phenomenological reduction moustakas

Phenomenological Research Methods. mode. In this brief volume, Clark Moustakas . Washington D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association. This perspective has relied on Heideggers thesis, which moved the discussions concerning phenomenology to the ontological level when he discussed the philosophy of existence and being from a phenomenological perspective (Laverty, 2003; Tarozzi and Mortari, 2010). Blurring boundaries in qualitative health research on sensitive topics. A. This cookies is set by Youtube and is used to track the views of embedded videos. Hffding, S., and Martiny, K. M. (2016). Therefore, the assumption held here is that knowledge is the outcome of a conscious act towards the thing to be known (Hughes and Sharrock, 1997). Accordingly, aspects that are core to the interviews are the following: (1) general attributes of the conducted interviews, (2) criteria of selection for potential participants, (3) ethical considerations of dealing with human participants, and (4) the interviewing procedures and some examples (these will be presented in section Practising Phenomenology: Methods and Activities). The unfolding meaning of intentionality and horizon in phenomenology. Sousa, D. (2014). (2006). This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. Political Science and International Relations, 1 | Human Science Perspectives and Models, 2 | Transcendental Phenomenology: Conceptual Framework, 3 | Phenomenology and Human Science Inquiry, 5 | Epoche, Phenomenological Reduction, Imaginative Variation, and Synthesis, 6 | Methods and Procedures for Conducting Human Science Research, 7 | Phenomenological Research: Analyses and Examples, 8 | Summary, Implications, and Outcomes: A Phenomenological Analysis,, CCPA Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Even though phenomenological method is criticised for complicated ideas and few methodological guidelines, I argue, that the. Phil. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. For assistance with your order: Please email us at [emailprotected] or connect with your SAGE representative. Willig, C. (2008). The Seventh-Day Adventist Bible commentary: The Holy Bible with exegetical and expository comment. Some guidelines for the phenomenological analysis of interview data. Onwuegbuzie, A. J., and Leech, N. L. (2007). His concise guide also provides numerous extended examples of successful Phenomenology has long served as a research model for many psychologists and other social science scholars and professionals. Yet there are few books that actually explain how to do phenomenological research. Rowman & Littlefield. View or download all content my institution has access to. Second-person engagement, self-alienation, and group-identification. The key epistemological assumption, derived from Husserls concept of intentionality, is that the phenomenon is not present to itself; it is present to a conscious subject (Barnacle, 2001). Bracketing also involves a number of steps meant to eventually interpret themes and key phrases that ultimately define the phenomena. Wiersbe, W. W. (1989). This feature is useful when exploring an experience that has not been sufficiently explored and discussed. Figure 1. This exegetical research first discusses Husserls transcendental phenomenology constructs of noema, noesis, and epoche as presented by Moustakas (1994), followed by discussion of elements that affect individual decision-making. Geiger, S. W., Robertson, C. J., & Irwin, J. G. (1998). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. This information is used to compile report and improve site. Integrated disaster management experience of people with disabilities: A phenomenological research on the experience of people with orthopedic disabilities in Turkey. Webway, the phenomenological reduction is the methodological tool that opens the phenomenological field for study; it is the avenue of access to phenomenology and its objects, to borrow a phrase from Gurwitsch (1966: 175). According to Moustakas (1994), some reflections provide logical, systematic, and coherent sources to produce the analysis and synthesis needed to describe essential Epoche, Phenomenological Reduction, Imaginative Variation and Synthesis, Methods and Procedures for Conducting Human Science Research, Business Admin/Accounting Div, Wilkes University, Political Science & International Relations, Research Methods, Statistics & Evaluation,, CCPA Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Rev. A Primer in Phenomenological Psychology. The interpretive attitude is part of the methodological strategies used to search for the essence of the experience. Van Manen, M. (1990). Moustakas (1994) suggested that the number of participants in a phenomenological study can be from 1 to 20, depending on the time frame (see, Halldrsdttir, 2000; Morse, 2000; Starks and Trinidad, 2007; Jones and Lavallee, 2009). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). Bracketing refers to the efforts that should be made to be open to listening to and observing the described phenomenon with fresh eyes. Cole, M. (1995). Rossman, G. B., and Rallis, S. F. (2003). Philosophy. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Basic themes of transcendental phenomenology are intentionality, eidetic reduction, and constitution of meaning. By transcendental phenomenology we refer primarily to the work of Edmund Husserl and his early assistants Edith Stein and Eugen Fink. Voicing the interview: a researchers exploration on a platform of empathy. eds. This paper provides a conceptual framework for deeper understanding and, therefore, more meaningful practice using parallels that emerge from the lived experiences of two biblical leaders, Pharaoh (of the Exodus) and Saul/Paul. Phenomenology within the realm of religion is a highly debated topic. Moustakas discusses at length Husserls philosophical underpinnings of TPh. Personal. 2. Hence, much uncertainty and ambiguity are surrounding the description and exploration of an individuals experience. The phenomenology of approach to studying: The idiographic turn. 1, 3144. According to Brentano, intentionality is the mark of the mental: all and only mental states exhibit intentionality. The efforts were directed to identify the most prominent overt display of the students experience; the focus was on investigating the most invariant and essential aspect of their experience. Moustakas describes the phenomenologists research attitude in the following way: presumably this person has set aside biases and has come to a place of Pharaohs life experiences resulted in a noesis built by position, power, authority, and ethnic elitism. Sci. Nurs. J. J. Kockelmans (Lanham, MD: University Press of America), 6780. By stating that the knowledge obtained from a phenomenological study is constructed dialogically, we differentiated between philosophical knowledge on life experiences, and the knowledge provided by certain research practices that explore and understand other peoples descriptions of their lived experience (Giorgi, 2006a,b; Finlay, 2008). Front. Histories of the present: social science research in context, in Research in Practice: Applied Methods for the Social Sciences. 21. Moustakas, Clark. The life [here] was mysterious in the beginning., And again towards the end of the stay in Australia, Z. spontaneously shares how her worldviews about herself have been changed by being in a gender-mixed educational environment. Giorgi, A. Ontario: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. After transcribing the interviews, and once a general sense of the whole description of the phenomenon has been gained, it is possible to formally engage with the data treatment in order to extract the invariant meaning units and themes that constitute the experience encountered by the participants. In this volume, Clark Moustakas clearly discusses the theoretical underpinnings of phenomenology, based on the work of Husserl and others, and takes the reader step-by-step through the process of conducting a phenomenological study. Langdridge, D. (2008). WebThe phenomenological reduction requires that one avoid all abstraction, all theorizing, all generalization, even all belief in the existence of what we call real or not real (the experience of a dream or hallucination can be just as real as the experience of an actual event). Psychol. Harvard University Press. The term reduction, coined by Husserl, is regarded by Hycner (1999) as unfortunate, because it has nothing to do with the reductionist natural science Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 117, 249-260. doi:10.1016/j.obhdp.2011.11.009, Flood, G. D. (2006). explains the theoretical underpinnings of phenomenology, based on the work of E. Husserl and others, and takes He had the opportunity to set aside his noetic and noematic schemato experience an epoche in order to see things as they really were; however, he did not. Phenomenological research methods. WebPhenomenological Research Methods Clark Moustakas - Michigan School of Professional Psychology, Center for Humanistic Studies, Detroit, MI, USA Other Titles in: Historical Background of the Phenomenological Reduction a. Husserls Early Works Since the main burden of this article lies in the specific area of the phenomenological reduction, it is not necessary to go into great detail regarding Husserls early work beyond noting that it dealt almost exclusively with mathematics and logic; and that it is the ground out of Health Res. The main attributes of the interviews may be summarised as follows: As an interview is influenced by the mode of bracketing, prior to each of the interviews it is necessary to elicit the participants experience separately from any comparison with ones own. The conceptions that people have of themselves, and others shape how they present themselves. These cookies are set via embedded youtube-videos. Psychol. Offering insight through establishment of parallels between these theoretical concepts and lived experiences of the biblical leaders Pharaoh (of the Exodus) and Saul/Paul contributes to the body of knowledge in this area. Stud. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". It is part of the phenomenological approach towards discovering the essential structure and meanings of the experience as described by the participants. You understand that these calls may be generated using automated technology. In this brief volume, Clark Moustakas clearly explains the theoretical underpinnings of phenomenology, based on the work of Husserl and others, and takes the reader step-by-step through the process of conducting a phenomenological study. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Learn More about Embedding icon link (opens in new window). We have an intention to act, to know what is out there, and we only can have access to an intentional knowledge that the knower can consciously act towards (Hughes and Sharrock, 1997). However, even after all that the people had personally endured (thirst, frogs, lice, flies, boils, hunger from loss of crops, eerie darkness, and death of children), and that the land and livestock had suffered (frogs, lice, flies, disease, hail, locusts), he returned to his original decision, determined not to lose power and not to submit to Gods sovereignty (Ex 14:5). Moustakas describes the appearance of the tree as unique to an individual and based on multiple factors such as lighting, angle, and life experiences. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Framing a phenomenological mixed method: from inspiration to guidance. Language and Thought. Can. To develop the meaning units from the participants accounts, the following sub-steps come next: listing all statements relevant to the experience, and going through the list of statements by checking each statement against two criteria suggested by Moustakas (1994, p. 121): (1) Is the statement essential for understanding the phenomenon being studied? 28, 235260. Saul, however, experienced an epoche as he set aside his paradigms in order to see things differently (Acts 9:5-9) and consequently led the effort to build the first century church (i.e., organization). Int J Qual Methods 7, 3144. doi: 10.46743/2160-3715/2007.1636. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc., 1994. The magicians could not replicate the third plague (lice), and told Pharaoh it was the finger of God, but Pharaoh would not relent (Ex 8:18, 19). If your library doesnt have access, ask your librarian to start a trial. doi: 10.14417/ap.175. Power, risk, and the status quo: Does power promote riskier or more conservative decision making? doi: 10.1007/s11097-021-09744-z. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. Accordingly, the texture is an extensive description of what happened and how it appears to the researcher. Teach. Creswell, J. W. (2007). This assumption leads to the next epistemological assumption held in this investigation, which claims that knowing other peoples experiences is the outcome of constructed and dialogical knowledge. doi: 10.1007/s11007-019-09463-y, Zahavi, D., and Martiny, K. M. M. (2019). 11 years 8 months 15 days 13 hours 5 minutes, BIGipServer~VCC-WEB-INFRASTRUCTURE~defaultV10UIPool. These approaches overlap in the research methods and activities and are used to assist the research by promoting engagement with responsive and improvised activities rather than with mechanical procedures. This cookie is set by Facebook to deliver advertisement when they are on Facebook or a digital platform powered by Facebook advertising after visiting this website. Click below to get started! Phenomenological research methods. It was a period of time Pharaoh could have used to reevaluate the state of the land and people that had resulted from his decision and continued commitment to that decision. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Saul of Tarsus (Acts 9:11) first appears at the end of a long narrative portraying Stephens recount of the history of Israel and its leaders (Acts 7). Psychol. Mind, Self and Society. doi: 10.1177/1049732307307031. The structure of the experience deals with emergent themes, and these describe the essential aspect of the experience. WebPhenomenological reduction is the process of re-describing and explicating meaning from the described experience (Giorgi, 1985, 2006a,b; Moustakas, 1994; Crotty, 1998; Todres, From this perspective, what is provided by human consciousness is our social reality, regardless of its internal existence, before we think about it. Given the findings of Fast et al. Sauls three days of darkness were spent setting aside all suppositions and reframing his noetic perspective and its noematic meaning. Although the light is to provide clarity in order to see things authentically, the process of seeing requires epoche. At the time of his pivotal experience, he was on his way to perpetrate more of this behavior specifically against the believers in Damascusto arrest and imprison them (Acts 9:1,2). (2015). ed. A., Renfrow, D. G., and Howard, J. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Though philosophically sensible, the terminology somehow lacks clarity even when defined. The imaginative variation mode enables a thematic and structural description of the experience to be derived within the process of phenomenological reduction. For information on the HEOA, please go to J. Contemp. doi: 10.1080/08873267.1989.9976848. This involves listening to all the recordings several times as well as reading the transcripts several times. At any point had he done this and experienced an epoche, it would have enabled him to see the error of his pride, overconfidence, and desire for power, and the kingdom and the people would not have suffered such catastrophic loss. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. We have access only to the world that is presented to us. Q. According to Von Eckartsberg (1972, p. 166) such a mode constitutes the reflective work, looking back and thinking about this experience, discovering meaningful patterns and structures, universal features that are lived out concretely in a unique fashion. This cookie is set by the host Res. Am. Grasping and using its philosophical tenets such as noema, noesis, noeses, noetic, and epoche in a meaningful way can be challenging, given their abstraction and complexity (Moustakas, 1994). The following series of processes is indicative of the path followed to arrive at the findings for this research, which relied heavily on the works of Hycner (1985), Moustakas (1994), Giorgi (1997), and Wertz (2005) when a plan for data treatment is developed. By concentrating on exploration as an essential aim, we evoke flexibilitythe type of flexibility that allows researchers to shift between lines of inquiry and move from one activity to another to uncover the structure of the experience. In addition, ontological assumptions should be identified clearly before one practice phenomenological research. Todres, L. (2005). (ed.) Reflecting on peoples personal experiences requires mutual and reciprocal respect between researcher and participants (Klein and Westcott, 1994). Yet descriptions of how to do phenomenological research are few. New York : Fleming H. Revell, [n.d.]. As Giorgi (1985), Van Manen (1990), Moustakas (1994), and other phenomenologists have stated, interviewing individuals who experience specific phenomena is the foundation source that phenomenological investigation relies on to understand the phenomenon. It was found that there was a common but strong ironic In the first time it was hard, I could not do anything by myself. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Figured worlds and education: an introduction to the special issue. (1985). Husserl, who was Brentanos student, assumed that this essential property of intentionality, the directedness of mental states onto something, is not contingent upon whether some real physical target exists independently of the intentional act itself. His concise guide provides numerous examples of successful phenomenological studies Descriptive phenomenology was derived mainly from the philosophical work of Husserl and particularly from the idea of transcendental phenomenology (Moustakas, 1994; Lopez and Willis, 2004; Giorgi, 2010). This cookie is set by Youtube. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The cookie also tracks the behavior of the user across the web on sites that have Facebook pixel or Facebook social plugin. Investigating the experience of individuals is a highly complex phenomenon (Jarvis, 1987): annotating and clarifying human experience can be a challenging task not only because of the complexity of human nature, but also because an individuals experience is a multidimensional phenomenon, that is, psychologically oriented, culturally driven, and socially structured. Designing Social Research: The Logic of Anticipation. We want to hear from you. Phenomenological Research Methods Clark Moustakas SAGE, Jul 27, 1994 - Psychology - 192 pages 1 Review Reviews aren't verified, but Google checks for and M. Bosch; February 17-21, 2005; Sant Fliu de Gixols. New York: Oxford University Press. Phenomenology has long served as a research model for many psychologists and other social science scholars and professionals. Sport Exercise 1, 3650. Blum (2012), however, advocates for its use and positioned it as that which can offer an interpretation of religion or of religious experience and consciousness (p. 1029) and that which seeks to disclose the meaning encapsulated and expressed in the religious discourse, text, or experience under analysis (p. 1030). Finlay, L. (2008). Health Res. The qualitative methodology provided a direction for this study by way of navigating through the first domain, which was the interaction between researcher and participants. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. doi: 10.1177/1354067X9511003, Corbin, J., and Morse, J. M. (2003). Editorial: determining sample size. Stephanie Sheehan is a second-year Ph.D. student at Regent University where she is studying organizational leadership. During the interviewing activity, is also important to share experiences with the interviewees in order to practice empathy (Corbin and Morse, 2003; Dickson-Swift et al., 2006; August and Tuten, 2008; Mitchell and Irvine, 2008; Mallozzi, 2009) and be respectful for what they feel about their experiences (Klein and Westcott, 1994). WebWhat is phenomenological reduction in qualitative research? Saul heard and received the counsel about his purposeful decision to persecute believers and, through an epoche, accepted Gods counsel, rescinded his decision, and changed the trajectory of his life. The researchers need to identify their aim very carefully by focusing on the lived experience of the subject being interviewed and on the structure of such experience rather than on the opinion of the participants about the experience. In this summary, it is important to concentrate on the common aspects of the experience as an essence of the phenomenon. Concerning variations in the application of the phenomenological method. Experimental Phenomenology: Multistabilities. Introduction to Phenomenological Research. Philos. Christofi, V., and Thompson, C. L. (2007). Urban Rev. Salsberry, P. J. doi: 10.1007/s11256-007-0051-0. Thus Saul was his Hebrew name and Paul, the Roman version of the same name (Nichol, 1953). As the question is broad in scope and quite complex, we decided to address it from a particular angle to grasp the essence of the students experience rather than providing a superficial description or a personal reflection of the experience. For what concerns instead, the symbolic interactionism approach, this latter allows researchers to understand cross-cultural experienced phenomena by taking into consideration the role of symbolic meanings in forming individuals experience. Transl. Pharaoh was not willing to fully experience an epoche and, consumed by his own noetic and noematic paradigms, led his empire (i.e., organization) to suffer interminable losses and be gutted of leadership and resources (Ex 7:1 14: 28, 29). (2004). He later explained that his witness was to tell of what was and what would be revealed (26:16) and, ironically, to open their eyes [Jews and Gentiles], to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me (26:18). Brentano, intentionality is the mark of the present: social science scholars and professionals websites... To be open to listening to and observing the described phenomenon with fresh eyes addition ontological! Hours 5 minutes, BIGipServer~VCC-WEB-INFRASTRUCTURE~defaultV10UIPool cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide with. 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