give him her cloak as a blanket, but she stopped, telling herself that he was her comrade, not her brother. When Jason causes him to lose his temper in The House of Hades, Nico's fury was so intense, that it even scared Jason, who felt that a furious Nico was "more than he could handle." I hate sneezing in front of people, so I excused myself from sword fighting practice to go to my cabin. And the price for cheating death is steep. *ON PERMANENT HIATUS*. Affiliation Nico are you okay? He expected to see her, but instead saw her death. He goes to Apollo and Meg and informs them the troglodytes are still searching for the gas as he takes out two Cynocephali. Piper knew something big happened in Croatia, but Jason wouldn't tell her. After Hades still imprisons Percy in his dungeons, Nico helps him break out, apologizes, and still follows through with his initial plan of having Percy bathe in the Styx and gain the Curse of Achilles. Hazel and Nico then helped the group Shadow Travel back to the ship, combining their strength, holding hands. Percy tried defending the siblings and Thalia and Annabeth later jumped in to defend them. During the chaos, Nico, Will, and Rachel are separated from Apollo and Meg. Someone waits for her to awake from a coma, and it's who You will not find love where you wish or where you hope. It's the 80's and Percy makes mixtapes for Annabeth. As Nico was looking for the Doors of Death in the Underworld, he was sucked into Tartarus while looking for the doors. Nico saved Hedge's life many times, like from Bryce Lawrence and Lycaon. He asks about Jason's death and they silently confirm it. At this point, Nico became obsessed with Mythomagic, a card game. Percy wanted to argue, but knew he had to find his own dark way. Will probably have inconsistent updates. Ultimately, Jason and Leo apologize to her and the Seven agree that Nico is important to closing the Doors of Death and that they must save him. Soon after, Michael Kahale, Leila from the Fourth Cohort, and Dakota from the Fifth Cohort come to arrest Reyna and bring in Nico to be executed as an enemy spy. Bianca told Nico not to try to save him and that Percy is right, putting her hand on his face. He reluctantly gave advice until he told Nico to release them, and that "he was coming". In The Tower of Nero, he is wearing a black variant of the Camp Shirt with a skeletal Pegasus and the words CABIN 13, tattered jeans, and is barefoot. Hazel knew he was thinking of Bianca, but for once, she wasn't jealous of her, and just wanted to spend more time with her brother. Or:Leo gazes at the campfire, and suddenly, he suffocates on his thoughts. He hadn't spoken to Will since the battle, thinking the son of Apollo would think Nico a monster for having let Octavian die. Im gonna come in if you dont answer me. Nico resented Percy for his feelings but knew he would do anything for him. between two worlds - leo valdez mentor and satyr he quested with. When the boys come back to base camp, Hedge goes to write letters while Nico and Reyna talk. In fact, Apollo claims that Nico and Will are so cute together as a couple, that it made him feel desolate, jogging his memories of the time he had spent with his mortal boyfriend Hyacinthus, one of Apollo's two all-time favorite lovers (the other being Daphne). Nico happily calls will his "glow-in-the-dark boyfriend". Annabeth looks for answers and begins to piece together what happened, only to discover that there's nothing she can do to bring him home. Nico didn't want her to leave, but Bianca said that she loved him, and to remember what she said. The two did have happy memories together, like Nico and Bianca walking through the National mall in Washington D.C in the 1940s. Nico eventually found the entrance to the Labyrinth and found Minos. Meanwhile, Bianca familiarized herself with the city's subway system. The last sounds Annabeth heard before falling was Nico and Hazel screaming for help. Now he has to fight Gaea and the gigantes again, and defeat the Triumvirate Holdings while he's at it. Piper also decoded what Nico was in the prophecy and how he must have found the Doors of Death. Percy said he could've sat with him at dinner and he cannot miss every meal, but Nico said he wasn't staying. When Percy later fell into Tartarus, as Nico tried to save him, he had Nico promise to lead the Argo II crew to the other side. They shook hands, and Percy said that he knew him, but Nico said, Do you?, not telling him about his past. Nico, however, says that it is not that easy and that the Doors of Death have to be controlled on both sides to be closed, as they are like a double seal. That night, they went into the field to summon her, but it was interrupted by Minos, telling Nico to not trust Percy and his friends. He also accepts the small figurine of Hades that Bianca wanted him to have. After it was done, Percy told Nico to stay in the underworld and help his father, since he owed him, which made Nico believe that he didn't trust him and apologized to him, which Percy didnt accept. The pounding of footsteps was loud enough to awaken Typhon from reformation in Tartarus as a lone half-blood raced through the trees. Nico, on the other hand, is still embarrassed about Salona and when Jason picked him up. A Fan Fiction of the Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus series. He is currently in a relationship with Will Solace. Nico and Bianca's memories of her were then wiped by the River Lethe. Later he sits by the campfire and listens as Chiron explains how the two camps have become friends, and that they can visit each other's camp. Nico sat at the back of the table with his sword by his side, creeping Leo out. Nico also told Apollo the whereabouts of the Seven and Gleeson Hedge. Nico, Reyna, Trenton, and Antonia desperately search for their missing friend and Pretor. Nico explained that it was Paolos good luck bandanna and that he believed it would make Apollo invincible. When Nico saw Hades in Portugal, Hades hinted that he knows about Nico's little crush on him. In The Mark of Athena, Hazel was terribly worried about Nico. Dionysus, the god of wine and madness, his friend and mentor. Bianca was very overprotective and close with Nico, and Bianca had a tendency to argue with Nico a lot and get annoyed, like when they were arguing at the Westover Hall school dance, waving their hands. Nico had found out that the Doors of Death have two sides: one in the mortal world and one in Tartarus. In The House of Hades, Leo was very creeped out by Nico and said he gave him the freaky deakies, thinking his eyes were sad and empty as if he stared into Tartarus, which he did. His head was gonna explode from all of this stifling. After her death, he develops a long-lasting grudge toward Percy for letting her die. At some point during his horrifying journey through Tartarus, Nico encounters the goddess of misery Akhlys. One of Nico's prized memories of her is him and her walking hand in hand in the Venetian canal. Nico said that Percy is the strongest demigod he knows, and that he and Annabeth would make it through Tartarus, but he was secretly unsure if he would live. When Apollo asked about Leo, Nico said that if he saw him again, he'd kill him. Jason met Nico at Camp Jupiter at once point. Stygian Iron sword Diocletian's Scepter (destroyed) Several days after the deaths of Gaea and Leo, a parchment scroll with a holographic message, sent from the resurrected Leo, came fluttering into Camp Half-Blood on the wind, with Nico being the one to keep it (in his jacket's pocket) after the other campers had finished re-listening to it. The two also discussed Alcyoneus at the next senate meeting. My only suggestion would be that it's kinda hard to read without separate paragraphs. I'll try for original and read worthy! Piper first learns about Nico in The Mark of Athena, when she learns he is dying, but only thinks of him as Hazel's brother. The so called "mistress" issued an order to capture him or kill him on sight. Nico almost cried, and said he didn't like Percy anymore, saying he was young and impressionable. As revealed in The Son of Neptune, in the September following the Battle of Manhattan, after Thanatos had been captured, and the dead were returning to the world, Nico had gone to the Underworld in hopes of rescuing his sister Bianca, but was unable to do so, because she decided to be reborn and thus couldn't be brought back to life. Will explains Nico's spiral after Jason's death and his PTSD, and Apollo notes that Will seems very concerned about his boyfriend. However, Nico still had love for Bianca left, and he told Percy to join the quest to protect her, and made him promise to. In The Blood of Olympus, it is revealed in a conversation between Hades and Nico that during this time, Nico had repeatedly asked and begged his father to help Percy and the rest of Camp Half-Blood in the Battle of Manhattan. Percy sees Nico in his dream, imprisoned in the jar in a coma-like state. As finally revealed in The House of Hades, Nico's greatest fear is of someone finding out that he is gay. Nico told Hazel to take care of herself and took her hand, saying he wanted to give her a chance at Elysium and didn't want to lose her again. He tells Percy and Annabeth about his old crush, but admits that he has come to realize that Percy is not his type and that he is truly happy for Percy and Annabeth. Nico showed Apollo the scroll Leo sent and said he looked at it whenever he got angry, and how he hated being left in the dark because he didnt know if he was safe or planning anything. Riordan Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Percy told him he revealed himself as a son of Hades, but he brushed him off. Nico told the fallen god that he had a thick aura and a great possibility of death around him. Nico meets Percy at Camp Jupiter, where he is visiting his half-sister, Hazel Levesque. When they all arrived back at Camp, Nico didn't want to stay, but when Annabeth put her hand on his shoulder and asked him to stay for her, Nico decided to stay, but only for her, possibly to mess with Percy. Dakota and the Fifth Cohort arrive while the rest of the cohorts are surrounded by monsters. Later, Nico unexpectedly meets Percy, Annabeth, Tyson, and Grover at the Triple G Ranch. Why is there a note on top of the stack? Thalia Grace, a demigod he quested and fought alongside with. Nico was shocked when he saw him but regained his composure and shook his hand, shocked to see his crush. Will also says that if the voice is real, he and Nico plan to go into Tartarus together. Two days after, Jason visited Nico at his cabin, and Nico was slightly disappointed when he showed up, and not Will Solace. Nico begs more and is turned into a corn plant. Nico apologized to Percy for keeping his past from him and said he knew about both camps, but couldn't tell due to a promise to his father. Biographical information In The House of Hades, Hazel and Nico were very close, with Nico mostly spending time with her. Nico took guard duty with the Stolls and Beckendorf and cheered when Percy crossed the boundary line. They then change the topic to Nero. Percy, when on the verge of death from Gorgon Blood, admits that Nico is another friend that he had not treated fairly. Hazel states in The House of Hades that Nico has become more reclusive and morose, preferring to stay on top of the ship's mast, in solitude. The two collaborated well, with Nico summoning the ghosts and Frank commanding them. During the Battle of the Labyrinth, Annabeth, along with the others, helped Nico sit up as he healed. Nico is also the only one whose skin doesn't get tanned in the hot northern African sun, and if anything, looked even paler than before, according to Jason. Nico managed to rise up and break from his chains and defeated Minos, declaring himself the ghost king, causing the windows to shatter and Minos and his friends be summoned back to the underworld. Mortals meet Demigods. At dinner, Nico sat with Will, Apollo, Austin, and Kayla. And foes bear arms to the Doors of Death". Zeus destroys the hotel they were staying in in an attempt to kill him and Bianca. After Nico ran away, Percy decided to keep his parentage a secret from Chiron and decided to be the hero in the Great Prophecy in order to make sure Nico wouldn't go through more pain. Nico then confessed that he had a crush on Percy, but not anymore, since he isn't his type, but still cute. However, when Piper saw a horrifying vision in Katoptris that hinted at Piper, Percy, and Jason dying on the way to Nico and saw that saving him was too easy, Piper briefly hesitated saving him, but still wanted to save him and saw a vision of him lifeless, making Piper hope he was still alive. During a casual trip to Camp Half-Blood, Reyna's life nearly ends when her car swerves into Thalia's Pine Tree. He turns more inward and withdrawn, with his eyes becoming somewhat glassy like something in him broke permanently. Nico begged for the scepter after Cupid kept taunting Jason and eventually told him that he wants to pick on him, not Jason and that he doesn't scare him. Nico and Reyna first met before the events of The Son of Neptune, where Nico brought Hazel Levesque to Camp Jupiter. And so, he was unfamiliar to colours and music. In The Blood of Olympus, Nico regarded Frank as one of his friends, not overlooking him like others, and when he found out he may die, he felt like he was back in the Bronze Jar again. The Blood of Olympus reveals that he was obsessed with pirates even before that. Hazel and Nico both knew secrets about the House of Hades that they refused to tell the others, showing how they trusted each other. Grover explained to Percy, Annabeth, and Thalia that hed discovered them at school but every time he tries going near them, Dr.Thorn keeps blocking him. Percy, Annabeth, along with the Stolls and Beckendorf and cheered when Percy crossed the boundary line he... Sit up as he healed and they visited Dalmatia once in 1938 asked Artemis if Nico was okay when went! And find the Doors of death from Gorgon Blood, admits that Nico radiated old energy felt. At the campfire, and Antonia desperately search for their missing friend and Pretor from... 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