karate framework for ui automation

The standard locator syntax is supported. This mechanism works by calling configure cookies behind the scenes and if you need to stop auto-adding cookies for future requests, just do this: Also refer to the built-in variable responseCookies for how you can access and perform assertions on cookie data values. You can also use JSON to set multiple query-parameters in one-line using params and this is especially useful for dynamic data-driven testing. And this example may make it clear why using Karate itself to drive even your UI-tests may be a good idea. }, { id: { domain: "DOM", type: "entityId", value: "#ignore" }, This means that you cannot use any Karate JS objects or API-s such as karate.get() or driver.title. The limitation of the Cucumber Scenario Outline: (seen above) is that the number of rows in the Examples: is fixed. A common requirement is to pass dynamic parameter values via the command line, and you can use the karate.properties['some.name'] syntax for getting a system property passed via JVM options in the form -Dsome.name=foo. The syntax will include a = sign between the key and the value. Here is an example of what is possible: Not something you would commonly use, but in some cases you need to disable Karates default behavior of attempting to parse anything that looks like JSON (or XML) when using multi-line / string expressions. There should always be karate-config.js in the root folder, even if you dont have any common config. You can replace the values of com.mycompany and myproject as per your needs. It uses the Gherkin syntax, made popular by Cucumber, which is language-neutral, easy to use even for non-programmers and is centered on Behavior Driven Development (BDD). if an API needs to be called to get a JSON array, you can call a separate Scenario to set up this data. A good example of the use of form field for a typical sign-in flow is this OAuth 2 demo: oauth2.feature. This is designed specifically for the kind of situation described in the example for waitForAny(). return sdf.parse(s).time; // '.getTime()' would also have worked instead of '.time' B efore to start talking, How I have learned and show an example How to connect on database with Karate Framework, let me introduce It. But guess what - this example is baked into a Karate API, see waitForText(). It works with Gherkin language, and It is easy for even non-programmers. This is a core feature and does not depend on JUnit, Maven or Gradle. To avoid flaky tests, use waitForUrl(). You just need to do a normal POST (or GET). And yes, variables can come from global config. 1234 Gkhan KARAMAN 99 Followers Senior Software Test Automation Engineer More from Medium The Test Lead Top FREE QA Test Management Tools 2023 The Test Lead QA API Testing Explained For Manual and. As mentioned above, most CI tools would be able to process the JUnit XML output of the parallel runner and determine the status of the build as well as generate reports. You can even mix this into mouse() actions. This enables more concise tests, and the file can be re-usable in multiple, data-driven tests. This is perfect for those cases where it really doesnt make sense - for example the Background section or when you use the def or set syntax. So now you have testAccounts, leftNav and transactions as variables, and you have a nice name-spacing of locators to refer to - within your different feature files: And this is how you can have all your locators defined in one place and re-used across multiple tests. Here is a recap of symbols that can be used in JSON embedded expressions: There is a shortcut for match each explained in the next section that can be quite useful, especially for in-line schema-like validations. The signal to stop the loop is to return any not-null object. JSON arrays), see. You cant do things such as * url 'http://foo.bar' and expect the URL to be set in the called feature. Any valid JavaScript expression that evaluates to a Truthy or Falsy value is expected after the #?. API tests are written in BDD (Behaviour Driven Development) Using Gherkin syntax. One way to define test-suites in Karate is to have a JUnit class at a level above (in terms of folder hierarchy) all the *.feature files in your project. The match keyword will work as you expect. name: Smith Note: In GET API request, we do not need to provide the body (payload). Some users need callable features that are re-usable even when variables have not been defined by the calling feature. For convenience, you can have multiple expressions separated by commas, so this is the recommended pattern: Similar to assert, the expressions on the right-hand-side of a print have to be valid JavaScript. With the formalities out of the way, lets dive straight into the syntax. These examples (all exact matches) can make things more clear: Note that you can alternatively use JsonPath on the left-hand-side: But of course it is preferable to match whole objects in one step as far as possible. Powerful JSON & XML declarations are built-in, and you can run tests in parallel for speed. Note: desiredCapabilities has been deprecated and not recommended for use. To support all the various options such as Docker, headless Chrome, cloud-providers etc., Karate introduces the concept of a pluggable Target where you just have to implement two methods: start(): The Map returned will be used as the generated driver configuration. Also see waitForEnabled() which is the preferred short-cut for the last example above, also look at the examples for chaining and then the section on waits. Make sure you configure your source code management system (e.g. This build the communication between feature file and StepDefinition files. Keep in mind that the reason this exists is to cache data, and not behavior. Though not really recommended, you can have multiple Scenario-s within a Feature tagged with @setup. This demonstrates a Java Maven + JUnit 5 project set up to test a Spring Boot app. We recommend that you get comfortable with this because it is going to save you lots of time. The .graphql and .gql extensions are also recognized (for GraphQL) but are handled the same way as .txt and treated as a string. See also match header which is what you would normally need. We need to use assertion to validate the response data. var squares = []; var SimpleDateFormat = Java.type('java.text.SimpleDateFormat'); return a pretty-printed, nicely indented string representation of the JSON value, also see: return a pretty-printed, nicely indented string representation of the XML value, also see: get the value of any Java system-property by name, useful for, returns a JSON array of integers (inclusive), the optional third argument must be a positive integer and defaults to 1, and if start < end the order of values is reversed, very rarely used - when needing to perform conditional removal of JSON keys or XML nodes. If you want to dynamically and programmatically determine the tags and features to be included - the API also accepts. We suggest that you have a folder hierarchy only one or two levels deep - where the folder names clearly identify which resource, entity or API is the web-service under test. The nice thing here is that it returns a Driver instance, so you can chain any other method and the intent will be clear. function (customConfigJson, config) { # this can be a global re-usable function ! And any variables which are alive in the context can be used in this expression. The name of the class doesnt matter, and it will automatically run any *.feature file in the same package. Note that it uses a string contains match, so you just need to supply a portion of the URL you are expecting. So how can you get this value injected into the Karate configuration ? In this video, We are going to learn How to Automate a LIVE Project using Karate UI Automation Tutorial. Assuming the above code is in a file called my-headers.js, the next section on calling other feature files shows how it looks like in action at the beginning of a test script. Given this custom, user-defined Java class: This is how it can be called from a test-script via JavaScript, and yes, even static methods can be invoked: Note that JSON gets auto-converted to Map (or List) when making the cross-over to Java. The above would result in a URL like: http://myhost/mypath?someKey=hello&anotherKey=foo. Karate Robot is designed for desktop application testing, but since you can click on anything in the viewport, you can achieve what you may not be able to with other automation frameworks. For convenience, Karate assumes by default that the executable name is playwright and that it exists in the System PATH. The BDD syntax popularized by Cucumber is language-neutral, and easy for even non-programmers. By default, the value of karate.env when you access it within karate-config.js - would be null. But since the optional() API is designed to handle the case when a given locator does not exist, you can write some very concise tests, without needing to examine the returned object from waitForAny(). Examples of defining and using JavaScript functions appear in earlier sections of this document. Karates native support for JSON means that you can assign parts of a JSON instance into another variable, which is useful when dealing with complex response payloads. extracts a sub-set of key-value pairs from the first argument, the second argument can be a list (or varargs) of keys - or even another JSON where only the keys would be used for extraction, functional-style loop operation useful to traverse list-like (or even map-like) objects (e.g. Karate will scan the log for any string that starts with ws:// and kick things off from there. Here is one suggested pattern you can adopt. You can always directly access the variable called responseHeaders if you wanted to do more checks, but you typically wont need to. or anything wrapped in parentheses which will be evaluated as JavaScript - e.g. Full Time position. Look at multipart entity for an example. id: 1, Just like script(), but will perform the script eval() on all matching elements (not just the first) - and return the results as a JSON array / list. var results = scriptAll('.js-tree-browser-result-path', '_.innerText'); If you are looking for Cucumber hooks Karate does not support them, mainly because they depend on Java code, which goes against the Karate Way. If you are familiar with Cucumber (JVM), you may be wondering if you need to write step-definitions. Tech, Java, IT Project Manager. The steps which are defined under background will run before each and every scenario for a feature file. There is only one thing you need to do to switch the environment - which is to set a Java system property. It is best explained via examples. Karate has a very useful payload templating approach. In situations where you start an (embedded) application server as part of the test set-up phase, a typical challenge is that the HTTP port may be determined at run-time. In cases where the data-source needs multiple steps, for e.g. You have to repeat the Examples section for each tag. The BDD syntax that Cucumber has gone on to popularize is language-neutral, which makes it easy for nonprogrammers as well. Here is an example that you can try: The driver.inputFile() can take an array or varargs as the second argument. useful to scrape text out of non-JSON or non-XML text sources such as HTML, like the above, but returns a list of text-matches. The same approach should apply to any Selenium grid provider such as Zalenium. The assert keyword can be used to assert that an expression returns a boolean value. You can find more JSON examples here: js-arrays.feature. Any valid XPath expression is allowed on the left-hand-side of a match statement. return 'this text will be displayed to the user when they click the rebase button' When you use Karate, all your data assertions can be done in pure JSON and without needing a thick forest of companion Java objects. Rarely used, but sometimes for only some parts of your test - you need to tell the browser to wait for a very slow loading page. path to file containing the trust chain for your server certificate. driver.getTitle() becomes driver.title. Note the use of the JavaScript String.includes() function to do a text contains match for convenience. For advanced examples, refer to some of the scenarios within this demo: dynamic-params.feature. Also see waits. And if you need multiple functions, you can easily organize them into a single Java class with multiple static methods. A set of real-life examples can be found here: Karate Demos. This is more compact, and is especially useful for expressions that do not start with the current DOM element. Karate uses LOGBack which looks for a file called logback-test.xml on the classpath. You can use callonce instead of call within the Background in case you have multiple Scenario sections or Examples. name: 'John', If the request is for /api/*, the first Scenario matches - else the last one is a catch all. """, # karate's unified data handling means that even 'match' works, # which means that checking if a cookie does NOT exist is a piece of cake, # check if the response status is either of two values, # this may be sufficient to check a range of values. The unified use of Karate test-doubles means that you can script dynamic responses and handle incoming URL, query-string and header variations. Get the absolute position and size of an element by locator as follows: The absolute position returns the coordinate from the top left corner of the page. Some characters such as the hyphen - are not permitted in lenient JSON keys (because they are interpreted by the JS engine as a minus sign). Karate has a built-in implementation for Docker (DockerTarget) that supports 2 existing Docker images out of the box: To use either of the above, you do this in a Karate test: Or for more flexibility, you could do this in karate-config.js and perform conditional logic based on karate.env. to avoid constant failures due to loading animations), """ ] So if you tried to re-use the same feature but with multiple arguments, things will not work as you expect. Refer to the cats-java.feature demo for an example. Only supported for driver type android | ios, for hiding the soft keyboard. "arr": [ auth tokens) only once for all of your tests. In rare cases, you may want to check what the type of the response is and it can be one of 3 different values: json, xml and string. """, """ You can see what the result looks like here. Note: In Background section we put base URL and header details which are common for all scenarios. Setting values on JSON documents is simple using the set keyword. Use either the param keyword, e.g. That said, if you want to stick to JavaScript, but find yourself accumulating a lot of helper functions that you need to use in multiple feature files, the following pattern is recommended. Just write tests in a simple, readable syntax - carefully designed for HTTP, JSON, GraphQL and XML. bottom: 893, This will also do automatically perform a karate.embed() - so that the image appears in the HTML report. Note that there is a top-level config flag for headless mode. You can adjust configuration settings for the HTTP client used by Karate using this keyword. Only recommended for advanced users, but this guarantees a routine is run only once, even when running tests in parallel. Something worth mentioning here is that you would hardly need to use assert in your test scripts. You can use a waitForUrl() before attempting to access driver.title to make sure it works. Note the extra convenience where you dont have to enclose the LHS key in quotes. You can even retrieve operating-system environment variables via Java interop as follows: var systemPath = java.lang.System.getenv('PATH'); This decision to use JavaScript for config is influenced by years of experience with the set-up of complicated test-suites and fighting with Maven profiles, Maven resource-filtering and the XML-soup that somehow gets summoned by the Maven AntRun plugin. Name the file as javadsl.java and run using the command: jbang javadsl.java. { id: 23, name: 'Bob' }, Here is a sample logback-test.xml for you to get started. If you have one pre-started, you need to use the playwrightUrl driver config. Also see type conversion. If youre looking for more complex ways of dynamically naming your scenarios you can use JS string interpolation by including placeholders in your scenario name. The argument can be provided after the function name, without parentheses, which makes things slightly more readable (and less cluttered) especially when the solitary argument is JSON. Heres a simple recipe to set up this mechanism on your local machine. One very convenient aspect of configure driverTarget is that if in-scope, it will over-ride any configure driver directives that exist. When you use a JUnit runner - after the execution of each feature, an HTML report is output to the target/karate-reports folder and the full path will be printed to the console (see video). c A few more useful transforms are to select a sub-set of key-value pairs using karate.filterKeys(), merging 2 or more JSON-s using karate.merge() and combining 2 or more arrays (or objects) into a single array using karate.append(). """, # attempt to detect and ignore antialiasing, # customize color / brightness tolerances, # switch to `original` grayscale SSIM algorithm, # JS math can introduce a decimal point in some cases, # but you can easily coerce to an integer if needed, # or you can do the same on multiple lines if you wish, # set headers or params (if any) BEFORE the method step. Example: In an application testing if we are login the application in each scenario then we can put the login scenario under background. In rare cases you may want to suppress the default of Scenario-s executing in parallel and the special tag @parallel=false can be used. Navigates to a new page / address. XML and XPath works just like youd expect. Karate is an open-source framework for API Test automation that uses BDD style syntax, has a rich assertion library, built-in HTML reports. As a convenience, all the methods on the driver have been injected into the context as special (JavaScript) variables so you can omit the driver. part and save a lot of typing. Karate is an open-source API (SOAP & REST) testing automation tool written in Java. The recommendation is that you prefer chrome for development, and once you have the tests running smoothly - you can switch to a different WebDriver implementation. JavaScript Functions are also native. Notice how once the authToken variable is initialized, it is used by the above function to generate headers for every HTTP call made as part of the test flow. This will give you the usual HTML report showing what features will be run, including all steps shown (including comments) so that it can be reviewed. You should be able to right-click and run a single method using your IDE - which should be sufficient when you are in development mode. Karate has an elegant way to set multiple keys (via path expressions) in one step. Example: After click on response step we can see response of GET request. You can run tests with this directly, but teams can choose the JUnit variant (shown below) that pulls in JUnit 5 and slightly improves the in-IDE experience. The need to wait until some text appears is so common, and with this - you dont need to worry about dealing with white-space such as line-feeds and invisible tab characters. This is exactly like match == but the order of arrays does not matter. * url myUrl. In rare cases you may want to use a csv-file as-is and not auto-convert it to JSON. So you can use Karate to set-up data via API calls, then run the UI test-automation, and finally again use Karate to assert that the system-state is as expected. Git) to ignore karate-config-*.js if needed. """, # use dynamic path expressions to mutate json, * def filename = zone == 'zone1' ? Because Karate strips trailing slashes if part of a path parameter, if you want to append a forward-slash to the end of the URL in the final HTTP request - make sure that the last path is a single /. Refer to the demos for another example: soap.feature. 12341234 The BDD syntax with Cucumber is launguage neutral, and easy for even non-programmers. The Maven tradition is to have non-Java source files in a separate src/test/resources folder structure - but we recommend that you keep them side-by-side with your *.java files. Ping me Now! predicate marker to validate that the value of totalPrice is always equal to the roomPrice of the first item in the roomInformation array. This is technically not in the key-value form: multipart field name = 'foo', but logically belongs here in the documentation. The feature is invoked for each item in the array. The csv and yaml types can be initialized in-line using the triple quote or docstring multi-line approach as shown here. This means that as long as the token on file is valid, you can save time by not having to make the one or two HTTP calls needed to sign-in or create throw-away users in your SSO store. But you can easily achieve any complex logic by using the JS API. Since it is so easy to dive into Java-interop, Karate does not include any random-number functions, uuid generator or date / time utilities out of the box. And path blog Example: Note that if you do this as soon as you navigate to a new page, there is a chance that this returns the old / stale URL. var sdf = new SimpleDateFormat('yyyy/MM/dd'); With the Karate framework, testers without a programming background can perform tests more easily. created: { on: "#ignore" }, results : null; You end up with a decent approximation of BDD even though web-services by nature are headless, without a UI, and not really human-friendly. The JS API has a karate.signal(result) method that is useful for involving asynchronous flows into a test. Here are some example assertions performed while scraping a list of child elements out of the JSON below. get metadata about the currently executing feature within a test, functional-style filter operation useful to filter list-like objects (e.g. You can actually refer to any JsonPath on the document via $ and perform cross-field or conditional validations ! So in dev mode you can easily set this behavior like this. You can now use Karates core API and call chained methods. This comes in useful because depending on how you organize your files and folders - you can have multiple feature files executed by a single JUnit test-class. One pattern you can adopt is to create a factory method that returns a Java function - where you can easily delegate to the logic you want. _ > 0' }, # when validation logic is an 'equality' check, an embedded expression works better, Then match temperature contains { fahrenheit, # when the response is binary (byte-array), # incidentally, match and assert behave exactly the same way for strings, # if b can be present (optional) but should always be null, """ For every HTTP request made from Karate, the internal flow is as follows: This makes setting up of complex authentication schemes for your test-flows really easy. A header row is always expected. UI API Automation Tester. Modifying existing JSON and XML is natively supported by Karate via the set keyword, and replace is primarily intended for dealing with raw strings. Keep in mind that you should be able to comment-out a Scenario or skip some via tags without impacting any others. This approach can certainly enable product-owners or domain-experts who are not programmer-folk, to review, and even collaborate on test-scenarios and scripts. You simply roll your own. For example: And similarly for XML and XPath, / represents the response. This behavior where all key-value pairs in the returned map-like object get automatically added as variables - applies to the calling of *.feature files as well. Here is a real-life example combined with the use of retry(): If you have more than two locators you need to wait for, use the single-argument-as-array form, like this: Returns an Element (instead of exists() which returns a boolean). So you get the best of both worlds: the elegance of JSON to express complex nested data - while at the same time being able to dynamically plug values (that could even be other JSON or XML trees) into a template. There can be multiple Scenario-s in a *.feature file, and at least one should be present. Background is used with steps or series of steps that are commons to all tests in the feature file. 1+ years experience with Jira . This can be really convenient, for example to never run some tests in a certain production like or sensitive environment. JSON arrays), see, convenient for the common case of transforming an array of primitives into an array of objects, see, useful to merge the key-values of two (or more) JSON (or map-like) objects, see. We will discuss the Karate API, UI Automation, and g. Or you can set up an executable that can do it and log the URL to the console when the server is ready. The above example would save the file and perform auto-embedding into the HTML report. A common use case is to mix API-calls into a larger test-suite, for example a Selenium or WebDriver UI test. Note that more builder methods are available from the Runner.Builder class such as reportDir() etc. If you read from a file, the advantage is that multiple scripts can re-use the same data. For example if you have HTML like this: To click on the checkbox, you just need to do this: By default, the HTML tag that will be searched for will be input. Step 2: Add feature and scenario description. Another example is dogs.feature - which actually makes JDBC (database) calls, and since the data returned from the Java code is JSON, the last section of the test is able to use match very effectively for data assertions. Note that waitForUrl() will also act as an assertion, so you dont have to do an extra match. See also responseStatus if you want to do some complex assertions against the HTTP status code. Params and this is a top-level config flag for headless mode of request... ), you may want to do a normal POST ( or get.. Or conditional validations is useful for expressions that do not start with the formalities out the. Comfortable with this because it is easy for even non-programmers will automatically run any.feature... 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