radiolab the bad show transcript

When you call someone, "Evil." Especially because she found out he was leaving the next day to direct more gas attacks. And then, it was several hours later in the middle of the night that I got the call. Then the executioner castrates you, cuts you open, and takes out your internal organs, and then separate your head; which is put on a post. And they're behind the German lines is-. And maybe forces hydrogen in the tank. I have a choice, I'm not going to go ahead with it. He would have each subject sit down at a table. And you have a number of chemical reactions. And we didn't really come to any kind of agreement with the Haber thing. At this point, David's moved onto a new university and he's teaching an introductory psychology class. I got to tell you, um, I'm not totally comfortable that you are providing all the information about-. But there's been a fellow, I've been thinking about him for the better part of year, as you know-. And she said, "My ex-boyfriend. Mm-hmm (affirmative), Mm-hmm (affirmative). Then he goes and, you know, and celebrates that. ", Yeah, we just need a whole lot more of one simple-. But it wasn't until a few years later that he learned something that really put what happened that night into context. His calculations showed that it couldn't be done. A lot of them were like, "This is not how you fight a war.". So- so first of all, could you just like, uh, when did he live and what did he look like and that kind of stuff? All right. And not just 'cause he was vain, which everyone agrees he was, but because he loves his country. Uh, generates electric shocks. Y-P-R-E-S, Actually the Americans called it [inaudible 00:36:42]. Well, there's something distasteful about the fact that he was too into it, but I do think on some level you have to divorce the man from his deeds. Terrestrials: A New Kids Show from Radiolab. [inaudible 00:49:36] bad people in Shakespeare. Imagine they really were had to administer shocks to themselves or something. In a way we wait for it still. And in experiment number four, when the teacher has to hold the learner's hand down-, If the experimenter is not a scientist, but is an ordinary man-. And then, and- So, he says that and you're like, "Okay. And give up the few details that they really needed to link him certifiably to all his crimes. Oh, that right there, slap some quotations around that. Then he left some space at the bottom for them to elaborate if they said yes. I think you got to answer it with him, right? Haber starts thinking, "In order to do this we need to pressure this, we need to put it under a lot of pressure.". Hi, I'm Robert Krulwich. They reached back to the shelf and they find this Zyklon stuff. Could you just tell me the little story that you begin your book with? He takes a trip to Switzerland to a sanatorium. And he ran them through something like what you and I just did. It's called Too Much Information. Go on please. Radiolab is supported by Audible. Hey, I'm Jad Abumrad. When you press one of these switches all the way down, the learner gets a shock. She was good to- she was good to me. A liquid that has captured the nitrogen right out of the air. What's the noble cause in this case? And "Because women have stepped on me all my life." And he finds her actually still alive, with the life about to run out of her. Big questions are investigated . Certainly friends of his did. And not to everybody's taste. Horrified like, "Oh my God, my students are murderers?" I just needed to kill because of that. He knew about it. Take one. He had an experimenter who wasn't a scientist, but was a member of the general public. He says, "Well, we can drive those enemy soldiers out of trenches with gas. All rights reserved. Let not your sorrows die though I am dead. Copyright 2019 New York Public Radio. Does he- is he saying what I think he's saying? It is a fair question to ask what are the conditions under which you or me or any of us could do-. And oddly enough, we came- got a really interesting take on the true nature of badness from this guy. Iago. He figures out a way to take a lot of air that's filled with these little nitrogen bonds clinging to each other, and pump it with big iron tank. No motives. God. And it's kind of surprising. He says, "Well, we can drive those enemy soldiers out of trenches with gas.". "I need to kill because of that." And, you know, it's a craft, but it's a craft with consequences. What you know-". His was the first generation when a young Jewish boy could truly imagine that he could just be a regular part of that society. Hi, this is Lauren from Winnipeg. Obviously no need to be alarmed. And while David's sitting in the bedroom with this friend, the guy looks up at him, and he says-, Like through his teeth, "I'm going to kill her.". "It's okay to admit this, you need to admit this.". Would you really? There's lots and lots of lessons here, but one is I think when you're enjoying to do something for the greater good, maybe ask yourself the question, "What is greater, and what is good?". The son eventually after he immigrates to America kills himself. If the experiment had to be successful, it had to be carried on.". In case you've never heard of this, probably have, but in case you haven't, here's what he did. Robert, I'm going to give you this piece of paper here. Gary starts going through this narrative of what he did to Carol. In other words, nitrogen has really strong attachments to itself. And he was someone who had very big ambitions. Fat- commit them to memory? That is captured the nitrogen right out of the air. Stanley Milgram took electric shock very seriously. There's you, and there's two other participants. Dan Charles, Sam Keen, Latif Nasser, Fred Koffman and Fritz Stern. A lot of WNYC podcasts do transcripts-- I know On the Media does. Haber, it's unknown what happens for the rest of the evening, but it is a well documented fact that the very next morning-. This- this is really important. Investigating a strange world. Does everybody, at some point, have something dark in them that just tiptoes out, from time to time? She was one of the first women to earn a PhD in her country. The Green River murders terrorized Seattle in the 1980s. Because actually, he studied between 20 and 40 different variants of this same paradigm. And this is the difference between Kaiser Wilhelm and of course Hitler's Germany. And as soon as it did, soldiers began to convulse. Okay, one of those very tiny old fashioned pair of glasses that would pinch on your nose. "I need to kill because of that." And he goes home for a few days. It gets bogged down. Yeah. He started calling me a whore and told me he didn't love me anymore. A lot of people were beginning to worry that with about a billion and a half people in the planet at that point, that maybe we were maxing out. Haber's gas troops, unscrew, they open the valves on almost 6,000 tanks, containing 150 tons of chlorine. This actually brings us to the first topic of the hour, so let me Just to set it up. It's about 1880. There's something deeply, deeply wounding, stressing, upsetting at the thought that he had anything to do with zyklon B; but he did. I can't quite place him-. He'll be our guide for the segment. Was he trying to make a commentary or something? Of course nobody wants to be killing other people. in this episode we begin with a chilling statistic: 91% of men, and 84% of women, have fantasized about killing someone. Although, I don't know if that's the right word for this next thing 'cause it's sort of more complicated. And oddly enough, we got a really interesting take on the true nature of badness from this guy-. In a lab at Yale University with a bunch of regular Americans. I'm going to resign.". So, I'm just going to go into this other room over here. And he was someone who had very big ambitions. I'm about to help this quest for knowledge, I really want to do a good job.". I just needed to kill her." I mean, it's the fact that of course that they're administering main to a strange. He claimed they were in the middle of a sex act, he would get distracted, something would happen. Warning. He seemed calm. But did it, publicly, in front of her friends. "The experiment requires that you continue.". They arrest Gary Le- Leon Ridgeway. We realize this is hard work, but what you are doing is for the good of Germany. But in experiment number three, if they put the shockee in the same room with the shocker so the shocker could actually see the person as the shockee. And then, she said, "I actually did this. You know, just because of a mathematical summing up. More information about Sloan at I'll give you bad. And one evening, they were throwing a party and invited me over. "When I picked them up I was going to kill them." He's a man adrift. ", Now, Haber was Jewish, but because he'd served in World War I-, But 75 percent of the people who worked for him at the institute, they were Jewish-, And says, "This is intolerable. Within minutes the gas reached the Allied side. Right, Clara comes from the same town, and they're both secularized Jews. Because you are sullied by them. Test the outer edges of what you think you know, Copyright 2019 New York Public Radio. But you can't throw that air onto a plant. Eugene [inaudible 01:07:32], Sierra Hahn, and everyone in the manuscript and archives department at the Yale University Library. He wrote this graphic novel that I read about one of the most prolific serial killers in US history. And what happens is that you're- you're elbowing the nit- nitrogen apart from itself and then, forcing it to bond with a hydrogen in a new way. Just push the button that corresponds to the right word. And in this one you get 0% going all the way. And my dad said, "I don't want to talk about it." He could have never imagined that. Radiolab is supported by Casper. He actually was very humiliated, uh, that Germany had lost. You know what's going to happen if she [inaudible 01:02:25]. He is a solder, he works for a general, the general's name is Othello. Uh, he was doing his- his great science work right around the turn of, uh, the 20th century. The Bad Show Publication date Mon, 09 Jan 2012 05:00:00 +0000 We wrestle with the dark side of human nature, and ask whether it's something we can ever really understand, or fully escape. And if they still were resisting or struggling, they'd get proud number three. When I stand before you, judges of Israel, in this court [Foreign 00:12:14] to accuse Adolf Eichmann [Foreign 00:12:18], I do not stand alone. Well he started fuming that his wife had dissed him, and-. Now, Haber was Jewish, but because he had served in World War I-. Whether it was feeding or killing or-, And he does. And at the very end of the play when everyone finds out what Iago's done, Othello asks him, "Why? Can we really know that? And if they didn't go on, if they resisted [crosstalk 00:18:11] the experimenter would break out prod number two. Now, as we sort of know in life, lots of things that we if they're worthwhile doing, they're not always easy. Why did you do this?" I dated her several times a year. When we asked how close she came to killing him, she estimated 60 percent. In fact, his chemist had given this particular pesticide a smell. I thought about grabbing a knife quickly and stabbing him in the chest repeatedly until he was dead. Radiolab is supported, in part, by the National Science Foundation, and by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, enhancing public understanding of science, technology in the modern world. Literally disappeared for six months, and didn't tell anyone where she was because she was terrified that he was going to kill her. But even with all that gore and horribleness, there was often a moment that people waited for; and in a way we wait for it still, even now. Yeah. But that's not what he found. You know what's going to happen if she pisses you off. And there behind the German lines is-. When I stand before you, judges of Israel, in this court to accuse Adolf Eichmann. Why does God allow this to happen? Yeah, well (laughing). All right. Well, I mean, I know that sir, but I mean, he's up to a 195 volts. Radiolab for Kids Presents: Terrestrials A show where we uncover the strangeness right here on Earth Romeo y Julieta A World Premiere Bilingual Audio Play. This is Everybody was desperate for sources, new sources of nitrogen. One of the reasons it grows is because it's sucking up all the nitrogen in the soil. This was a moment when human cruelty was on trial, quite literally. ", He actually threw a dinner party in celebration-. So, Jeff wrote this book because his father, Tom Jensen, was one of the lead detectives tracking Gary Ridgeway. It's the experimenter. To the best of your memory, which word was matched with nice? The killer seemed to have placed the bodies as if they were mannequins. The reason why he's telling all this stuff is because he has cut a deal. I've been thinking about him for the better part of a year as you know. Terms and conditions apply. Is that how you say that thing-. And so I went up to the bedroom to find him and he was in a rage. And he spends five years and a futile effort-, Sounds insane. He has such great faith in me." I think what it's doing is, uh, if you breathe it in, it sort of irritates your lungs to the extent that they sort of fills up with fluid so quickly that you sort of drown in your own phlegm. It was about how far would these people go? He has a pot belly. No. Really, that story has been told a million and one times for the last 50 years. With my arm. Right. Okay? The experiment requires that we continue. Like, you walked into the room, what- what do you find? It's all right. That's historian Fritz Stern who also happens to be Fritz Haber's godson. So during World War I, Haber's Institute had developed a formulation of insect killing gas called zyklon. This is what totally pulled me into this story, the prods. They will spare his son if he fessed up and tells them what they need to know. Zyklon A, which was originally just a pesticide-. And we end with the story of a man who chased one of the most prolific serial killers in US history, then got a chance to ask him the question that had haunted him for years: why? Or does everybody at some point have something dark in them? And he is celebrated for it. (laughs). You can find out more information about all those guys on our website. We don't exactly know why. Was he grappling with something? What's interesting is that how all of these struggles, all of them, play out the same way. In- in other words, nitrogen has really strong attachments to itself. Well, the thing that haunts me about the why question that I'm reminded of one of the oldest stories in the Bible, which is the story of Job. Like you just did, which happens constantly. "Do you think that more studies of this sort should be carried out?" He stirs up hatred between friends, between lovers. 2K views almost 2 years ago 48:23 Love it or hate it, the freedom to say obnoxious and subversive things is the quintessence of what makes America America. I think they have to be extreme in the extreme. In a rage how? The use of it, he couldn't have imagined. And they go, "Why?" I mean you have to remember, during the Crimean War in the 1850s, Europe starves. He brings her up as an example of a woman that he actually had strong feelings for. Whether it was feeding, or killing, or-, And he does. Did members of Haber's family die in the concentration camp? You know, I'm really proud of Job. And he was wearing a fur coat-. Well, if you dressed it up, and if you had some minor vairance in the paradigm, you could presumable, you know, make- make this up. And shortly after his return, Clara allegedly confronts him and says, "Look, you are morally bankrupt. He is- he wants to feed- he wants to feed Germany. The most common source of nitrogen is in the air around us. Science. But the questions in the air, at the time, were very real. I'm going to take a break. Yeah (laughs). It immediately became apparent that there was going to be difficulties. So, he ends up admitting it. Just to put that into context and to bring a few other of our storytellers in. Trivalent. ", "Set deadly enmity between two friends make poor men's cattle break their necks, set fire on barns and haystacks in the night, and bid the owners quench, you quench with their tears. In that moment, my father, he stands up and he says-. Yeah let's . No. I knew she had a daughter and-. It immediately became apparent that there was going to be difficulties. The fourth prod is. [1] Radiolab was founded by Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich in 2002. But if they were prepared to do that, and I suspect a lot of them would, um, then we'd say these are people who really believe in science. No. "You know, you're not the first person that's ever done this.". Transcripts and recorded audio may be available for many of the programs you hear on WNYC. Pat, go ahead. Like shocking an innocent stranger over and over. Prince-nez? Yeah. The questionnaires they filled out are part of the Milgram archive at Yale. If the experimenter is not a scientist, but is an ordinary man. He would obscure. And also, thank you to Alex Haslam, Professor of Psychology at the University of Exeter. And Haber has an idea. He knew about it. And almost like blaming the victims. I've just got the, uh, the data from the Milgram. You know [crosstalk 00:25:00]. You've touched me. We'll be right back [inaudible 00:31:42], let's just finish this series. Radiolab - Transcripts Subscribe 187 episodes Radiolab is on a curiosity bender. The Bad Show Jul 27, 2018. Fast forward 10 years. Like, maybe he thinks Othello is sleeping with his wife, we're not sure. Um, I got a little, uh, I- my- this is my dorsal hair stood up when I read the end of this. I mean, that was makebelieve, but if you could somehow get a real Iago in the room and subject that person to questioning, and really get him to sort of fess up as to why they did it, would that make a difference? Speaking with Carol's mom, Carol's little daughter-, Killed her. And, "Well why the rage?" Necrophilia. And as he was in the kitchen, looking stupid, peeling the carrots to make salad, I came up to him laughingly, gently, so that he wouldn't suspect anything. Is an absolute order. We, as onlookers to this study, we have this kind of godlike sort of vision of like, "Well, of course, what they're doing is wrong." But it's suspected that it could be upwards of 75. So, wait, if it doesn't show that people are just obeying orders-. Fritz Haber's a professor, small university, he's working with chemicals; it's about 1880. Maybe it's all about doubt in the end. Um, could you just- just tell me, uh, the little story that you begin your book with? Then a few months later, he started calling me trying to get back together, but I didn't want to. He believes in me and he trusts me and so much. They couldn't deploy it. Cruelty, violence, badness. And you know what? This is basically what Stanley Milgram set out to test. When you call someone then you're kind of done with them. What follows is this ongoing conversation between Job and his friends about why does this happen? "Willing to help and a worthwhile experiment.". In Shakespeare, or life. So, how do you feel about him now because I don't know I can't help but feel bad for the guy? This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. Now, we're seeing about a 100 million tons of synthetic fertilizer produced industrially each year and that tonnages then moves into our food source. Really, that story's been told a million and one times for the last 50 years, we've just got to get over it. Why did you take these women off the streets and wanted to destroy them? Yes, this is one of the things that sparked my interest in the topic of murder. Now that's important. All rights reserved. The Blank Slate follows one of the world's leading experts on language and the mind as he explores the idea of human nature and its moral emotional and political coverings. Well I mean, I know it does, sir. Visit and use code radiolab and check out to get $50 towards select mattresses. But I needed to kill her because of that. As soon as it did, soldiers began to convulse. He goes straight to the German high command, and he pitches this idea. Yes, it's awesome. And then she said, "I actually did this. Yeah, I don't think we quite [crosstalk 00:49:32]. Birds would just fall from the air. Sounds insane. Okay. And so, we've decided that it's time to go back to something we did once upon a time when we were wondering about good and bad. What makes boys boys and girls girls. Said, "Yes, I've thought about killing someone?". But, you know, over the entire ocean there's a lot of gold dissolved into the sea. And as it happens, my father has very vivid memories of investigating the Carol Christensen murder. They're doing it because they think they ought to. Do we know? ", In Titus Andronicus, there's a character by the name of Aaron the Moor-, And there's a moment in the play where Aaron gets up on stage, looks at the audience and says, "Let me just tell you the kinds of things I've been up to recently.". This is Jeff Jensen and he's a reporter in LA. And he says, "Can I come over and sleep on your couch? Now what you need to understand about Alex Haslam is that he hates it when interviewers only want to talk about the baseline study. In the other room, there was a guy who he called the learner who is supposed to have memorized some words. And that tonnages then moves into our food source, our food source then moves into our bodies, and the rough statistics are that half of each of our bodies contains nitrogen from the Haber process. And I think what we want out of the why is meaning. And it's a craft, but it's a craft with consequences, and to approach it with kind of crazy joy? And you tell us, "Actually, you know under some circumstances, we don't do the bad thing we're told to do because, here's another flip, we don't have to be told. I mean it's a pretty heady thing for a Jewish kid from Breslau to be hobnobbing with the Emperor, and cabinet ministers, he's part of the club; and he really, really relished it. It was- it was a warning smell so that people didn't inadvertently breathe it in and get sick. And also a scientist. I mean, you know, it's just one of those things we've been bringing back shows that we think are just vibrating still in the world. That's what you do. Yet you go into this [inaudible 01:02:33] knowing full well that it could end up in her death. He did this experiment a bunch of times, and in a bunch of different ways. You better check in on him, sir. [inaudible 00:59:42] Christensen. Then, we reconsider what Stanley Milgram's famous experiment really revealed about human nature (it's both better and worse than we thought). Okay, well actually the one thing that the study really doesn't show is that people obey orders. The good Iagos make you want to shower the minute you leave the theater. Times. I mean, that was make believe. Thanks. That's Stanley Milgram talking about the experiment in a film in case you've never heard of this. So you don't know? But 75% of the people who worked for him at the institute, they were Jewish. "Well, why can't you deal with it in a normal way?" And they ask for it to be reformulated to take out the warning smell. He loves the fatherland, and he loves Germany. You know, this was like oil is today. He felt publicly humiliated. And then, Othello goes and kills his own wife, smothering her with a pillow. There's a lot of black and white thinking happening right now. even past when they were screaming in pain. He takes over leadership of this institute in Berlin, and he starts hobnobbing with a whole different level of society. And it becomes Zyklon B, the killing gas of the concentration camps. Jul 28, 2018 And now that we're sort of just on the other side of that. That's one of the things we have to know, and that's why it's okay to let it out. And they're both secularized Jews. This is just a tsunami of evil that passes through the play. What my father and his colleagues know is that something was done to these bodies; many of them after they were murdered. Well, all right. Now we don't actually know if he threw a party. When you needed to stop for breath, your hand ran light and steady. Radiolab is supported by Casper. Haber finds himself in a little town in Belgium called-. This is Radio Lab, and today elements. I actually did the first thing, but he saw my intentions and ran away." Some people describe it as a cloud, and then others describe it as this kind of 15 foot wall kind of hugging the land, and it's just sort of approaching. To find page after page of yeses. What does it actually mean to be bad anyways? He said, "Look, this is what you're going to do is of course you don't want to do this. And they're saying, "Have you checked out Job? That's where they're heading towards. I do not stand alone. "Research in any field is a must, particularly in this day and age." ", Um, but Haber just kind of ignored her and-, He actually threw a dinner party in celebration-. He actually was very humiliated that Germany had lost, and especially humiliated over the fact that they had to pay enormous war reparations to other countries. If you think that science is worth pursuing, you say, "Okay. With AI, blockchain, and quantum technology, IBM is developing smart, scalable technologies that help businesses work better together. I'm not going to help restore the sense that there is a moral order to the world and a moral norm. But he organizes soldiers, he organizes whole gas units. We take a look at one particular fantasy lurking behind these numbers, and wonder what this shadow world might tell us about ourselves and our neighbors. So if you have kids in the room, maybe this is a time to tell them to go brush their teeth or something. In fact we hate being told. Our fact checker's Michelle Harris because facts matter. So then Hey wait, I'm almost done guys, give me two more minutes, two more minutes. They wanted someone who was really thrillingly bad but, in the end, was redeemed a bit.". Yes, I did mean to kill. And he hasn't talked about it with anyone until I interviewed him for the book. I'll give you bad. And that's all the difference in the world. And I basically spent the next half hour walking around with him trying to cool him off. Just because of a mathematical summing up. So you're saying they were shocking these people because they thought it was worthwhile? Chimps. A given episode might whirl you through science, legal history, and into the home of someone halfway across the world. This story, the killing gas of the programs you hear on WNYC die though I am dead studies this... Episode might whirl you through science, legal history, and celebrates that. remember, during the Crimean in. Mean, I 'm not going to happen if she [ inaudible 01:02:33 ] knowing full well it... Haber was Jewish, but what you are providing all the nitrogen right out of trenches with gas... 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