scout platoon leader duties and responsibilities

The Assistant Senior Patrol Leader acts as the Senior Patrol Leader in the absence of the SPL or when called upon. The Den Chief is also a recruiter for the troop. However, the platoon sergeant traditionallyy . Platoon Leader Duties Daily Duties Take Care of Troopers - When on TeamSpeak be available for your troopers. Then decide what you want to do and talk it over with your parents. These groups are called patrols. SECTION LEADER You need to ensure your Soldiers are mentored and developed properly, so they are prepared for increased responsibility in the Army. Description: An Order of the Arrow Troop Representative is a youth liaison serving between the local OA lodge or chapter and his troop. is not sponsored or endorsed by the Boy Scouts of America. In a new troop or a troop without older members, boys are still likely to choose a Scout whom they respect and believe will provide the best leadership. In some troops there can be multiple ASPLs (but theres usually only one SPL). Loads the grenade launcher quickly in all firing positions and while running. Contact Disclaimer, 19D3O CAVALRY SCOUT SECTION LEADER SSG/E6. # 1: Leads and supervises a Military Police team consisting of three Soldiers, responsible for maintaining and enforcing 100% accountability of the team's weapons and equipment; Supervises individual and team level training and mentors subordinates to ensure that they are properly prepared for combat operations; Assists the squad leader in The automatic rifleman employs his weapon system to suppress enemy Infantry and bunkers, destroy enemy automatic rifle and antitank (AT) teams, and enable the movement of other teams and squads. To give you a better understanding of each role, Ill be providing a quick rundown of what each position holder does during a typical troop meeting. Obtains ammunition from other Soldiers who are carrying 7.62-mm machine gun ammunition. Gets the US, troop, and patrol flags for meetings and ceremonies and puts them away afterwards. Supervises scout squad, CFV crew and M551A1 crew; supervises operator maintenance of tracked and wheeled scout vehicles and individual crew-served weapons; selects, organizes and supervises operation of observation and listening posts; supervises scout recovery operations; trains scout squad; supervises request, storage and issue of ammunition; leads scout squad and assists in leading scout platoon; serves as vehicle commander on CFV, ITV, HMMWV-TOW and M551A1. Australia. Effectively completed planning, implementation, and was responsible for the evaluation of training designed to develop leadership, technical knowledge, and tactical proficiency within the platoon. The squad leader is the senior Infantry Soldier in the squad and is responsible for everything the squad does or fails to do. Company Commander of the 136th Armor Company at Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. 4{o ( Responsibilities runs all troop meetings, events, activities, and the annual program planning conference runs the patrol leaders' council (PLC) meetings appoints other troop junior leaders with the advice and counsel of the Scoutmaster assigns duties and responsibilities to junior leaders assists the Scoutmaster with junior leader training Commands a Dismounted Reconnaissance Troop comprised of 79 Soldiers; responsible for the training, operations, health, welfare, morale and discipline of all assigned personnel; develops and executes training and maintenance programs to ensure combat power needs are met; visualizes and describes the area of operations, directs actions to achieve results and leads the troop to mission accomplishment; serves as subject matter expert in dismounted reconnaissance; mobilizes for state missions, as ordered by the Governor of the State of New York. Assists the weapons squad leader and is prepared to assume his responsibilities. Be on-time for meetings and activities. 4 We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. The senior patrol leader of an established troop is often selected from among experienced Scouts of a certain age and rank. Type: Elected by members of the patrol The Chaplain Aide helps everyone in the troop by preparing short religious observations for campouts and other functions. However, theyre responsible for attending the Den Meetings that their Pack holds once a week. Rank: Previous service as SPL, ASPL, PL, or APL Order of the Arrow (OA) Representatives are the main liaison between your troop, your local Order of the Arrow Lodge, and the greater OA National organization. You may often see the Chaplains Aide leading prayers or other religious messages during troop meetings, especially at the beginning and end of troop meetings or before meals. Description: The Scribe keeps the troop records. A platoon leader is an officer in command of a platoon, usually a junior officer such as a first or second lieutenant. Hopefully, you'll learn a few things along the way and make the best of your time in Scouting. 1-63. Until next time, I'm wishing you all the best on your journey to Eagle and beyond! I'm Cole, the guy behind ScoutSmarts. Assigned as a Section Leader to a Scout Platoon in a rapid deployable Airborne Cavalry Squadron forward deployed in the Republic of Germany; responsible for the health, welfare and discipline of three NCOs and nine enlisted Soldiers and their families; responsible for the maintenance, accountability and combat readiness of three High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles and all assigned weapons and equipment valued in excess of 2 million dollars; assumes duties and responsibilities of the Platoon Sergeant in his absence. Understands the mission two levels up (platoon and company). Comments: To be a good Scribe you need to attend nearly all troop and Patrol Leaders Council meetings. You also need to make sure that the Assistant Senior Patrol Leader is ready to assume your responsibilities. Duty descriptions can be contributed by using the form below. Hc`bdq0 j Communicates timely and accurate situation reports (, Size, activity, location, unit, time, and equipment (, Status to the platoon leader (including squad location and progress, enemy situation, enemy killed in action [. He also receives training available within the units resources to improve the squads precision engagement capabilities at short and medium ranges. (3) The platoon leader's key organizational challenge is to Encourages Arrowmen to assume leadership positions in the troop. Monitors the morale, discipline, and health of the platoon. wire/mine breach teams. Supervises and manages reconnaissance of fording sites, tunnels, bridges, and routes for use by Troop/ Squadron Commander and follow on forces. Patrol Leaders also use this time to catch up with their patrol members to get their opinions on past activities or projects. Behavior: Set the example by living the Scout Oath and Law in your everyday life. 1-51. The Den Chief role is unique, as these Scouts main leadership responsibilities arent to their troop, but rather the Den they are a part of. Is the subject matter expert on all battle and individual drills? Makes sure religious holidays are considered during troop program planning. The platoon leader knows his Soldiers, how to employ the platoon, its weapons, and its systems. In this way, new troop members can be brought into the loop fairly quickly. 1st Class Krishna M. Gamble June 17, 2009. . Be on-time for meetings and activities. Troop Executive Officer, responsible tracking and monitoring Troop operations; receives, verifies, consolidates digital and voice reports and forwards them to Squadron and adjacent units; ensures voice reports are converted into digital reports to generate friendly and threat situational awareness; OIC of Troop command post, plans and supervises the Troop's sustainment effort; assists in Troop level operations orders and planning; coordinates with higher, adjacent, and supporting units; assists the commander in issuing orders to the troop headquarters and attachments; conducts additional missions, as required; assumes command of the troop as required; platoon Leader of Headquarters Section; responsible for the accountability and maintenance of all Headquarters and Troop equipment; Additional duties include: Safety Officer, Hazmat Officer, Unit Maintenance Officer, TMDE Alternate, Unit Dispatcher, Unit Movement Officer, Logistic Readiness Officer, Air Load Planner, Unit Load Team, Container Control Officer, Unit Supply Officer. Assigns clear tasks and purposes to the squads. Interested in signing your child up for Scouting (or becoming a BSA/Boy Scout yourself)? Rank: none CLICK NEXT (TO GO TO DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITES)-----(Duties and Responsibilities Screen) PRINCIPAL DUTY TITLE - Company Commander . Collects battlefield intelligence reports and analyzes accuracy of reconnaissance information for use by Troop/ Squadron Commander. In the case of an absence, the ASPL will lead the meeting and fulfill all of the duties previously described in the SPL position. Now, without further ado, lets dive into it! Type: Appointed by the Patrol Leader army cavalry scout death rate. He has the closest contact with the patrol members and is in the perfect position to help and guide them. Platoon Sergeant in the only Heavy Armored Cavalry Regiment in the Army; responsible for the training, morale, and welfare of nine NCOs and 20 Soldiers; responsible for the maintenance, accountability, and readiness of six M3A3 Cavalry Fighting Vehicles and all assigned equipment valued in excess of $18 million; advises Scout Platoon Leader on squadron and troop operating procedures, policies, training, administrative actions and enlisted matters; responsible for coordination and execution of the commanders intent and guidance. Comments: Substituting for the Patrol Leader is only part of the Assistant Patrol Leaders job. The squad leader directs team leaders and leads by personal example. Attendance: Active* scout over the previous 6 months. Maintain troop correspondence (thank you notes, donation requests, etc.) The Platoon Leader is responsible for everything the platoon does or fails to do. Develop a warning order, Write a combat order, Issue a combat order, Develop a map overlay, Lead a squad sized unit in defensive operations, Prepare a fire plan sketch, Write a squad patrol order, Lead a squad patrol, Direct the employment of mortars in support of defensive operations, Communicate using wired communications, Emplace an M18A1 Recently, an OA Chapter Advisor kindly took the time to reach out to let me know that the main responsibilities of an OA unit representative, with the support of their adviser, include: P.S. Platoon Leader primary areas of responsibilities and duties include: Advises unit commander/staff on organic UAS capabilities and limitations Coordinates organic UAS employment. This provides good practice for the candidates and enables those who do not know them well, younger Scouts in particular, to gain a better sense of what they propose to do for the troop. Reports to: Senior Patrol Leader. Your troops OA representative may not be an active part of every meeting. Provides administrative support for the battalion. Theyre essentially like a quartermaster for your troops records! Serves as a Squad Leader in a Cavalry Troop deployed to Operation Iraqi Freedom 08-09 and redeployed to a garrison enviroment; plans and executes squad and individual missions as well as training; responsible for the discipline, morale, welfare, family sustainment, and professional growth of six Soldiers; responsible for the maintenance, accountability, and mission readiness of two M1151 HMMWV to include all components and associated organizational equipment valued in excess of $ 350,000. Is an expert in radio procedures, report formats such as close combat attack, (see figure 1-5), call for indirect fire (see figure 1-6) or medical evacuation, (see table 7-1a) plus is an expert on types of field expedient antennas. Understands the mission and commanders intent two levels up (company and battalion). Receives on-hand status reports from the platoon sergeant and squad leaders during planning. Comments: The junior leader with the most responsibility in a troop is the senior patrol leader. %3E There are a dozen different ways of delivering C-12 14,16 would have been Team Leaders As would C-22 24 26 and C-42. Responsible for maintenance and mission readiness of assigned M3A3 Cavalry Fighting Vehicle (CFV) and M1025/ M1026 HMMWV (Highly Mobile Multi Wheeled Vehicle), to include all sub-systems. Den Chiefs are youths involved in Scouts BSA who assist the Den Leaders of Cub Scout Packs. Section II - Role of the Infantry Rifle Platoon and Squad. He is responsible for positioning and employing all assigned and attached crew-served weapons. You also need to make sure that the Assistant Patrol Leader is ready to assume your responsibilities. Is the subject matter expert for the squads organic weapons employment, and employment of supporting assets? Spots rounds and reports recommended corrections to the gunner. Type: Appointed by the Scoutmaster Employs digital mission command systems available to the squad and platoon. FIRST SERGEANT Senior Scout/Section leader in a Motorized Reconnaissance Troop in a Reconnaissance & Surveillance Squadron, assigned to a Battlefield Surveillance Brigade; responsible for the training morale, and welfare of two NCOs and eight Soldiers; responsible for the maintenance, accountability, and readiness of four M1114 and three M1165 HMMWV and all equipment worth in excess of $5,000,000; supervises the gathering of and intelligence reporting directly to the Troop Commander; serves as platoon sergeant in his absence. 19D3O Section Leader (TRADOC) Having personally been a Boy Scout, in this article, I'll be sharing All Eagle-Required Merit Badges: Difficulty Rankings in 2023. Attendance: Active* scout during the previous 6 months. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to ScoutSmarts with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Takes care of troop trophies, ribbons, and souvenirs of troop activities. Airborne Scout Team Leader 19D2P army platoon call signsgarberiel battery charger manual 26th February 2023 . Theyre in charge of everything. 1 Definition. *See Troop Guide for Parents and Scouts for a detailed description of an Active Scout. Serves as a Section leader in a Motorized Reconnaissance Troop in a Reconnaissance & Surveillance Squadron, assigned to a Battlefield Surveillance Brigade; responsible for the training morale, and welfare of one NCO and eight Soldiers; responsible for the maintenance, accountability, and readiness of three M1025 HMMWV s and all equipment worth in excess of $5,000,000; supervises the gathering of and intelligence reporting directly to the Troop Commander; serves as platoon sergeant in his absence. This is real decision-making power. Serves as a Section Leader in a Armored Cavalry Troop; responsible for the discipline, training, morale, health and welfare of one Staff Sergeant, one Sergeant, two Soldiers and their Families; responsible for providing combat ready Soldiers, vehicles and equipment to the United States Army Armor School; supports of Program of Instruction for Armor Basic Officer Leaders Course, Master Gunner Course, Army Reconnaissance Course and Tank Commanders Course; responsible for daily administrative operations and employment of the section; assumes the duties of the Platoon Sergeant in his absence. I earned my Eagle back in 2014, and along the way, learned how to be a dependable leader. Attendance: Set the example by being an active Scout. His fire enables the fire team to achieve complementary effects with high trajectory, HE munitions, and flat trajectory ball ammunition from the teams weapons. 19D20 Squad Leader Phase 3: Once all the patrols have been gathered together again, the SPL will explain the project, demonstration, or activity that will be done for the rest of the troop meeting. The weapons squad leader is usually the senior squad leader, second only to the platoon sergeant, and performs all the duties of the rifle squad leader. During patrol corners, Patrol Leaders do things like taking attendance, planning for camps, and talking about any patrol topics that need to be addressed. Comments: Duty to God is one of the core beliefs of Scouting. edgewater hotel haunted; can uk consultant doctors work in usa; is spitfire a compliment Served as a Scout Team Leader in an Airborne Reconnaissance, Surveillance & Target Aquisition(RSTA)Troop. Infantry is shitty all the time. Term: 6 months Attendance: You are expected to attend all monthly OA Chapter Meetings held on the first Wednesdays of each month. This is the lowest level of movement. Being an Instructor was one of my favorite troop positions of all time! He takes responsibility for the patrols activities and represents the patrol as a member of the patrol leaders council. Helps train and supervise the Troop Scribe, Quartermaster, Instructor, Librarian, Historian, and Chaplain Aide. Type: Elected by the members of the troop As a troop leader you will: The adults are there to provide support, but YOU will be making the decisions. The squad-designated marksman employs an optically enhanced general-purpose weapon. The grenadier currently is equipped with an M203/M320 weapon system consisting of an M16-series or M4-series rifle/carbine and an attached 40-mm grenade launcher. Counsels individual Scouts on Scouting challenges. This means that you will wear all parts of the troop uniform, shirttail tucked in, with all required badges in their correct locations. 963 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<48965151DB40B041B060901DB6557036><711098C5A5F5D84A9D4FD328F74E526F>]/Index[955 17]/Info 954 0 R/Length 58/Prev 571752/Root 956 0 R/Size 972/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Keeps information about former members of the troop. You'll assess the situation and lead attack, defense, and other operations. If a Scout is returning an item theyll need to confirm it with their quartermaster before putting it back in the central storage area. Controls fires and establishes fire control measures. Uses control measures for direct fire, indirect fire, and tactical movement effectively. This includes . We need more examples. He must also know how to employ supporting weapons. Responsible for the combat readiness, retention, welfare, morale, conduct, and force protection of the platoon and the well-being of their families. Comments: The Den Chief provides knowledge of games and Scout skills that many Den Leaders lack. He must be at least 16 years old and not yet 18. Each patrol has a dedicated Patrol Leader that manages most, if not all of the activities that the patrol participates in. The platoon leader is responsible for accomplishing the platoon's mission. Theyll also be in charge of updating events and information on your website as well! Marine Corps Scout Snipers are deployed to both urban population centers and rural landscapes to effectively engage individual targets. Assigns duties and responsibilities to junior leaders. He assists the platoon leader by upholding standards and platoon discipline. While not every troop has enough Scouts to assign a Chaplains Aide, this is a very important role if you hold a lot of church-based service projects. As with all formations, the company command team is the face of the organization. Comments: The true value of a good Historian does not show up until years later. Quartermasters are known as the inventory keepers of a troop. . Is the subject matter expert for all the teams weapons and duty positions and all squad battle drills. On a daily basis as a Scout Sniper Team Leader with 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, Scout Sniper Platoon, my responsibilities included-Lead my team during Platoon, company, and battalion level . 1-61. Thanks! Collects, evaluates, and assists the commander/operations officer in planning, organizing, directing, supervising, training, coordinating, and reporting activities of the recon scout or armored cavalry platoon. During operations, the squad leader . Scouts BSAs list of troop positions only gives a brief description of each role, so I wanted to provide you with a more accurate and on-the-ground look at what each troop position involves. Knows how to make an adjustment from the first round fired so a second-round hit can be attained. 1-50. 4804 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<0D11ED88BE21054BB72E9E5311C1CFE0>]/Index[4789 28]/Info 4788 0 R/Length 79/Prev 649168/Root 4790 0 R/Size 4817/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream During troop meetings, Junior Assistant Scoutmasters will take on responsibilities similar to those of the Scoutmasters. During operations, the platoon leader . This means theyll be largely advising and observing the Scouts who are running the troop meeting. Term: 6 months He does not operate a semi-autonomous element on the battlefield as a sniper, nor does he routinely engage targets at the extreme ranges common to snipers. The platoon leader leads his Soldiers by personal example and is responsible for all the platoon does or fails to do, having complete authority over his subordinates. Troop Guides sometimes even hold separate activities for the new Scout patrol to teach them useful Scouting principles. 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