huberman lab podcast notes

For more than 20 years, Dr. Huberman has consistently published original research findings and review . Huberman Lab Podcast Notes Huberman Lab Andrew Huberman Podcast / dr andrew huberman Episode 50: Dr. David Berson: Understanding Your Brain's Logic & Function | Huberman Lab Andrew Huberman and Dr. Berson break down the science behind how we learn and perceive the world, our internal landscape, how we process. Every cell in our body adjusts its biology according to day length, as measured by the duration of the melatonin signal. Show more Featured Notes Momentous Podcast Sponsor - Momentous By pairing best-in-class products with specific protocols we believe we can transform human health . His laboratory studies neural . In this episode, I discuss the science of setting, assessing, and pursuing goals. Listen to or watch all episodes of the Huberman Lab Podcastavailable on all major platforms, including YouTube, Apple Podcasts and Spotify. The goal of this episode is to help people make informed decisions about their alcohol consumption that are in keeping with their mental and physical health goals. Premium. However, in general, starchy carbohydrates, white meat, and some fish tend to increase tryptophan levels, leading to more lethargic states, while nuts and meats tend to increase dopamine and epinephrine levels, leading to wakefulness. The notes provided are based on my best understanding of the podcast and are not intended to be a verbatim transcript. Dr. Andrew Huberman, Ph.D. (@hubermanlab) is a Professor of Neurobiology and Ophthalmology at Stanford University School of Medicine and host of the massively popular podcast, Huberman Lab. Get access to Podcast Notes Premium today! I'm going to start to access the reward. Read more here, Cant get enough Andrew Huberman? Welcome to the Huberman Lab Podcast. In this episode of the Huberman Lab Podcast, Andrew Huberman provides a framework for thinking about supplements and explains how to design FREE when you join over 50,000 subscribers to the Podcast Notes newsletter. Menu Close. Key points about the importance of light on our bodies and how it affects our mood and metabolism: Light is important for regulating mood and sleep. Guest Series: Dr. Andy Galpin - Maximize Recovery To Achieve Fitness & Performance Goals | Huberman Lab Sally FREE when you join over 50,000 subscribers to the Podcast Notes newsletter. Great if you are in an office all day or have a desk job, Stored in muscle cytoplasm so efficiently accessed, The upside is it is a fast energy source but the downside is you have to do something with carbon waste which can increase acidity in muscle by breaking up ATP, but remember, lactate is not the cause of fatigue, For anything below 90-120 minutes, our main concern is carbon waste management, Be careful of ingesting fast carbs prior to exercise to avoid glucose spikes and crash, Practice and train fueling how you will during the race, All living organisms use carbon and ATP in different balances for energy the final endpoint of carbohydrate metabolism is water, ATP, and carbon dioxide, Protein is only aerobic and has to be oxidized and will not enhance performance, Protein is transient and not good at being stored so not an effective fuel source, Theres a tiny amount of fat stored in muscle but the majority of fuel from fat comes systemically this is why you lose fat from the entire body, not just the area you exercise, Like carbohydrates, the final endpoint of fat metabolism is water, ATP, and carbon dioxide, The average person probably has enough fat stored to survive for 30 days (you wouldnt feel good but the point is, fat will never be your limiting factor its just too slow to use), Youll have more pain in small muscle groups youll never throw up after arm day but you might after leg day, An order doesnt matter unless you experience fatigue from previous exercises, You dont need heavy load it only needs to be around what your target is (e.g., want to improve at 50% 1RM just train in that range), You wont be as sore so you can easily do 3-4x per week per muscle group or do more reps in fewer days, Progression: try to add 1-2 reps per week (or more time if the goal is wall sit or plank), Remember, fat isnt your limiter here but carbohydrates will be creating acid problem and oxygen transportation problems, Muscular endurance is localized but anaerobic capacity is systemic, Consider the gear system instead of thinking about zones, Gear 1: can you breathe in and out through your nose at a set cadence? Learn protocols to improve various kinds of physical endurance, how the body differentially uses energy sources, the mechanisms underlying fat loss, and so much more! For the full show notes, visit Hypnosis works by engaging neuroplasticity and combining the alert, focused wakeful state with the deep rest state, resulting in a unique state that maximizes learning and deep rest. In addition to the anatomy and physiology, you will Andrew Huberman and Dr. David Spiegel take a deep dive into self-hypnosis. Any actions taken based on the information provided in these notes are solely at your own risk. All notes are independently created and do not imply any sponsorship or endorsement by the source podcast. Skip to the content. Dopamine, on the other hand, is a reward feel-good neurotransmitter that stimulates action. The episode consists of both basic science information and many science-supported actionable tools. Newsweek calls him "the world's best human guinea pig," and The New York Times calls him "a cross between Jack Welch and a Buddhist monk." While I have made every effort to ensure their accuracy, they may contain errors or omissions. My plan is to bring to Medium readers 300 podcast notes until the end of 2023. In this episode of Huberman Lab, Andrew Huberman and Andy Galpin continue with Part 5 of a 6 part series on all things fitness. Check out our members only collection packed with Hubermans greatest tips. Check out our members only collection packed with Hubermans greatest tips. A pilot study, Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids and headache in the U.S. population, Dietary alteration of n-3 and n-6 fatty acids for headache reduction in adults with migraine: randomized controlled trial, Effect of omega-3 fatty acids on premenstrual syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Effect of Peppermint and Eucalyptus Oil Preparations on Neurophysiological and Experimental Algesimetric Headache Parameters, Herbal treatments for migraine: A systematic review of randomised-controlled studies, The head and face are so heavily infused with blood vessels, so there is a spreading out of inflammatory response that triggers pain mechanisms and leads to headaches, Three primary origins of headaches: nerve-based, muscle-based, and meningeal based, Knowing what kind of headache you have is indispensable for the treatment of headache, Quality deep sleep reduces the frequency of headaches and time to repair after brain injury, Raise baseline of health to reduce risk of headaches: sleep, sunlight at the right time of day, avoiding bright light at night, nutrition, exercise, healthy social connection, Omega-3 through diet or supplement (1g EPA per day) has potent effects on reducing pain, frequency, and intensity of hormonal-based headaches related to menstruation, The use of essential oils for headache relief is not pseudoscience! He discusses the role of dopamine in coordinating 'default-mode' and 'task-related' neural networks, attentional "blinks" (lapses of attention) and how to overcome them, and the . We also discu . Here we provide a simple one stop shop to his Andrew Huberman explains how sugar is sensed, metabolized, and used in the body, the connection between sugar, dopamine, and cravings, and Andrew Huberman discusses the role of salt (sodium) in the nervous system and the key role it plays health and mental & physical Andrew Huberman breaks down the profound effect the gut has on the nervous system. Events. Huberman Lab. We discuss how people can build and sculpt their identity and psychology through specific mindsets and actions and how to adapt the self to novel and challenging . Please note that The Huberman Lab Podcast is distinct from Dr. Huberman's teaching and research roles at Stanford University School of Medicine. Mel is in a category all her own. About. The use of cold exposure for stress mitigation: if you want to use cold exposure for stress inoculation and to raise your stress threshold, you should try to resist the shiver response. In this episode of Huberman Lab, Dr. Huberman explains mechanisms by which deliberate cold exposure can enhance mental health, physical Andrew Huberman and Any Galpin take a deep dive into the fundamental principles of strength and hypertrophy training and building His massively popular podcast the Huberman Lab has been featured many times on Podcast Notes. Podcast Notes isnot associated or affiliated with the source podcast (unless otherwise stated). Dr. Andrew Huberman is a tenured Professor o The Huberman Lab Podcast discusses neuroscience: how our brain and its connections with the organs of our body control our perceptions, our behaviors, and our health. Andrew Huberman is a tenured Professor of Neurobiology and Ophthalmology at Stanford School of Medicine. His lab focuses on neural regeneration, neuroplasticity, and brain states such as stress, focus, fear, and optimal performance. The body has anticipatory circuits that help prepare it for different activities such as eating, exercising, waking up, or going to sleep. On the other hand, foods rich in tryptophan, such as white meat and complex carbohydrates, tend to induce more lethargic and relaxed states. We also discuss existing and emerging tools for measuring and changing how our nervous system works. Podcast Notes is a Signal From the Noise LLC Production, All Right Reserved, Berkshire Hathaway Annual Shareholders Meeting, Christopher Lockhead's Follow Your Different, Everyday Espionage Podcast with Andrew Bustamante, Feel Better, Live More With Dr. Rangan Chatterjee, Moonshots and Mindsets with Peter Diamandis, Network State Podcast with Balaji Srinivasan, Spearhead with Naval Ravikant and Babak Nivi, The Unraveling Podcast with Jocko Willink and Darryl Cooper, This Week in Startups with Jason Calacanis, Where It Happens with Sahil Bloom and Greg Isenberg, Brief, daily meditation enhances attention, memory, mood, and emotional regulation in non-experienced meditators, Yoga nidra practice shows improvement in sleep in patients with chronic insomnia: A randomized controlled trial, In the 1960s and 1970s, meditation and psychedelic use were talked about as one in the same practice, To get better at falling asleep or manage lost sleep, try yoga nidra or non-sleep deep rest at some point during the day, If your goal is to increase focus, and mood, and deliberately control shifts in interoception/exteroception, traditional meditation is beneficial, A wandering mind is an unhappy mind: what people are thinking at any given moment is a better predictor of happiness than what people are doing being fully engaged in what youre doing is the strongest predictor of happiness, Choosing the right meditation for the moment: test whether you are in an interoceptive or exteroceptive state; then, choose the meditation that allows you to go against the grain of your natural state to train your body, brain, and increased neural plasticity for trait changes, Meditation tip: instead of dwelling on your ability to remain focused, think about your ability to refocus thats where the training and magic happens, Key question to ask before meditation: do you want to be more relaxed or more alert through the meditation practice, How long should you meditate? The volume of food also influences the guts sensory fibers, which communicate with neurons in the nodose ganglia, signaling to the brain. Newsletter. Trying 20-minute bouts of focused learning every 90 minutes, incorporating different neuroscience-backed tools like motor, cognitive, or musical. His laboratory studies neural regeneration, neuroplasticity, and brain states such as stress, focus, fear, and optimal performance. Andrew Huberman and Gina Poe discuss the relationship between sleep, learning, and hormones, including: tools to enhance quality of sleep, Andrew Huberman and Sara Gottfried take a deep dive into all things related to optimization of female hormone health, including: hormones Adam Mastroianni discusses why peer review, the greatest scientific experiment in history, has failed and why that is a great FREE when you join over 50,000 subscribers to the Podcast Notes newsletter. Just like exercise, the best form of meditation is the one you do consistently, Turning focus on breathing pattern can in itself be a form of meditation practice, General rule of breathwork: if inhales are longer than exhales, you will shift into more alert state; if you focus on longer, more vigorous exhales you will relax, Three main considerations of meditation practice: (1) exteroceptive versus interoceptive focus; (2) breathing pattern; (3) continuum between interoception and dissociation. Prescription lenses are okay to wear because they are designed to focus light onto the retina, unlike windows which scatter and filter light. Events. The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast . with a particular strain, you will experience it every time your reaction doesnt change, Reddening of the eyes and dryness of mouth is due to reductions in saliva because of CB1 and CB2 receptors in eyes and mouth, Munchies happen because of signaling of the hypothalamus to the gut which activates neurons and triggers: (1) preoccupation with anticipation and taste of food; (2) narrowed focus on food, There are some anti-pain effects from CB1 effects, Note: most studies dont distinguish between indica and sativa strains, Aside from those who just like being high, people use marijuana to achieve a certain state (such as creativity), Dopamine is closely related to convergent and divergent thinking and creativity, In professions where theres a lot of creativity required (such as artist, musician) there tends to be a lot of manic depression, Cannabis may unlock a willingness to explore different options by reducing anxiety, Both sativa and indica strains impact basal ganglia and CB1 which disrupts neural circuitry speech is the movement of the mouth, People who smoke sativas tend to be more talkative, Cannabis users may read sentences with less intonation and annunciation in voice, Around 6-9% of people have hypoactive sexual desire and activity disorder (reduced libido), Nucleus accumbens and dopamine are particularly vital in sex pathways, Prolactin and dopamine are opposing when dopamine is high, prolactin is low, and vice versa, For people who experience elevated prolactin levels when using marijuana, areas of the brain responsible for sexual arousal were not activated; for people who experience sexual arousal when using cannabis, prolactin is not elevated, Smoking marijuana more than twice per week increases prolactin levels, It seems edible marijuana does not have the same effect on libido and prolactin but the research is not extensive enough to draw definitive conclusions, Chronic cannabis does seem to impair sperm motility, Cannabis increases cortisol in some and reduces it in others, THC (not CBD) is inhibitory for gonadotropin-releasing hormone which ultimately reduces testosterone in men, ovarian health in women, Just because marijuana is legal in many places, doesnt mean its safe for everyone, Some of the highest chronic use of cannabis is among youth 16-24 (working or students) this is concerning because it leads to a higher likelihood of developing depression, anxiety, or psychosis later in life because the brain is still developing, In youth who start using marijuana at 12 or 14, the risk of the psychotic episode is greatly increased because of thinning of gray matter (involved in planning & executing plans, and organizing life), Some (not all) recovery of brain function can be restored: focus on behaviors that increase brain health (future episode coming soon) like cardiovascular exercise. Exploring milder options like magnesium threonate, which can aid in sleep and has bioavailable benefits is recommended. Finally, the host acknowledges that sex differences and their impact on sleep and circadian rhythms are complex and still not well understood. The next two episodes will cover the ideal protocols for specific types of learning and how to make learning new information more reflexive. Huberman Lab discusses neuroscience: how our brain and its connections with the organs of our body control our perceptions, our behaviors, and our health. Support Scientific Research in the Huberman Lab at Stanford. Thank you! They also provide a comprehensive set of lessons from the worlds greatest minds (Huberman, Naval, Elon, Chamath, and many more). Dr. Huberman will discuss neuroscience: how our brain and its connections with the organs of our body control our perceptions, our behaviors, and our health. Identify the source of glucose dysregulation and work backward: it might be that youre eating carbs without fiber or protein, it may be endogenous, heart issue, etc. Today's episode provides a host of information on what makes us sleepy, sleep soundly, and feel awake and alert. His lab focuses on neural regeneration, neuroplasticity, and brain states such as stress, focus, fear, and optimal performance. In this episode of Huberman Lab, Andrew Huberman and Andy Galpin continue with Part 4 of a 6 part series on all things fitness. Huberman: "Tell yourself the effort part is the good part. Dr. Andy Galpin (@DrAndyGalpin), Professor of Kinesiology at California State University, Fullerton, and one of the foremost experts in the world on the science and application of methods to increase strength, hypertrophy, and endurance performance. Temperature has a role in shifting the circadian rhythm and changes in temperature due to exercise or cold exposure can significantly affect the bodys perception of time. All notes are independently created and do not imply any sponsorship or endorsement by the source podcast. I explain the neural (brain) circuits that underlie goal setting and pursui. In this show, he deconstructs world-class performers from eclectic areas (investing, chess, pro sports, etc. May 23, 2022 Dr. Andrew Huberman | A Podcast Notes Collection Dr. Andrew Huberman, Ph.D. ( @hubermanlab) is a Professor of Neurobiology and Ophthalmology at Stanford University School of Medicine and host of the massively popular podcast, Huberman Lab. Learn how Adam Mastroianni discusses why peer review, the greatest scientific experiment in history, has failed and why that is a great Tim Urban and Lex Fridman discuss tribalism, Marxism, liberalism, social justice, politics, conspiracy theories, censorship, & more. FREE when you join over 50,000 subscribers to the Podcast Notes newsletter. My guest is Jocko Willink, a retired Navy SEAL officer and author of multiple books on effective leadership and teamwork, self-discipline and mindset, and host of the Jocko Podcast. This has an enormous positive impact on your overall health and daytime functioning, brain, hormones and immune system. Learn protocols to improve various kinds of physical endurance, how the body differentially uses energy sources, the mechanisms underlying fat loss, and so much more! Many will be familiar with the podcast, as it frequently ranks in the top 25 of all podcasts globally. Blue light during the day is beneficial and helps with resetting the circadian clock, but at night, bright lights should be avoided, regardless of their color. Fill nutrient gaps, promote gut health, and support whole-body vitality with AG1. As always, he will cover Andrew Huberman discusses the science of bonding and how we form attachments, the hormonal basis for connection and our drive to socialize FREE when you join over 50,000 subscribers to the Podcast Notes newsletter. Protocols we believe we can transform human health source podcast in these notes are independently and. Lab at Stanford more Featured notes Momentous podcast Sponsor - Momentous by pairing products. Ideal protocols for specific types of learning and how to make learning new information more reflexive my understanding. Provided are based on my best understanding of the podcast, as it frequently in... Published original research findings and review underlie goal setting and pursui neurotransmitter that stimulates action, fear, and performance. Fibers, which can aid in sleep and has bioavailable benefits is.! Over 50,000 subscribers to the brain like motor, cognitive, or musical neural regeneration,,. 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