ncis fanfiction tony feels unwanted

You have a great sense of character balance. Why do you insist on reminding me of my probationary status today? she asked with a frown. Report to his office immediately. He slipped the laptop under his arm and turned to leave. This wasnt supposed to happen; should never have happened. Normal graft. Yeah. He hated that Ziva had done this, but in some way it didnt cut as deeply. They wound up talking in the parking lot next to Gibbs vehicle. But his team had been gone a little shy of two hours when hed received a call from a Lieutenant Faber with the Alexandria PD saying DiNozzo had been seriously injured and was being taken to Inova. The bare facts will go in my report and probably not even all of them. He hadnt put Abby on the restricted list because shed done as hed ordered and stopped calling. Ive known Anthony for a great many years now, and unless he has a reason not to, hell withdraw from everyone to protect himself from further pain., Nonsense. As Lunsford walked back to his desk he saw a pretty brunette standing in the bullpen. Gibbs team just closed a case with eight bodies. This story is so good! Is there something between them? As soon as the obvious danger was presented and Tony made his first subtle call for backup, Davids expression closed off, but McGees was openly fearful. I dont have a clue whats going on here and I dont care. Ive got Tim McGee. You know something, dont you? I dont feel like my brain is about to leak out my ears. Recording is always active in our interrogation rooms, and Im sure they know that and were mindful of it, but if you want the recordings for any reason, youre welcome to them., Gibbs considered for several moments, then nodded. Oooohhh, clicked on your page just to check if there was anything new and what did I find a whole new Gibbs/DiNozzo story. What happened today still didnt seem real; how could these two agents he would have said he trusted, so completely betrayed their partner, their training, and their oath of service? Tony came back from hanging the ornament on the tree and cuddled up to Gibbs, wrapping his arms around Gibbs waist and smiling faintly as he looked at the lit tree. After a few moments, he nodded and seemed more receptive. My team, Alex Tony trailed off, clearly trying to get his thoughts together. While trying to cope with this new situation, he finds himself with no allies, no solutions, and no hope. I need to leave to get this investigation back on track and sort out David and McGee. Tony had extracted a promise that Gibbs would let up a little over the holiday weekend. Tony was in a bad place - again. Are you alright?, The older man nodded. The furnace in the building sucked and so did the ductwork in his apartment. I wasnt a manipulative bastard. Now Gibbs was facing a small stack of presents from a clearly nervous Tony. He was shot taking voiceprints this morning. He decided not to elaborate about the other injuries. Tony/Gibbs relationship had just the right note Tough yet tender Gibbs and smart, badass yet vulnerable Tony. Gibbs really didnt understand their friendship, but he didnt really need to as long as it was helping. Theyd sort this out eventually. I read far too much fanfiction, but you are the first author Ive consistently looked up just because I like your writing. Hed get through this and work through it with the help of his family and friends. No, Leon, I dont particularly want anything.. Hed heard all about the latest clusterfuck by golden boy DiNozzo. Beta Thanks: Thank you, Naelany! Im listening., Gibbs tossed the flash drive on Vances desk. Merry Christmas, sweetheart, Gibbs returned softly with an endearment Tony only let him get away with in moments like these. I went through something recently. So I came up with a head cannon on Tumblr for this and, wellnow I want to write it.~~~~~~~~-OR- And how stupid is it that reading 10 chapters of a guide to dating a Buckley by his coworker is how Eddie finally got his shit together and asked Buck out for a date? Once they were settled and on the way to Gibbs place, and Tony was looking a little less like he was about to vomit, Tony moodily offered, You know this makes you a complete prick, right?, This! Youre back! Her expression shifted to a scowl. I can tell you want to headsmack me., Damn right. I swear it doesnt look good for them, Gibbs. Not sure what that means but its always good to enjoy a relaxing vacation. John shifted and glanced around the hallway. He slid two slick fingers inside his lover, finding him still somewhat loose from the night before. There hadnt really been feelings there for either of them, Mason was a horn dog and Tony was rebounding from a long term relationship that had ended in losing the boy he loved to the Air Force. I dont know why (because Abby can be an awesome character, right? You look like hell, Tony, he murmured. It was a while ago since I did that. We should be working the case! Long story that I cant fully talk about but thanks. And what if the damn thing is out when you need to go to a doctors appointment?, He quickly shot Tony a sidelong look, then asked, Why dont you tell me whats really bothering you, because youve stayed with me before and it didnt set you off like this.. Tony chalked that up to SEAL training. Will you be back before then in order to attend the consult?. He took the space closest to the emergency room that he could find, which was a physicians space, but he couldnt care less; he didnt know exactly how urgent the situation was, but if DiNozzo couldnt give consent to his own surgery, it was pretty fucking bad. You know the DEA is going to request the full undoctored file, yeah?, I know. Tony had gone completely silent after that for several hours. Where has everyone been, and whats with everyone being out of contact? He couldnt not read Vance in, especially with the DEA likely to call soon, but this action took it out of his hands completely, and it suddenly felt more horrifyingly and appallingly real. Neither report mentioned what was going on with Tony nor that they werent listening. Hes having surgery number one now., Spleen and shoulder. Im pretty sure he can manage that one-handed., Oh, um, its for reading electronic books. You installed a wheelchair ramp?. Wow. He loved Abby like a daughter, but her high strung emotions got in the way sometimes, and he couldnt afford to have her interfere in this situation. I can readily admit they deserve to lose their jobs, and in a probationary agents case theres almost no alternative, but still see it will be a loss to the agency. About wanting you here, or about not getting tired of you?. You couldnt hit the broadside of a barn look at how youre shaking. There were faint sounds of movement, then the report of gunfire. As soon as it was answered, he bluntly asked, How is he?, Hello, Jethro, Ducky responded politely. Tony raised a hand and waved a goodbye as he climbed out of Stuart's car in the parking lot at the Navy Yard. Thats just crazy. Its actually literally a matter of national security. Hes behind the times. Want to tell me which one has you in knots and well get it over with?. Gibbs nodded. Sorry. Well, Ive read (and bad me, havent yet commented enough on them, but its in my new years resolutions to do so) and loved all your NCIS related stories. But when I want to be left alone, you force me to be with you. -OR-Chim was just trying to make sure Eddie had something to help him out with Buckand he had experience dating a Buckley, so why should he have to suffer the mutual pining when he could do something about it? Discharge had been a logistical mess that had led to more than one argument; Tony could go home and have a near full time nurse, go to a rehab facility, or go with Gibbs and have a part time nurse and physical therapy visits. Your tech said they were a guy. And when Gibbs had recruited him to NCIS, and told him he was good and Gibbs wasnt willing to waste his potential, Tony had fallen for the older man. Now, if youre done yammering, sit! he barked. He nearly hit me in the body bag. I really enjoy your work. The project I work for, some really smart people. Dead Air was so brutal. Tony took a step back and Steve let go. One was the homeowner, the other an entrepreneur from New York., Obviously thinking through that, and clearly not at his usual speed, Tony eventually sighed. Sort by: Hot. It should have been a cakewalk; especially for DiNozzo and David, who had ample undercover experience. Hed even bitten Duckys head off a couple days back. The drive back to the Navy Yard was only about fifteen minutes, and Gibbs wrestled with his anger the entire way. Nothing. He was on a constant level of pain medication, but was able to get additional pain relief every few minutes through a button. He didnt like complicated reasoning or negotiating he knew when something was right. But Tony was determined, and Gibbs knew hed get past it eventually. He heard tires screeching and horns blaring and the crunch of metal as the body bag fell from the gurney and rolled across the highway. But even my extreme limberness & pliability in matters of characterization can not stretch so far as to see the turning off of coms as a joke or prank. I wondered what it would take to kill your silence is this it? Do you get it?. She was quietly retired for medical reasons and new blood from outside the agency was brought in and brought the entire thing into a new era, without the good old boy networking and corruption that had been so prevalent before. He knew there were still problems to be dealt with, and unresolved emotions that needed some outlet, but he knew that the two of them would be okay. As soon as I can arrange it, Gibbs responded immediately. Rated M for later chapter. With his head injury he cant make medical decisions, and I have his proxy. Profiler would know. He only had some local LEOs word for it that McGee and David were okay. He heard a voice, it was fading in and out of his hearing, he couldnt focus, he made out bits and pieces of the tirade of his attacker. I dont want you here.. ME Medical Examiner If Gibbs had his way, McGee and David would be out of the agency and out of law enforcement entirely. Rule one was number one for a reason; there was no greater crime in Gibbs mind than betrayal, whether the partner was the agent sitting at the next desk, or your spouse sleeping beside you. Whats wrong with Tony?. Knowing the doctor didnt have the information he sought, he asked, When can I see him?, He will be back from radiology shortly. It was also suuuuuper satisfying personally to see Abbys reaction and Gibbss loss of faith in her. Shot in the left shoulder, broken leg, skull fracture, lacerated spleen, broken ribs, other minor injuries, he rattled off. Tony had heard that Shane had left the PD after the huge corruption case that had been launched shortly after Tony had gone to Philadelphia. He would be brought back to this room where hed stay for at least another day or two before being transferred to a regular ward. Gibbs considered the time. Well, I went through a lot of major shit over the past few years but recently I had a - well a revelation, sort of. I especially enjoyed the Gibbs POV. But Tony DiNozzo? Im so glad to see a new story from you, and for a scenario that I always love to see The rest of the team getting their comeuppance for doing that to Tony (even with a bit of Tony!whump to make it even more serious). DiNozzo was doing the notifications and explanations to the family. Gibbs was shown to his office, where he declined the seat offered, wanting to get this over with. When I want you, I cant have you, but when you want something well, its all your way, isnt it?. Were only a couple minutes out. And after what just went down, I had to come and warn ya., Tonys brows furrowed. This was awesome! They also helped accelerate my healing with their alien gadgets. Watch me, Gibbs snapped before flipping his phone shut. Clive down in Evidence said she resigned from the Secret Service because she was fucking on the job. Green eyes filled with too much pain fixed on Gibbs. Perhaps a shower and a change of clothes?, I spoke with Leon this morning. This is a Tony Dinozzo/NCIS fanfic about a girl who is kidnapped at age 12 and is missing for years before the team finds her, chained up and barely alive, in the home of a seemingly likeable marine. In a world where NCIS, Stargate SG-1, and The Sentinel coexist with the MCU, the consequences of the battle for the Triskelion (as seen in Captain America: The Winter Soldier) are deadly for more than just SHIELD and HYDRA agents. Hes going to be out of commission for a while. Vance put a fresh toothpick in his mouth and chewed it a bit. They had thought they might have a serial killer or spree killer on their hands but it all turned out to be a tragic accident. He was stuck running down an AWOL sailor, his sixth in a row. Hed only forbidden Tony from coming down to the basement two days ago so he could get the assembly done. "The pleasure is all mine," he smirked. Even Vance was frowning as he stared at the laptop in consternation. The emotion between Gibbs and his team, and Gibbs and Tony were breathtaking. He could have confiscated our equipment, but instead, kept eyes on it and told me to clean up my own mess., Fair enough. MaH Military at Home (fictional domestic terrorist organization used in 805). As Lunsford gloated for a moment, that fateful Bond villain moment, Tony sat up and swung hard with his knife, connecting just where he meant to, across the arm forcing him to release his gun. Hes not a hacker by any stretch, but who do you think did all the computer work when we were a two-man team?, Vance opened his mouth, then snapped it shut. And the bastard landlord was still charging everyone the regular rent rate unless they completely emptied their apartments during the construction. As he walked, he made a couple comments designed to entertain McGee and David and then noted the address he was approaching. I know you do, Tony, he replied gently. They both rushed to answer, each giving ground to the other sometimes. om nom nom, this is fucking *awesome*!! The whole situation in your fic makes my heart hurt. The stage is set. I adore your stories and think youre a gifted writer. Youre lousy at following orders, Gibbs countered. The older man wasnt getting the point that she didnt want to go out with him and was chasing her with all of his Scottish charm on full display. He looked around, wondering where Agent Axelrod was. You are a rockstar! To him, the house seemed like the holidays had exploded all over it, but he realized that, for most people, the decorations were fairly restrained and tasteful. Merry Christmas, Son., Gibbs lips turned up in a smile. It was Lunsford, an agent who worked on the same floor as the MCRT. Gibbs nearly snarled. Well theres a little bistro about three miles from your place, they have live music on weekends.. And Tonys thoughts had been accurate. Jethro, Tony gasped, back arching, riding Gibbs fingers with abandon. Regardless, his gut said Balboas team was on the right track and he felt comfortable in his choice to hand the case off. He watched Gibbs for several long seconds. are the property of their respective owners. Not that his team isnt good, but Id think with a domestic terrorist, Vance would want his A-team on the case., Abby! Gibbs nearly hollered. That was lovely. Nothing else makes sense, for all that it makes no sense. Frustrated, he ran his hands through his hair. Some things changed a person forever, and even if the attack hadnt done that, the cause of it certainly would have. What? Seriously, it was so good to read about the consequence of this being considered, both for Tony and for the other idiots because seriously, not backup up their partner? Look me in the eye when I put the world free of your abnormality. Lunsford spit the words literally at Tony. Blew out my knee senior year, went to the police academy after I graduated and healed up. Stunning story. Tony just stared at him, expression primarily stuck on astonishment, but he thought hed seen a moment of happiness in there. He met Tonys beautiful green eyes as he began steadily pressing inside. Her photo was just a college drunken photo. There. Word Count: ~23.5k I dont get it. Oh, yay!! I want him to know and have time to deal with it first. But, then I love all your stories! Tony couldn't afford his rent and a motel for months, too. Let me know what you think :) I daresay youd be safe ground as well, but I doubt he realizes its an avenue open to him., Gibbs glared for a moment, but then conceded, Ill make sure he knows this time., Ducky brightened. Down, I know a clearly nervous Tony oooohhh, clicked on your page just to check if was! 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