general patton blood and guts speech

George Smith Patton Jr was born on the 11 th November, 1885, into a family with a long record of military service. He liked the men, considered his commanding officer a true gentleman, but had doubts about some of the other officers, especially those who had come up from the ranks. Hed stop and talk to the troops; ask them did they get their turkey, how was it, and all that. His diary entry for that day is classic Patton: It was a clear cold Christmas, lovely weather for killing Germans, which seems a bit queer, seeing Whose birthday it is. The troops were cheerful but I am not, because we are not going fast enough., In the spring, as the Third Armys advance continued with clear weather, Patton again thanked the Lord for good weather: I am very grateful to the Lord for the great blessing he has heaped on me and the Third Army, not only in the success which He has granted us, but in the weather which He is now providing.. But we are not stopping at the Siegfried Line. We preach its importance. Site created in November 2000. While Eisenhower was attending the armys Command and General Staff College from 1925 to 1926 at Fort Leavenworth, Patton sent him his own very detailed notes from the course. I was shotin the behind in World War I! There is still a tendency in each separate unit . One month after the disaster at Kasserine Pass, Patton led the American army at the battle of Gafsa and El Guettar. On reaching Jerusalem, we were met by Major General D. F. McConnell, who commands the district. His profanity was merely a device to capture the attention of his soldiers. As he came closer to the German lines, Patton was hit. The shortest way home isthrough Berlin and Tokyo. Some men are cowards but theyfight the same as the brave men or they get the hellslammed out of them watching other men fight who arejust as scared as they are. 1917 May 15 Patton was promoted to the rank of captain. . Before heading tothe field hospital, he insisted that the ambulance driver take him tothe headquarters of the Thirty-fifth Division, where he began to dictatea report on the situation at the battle front. The speeches were intended to motivate the inexperienced Third Army for its pending combat duty. My men dont dig foxholes. Americans play towin all of the time. The present analysis examines the discourse used by General George Patton in a motivational speech from World War II, given to "the Third Army" on June 5th, 1944, before the Allied invasion. It was useless to try to move from the relative safety ofthe small hollow blown in the earth. At times he was an insufferable egotist, and he often sought to intimidate with a well-practiced scowl. The Chaplain preached a sermon on sacrifice and the usual bull, so as I put the wreath at the foot of the flagpole, I said, I consider it no sacrifice to die for my country. Under Pershings command, Every horse and man was fit; weaklings had gone; baggage was still at the minimum, and discipline was perfect. . . We want this war over with. He realized how profoundly death was related to life, how unimportant the change from life to death really was, how everlastingthe soul. I hope that too stops. November 14 Discharged from the hospital, sick in quarters. . . In 1941, on the day the menof the Second Armored Division completed their orientation at FortBenning, Patton appeared wearing a new uniform, which, characteristically,he had designed himself. . Reprinted in Charles Sumner Olcott, The Life of William McKinley, Volume 2 (New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1916), 109-111. . 1924 July 30 Patton was an Honor Graduate, Command and General Staff College. The only good enemy is a dead enemy. Outside, the Chaplain said, Whew, thats a tough one! He was in most respects a traditional Christian, but he had an unshakeable belief in reincarnation and asserted that he had lived former lives throughout historyalways as a soldier. Patton 360 Blood & Guts. Our glorious march from the Normandy Beach across France to where we stand, before and beyond the Siegfried Line, with the wreckage of the German Army behind us should convince the most skeptical soldier that God has ridden with our banner. It's just called "Patton". Pattons efficiency as a tank commander won him promotion to lieutenant colonel, but he worried the war would end before he had a chance to lead his tankers in combat. Eisenhower had not been sent off to France during the war but had established and run the largest tank training center in the United StatesCamp Colt, at Get-tysburg, Pennsylvania. In the fall of 1913, he was sent to the Cavalry School at Fort Riley, Kansas, where he was to be both student and instructor, serving as Master of the Sword. At his own expense, he went to France to hone his swordsmanship before taking up his new post. One of the prisoners is Pattons son-in-law, John K. Waters. His aunt read to him three to four hours a day. Pray for the defeat of our wicked enemy whose banner is injustice and whose good is oppression. To order this book, please visit its online sales page atAmazonorBarnes & Noble. And when we get to Berlin, I am going to personally shoot that paperhanginggoddamned son of a bitch just like I would a snake., The troops cheered Pattons remarks. . According to St. Paul, Thelast enemy that shall be destroyed is death. More accurately, reflectedPatton, the last enemy that shall be destroyed is fear of death. General Pattons adjutant, Colonel Harkins, later wrote: Whether it was the help of the Divine guidance asked for in the prayer or just the normal course of human events, we never knew; at any rate, on the twenty-third, the day after the prayer was issued, the weather cleared and remained perfect for about six days. June 10 Patton addressed a crowd of 100,000 civilians in Burbank, California. . We were lucky in Africa, in Sicily, and in Italy. Were going tomurder those lousy Hun bastards by the bushel-f***ingbasket. In this chapel is the sword which is supposed to have been used on these occasions. . He spoke to his men like it, and they returned a response of almost mechanised fighting ability. The vow of Poverty required him to give four-fifths of his then estate to the Order. All day the 9th of July 1943, there was a storm but it cleared at dark. Though he had been sidelined from the invasion, he played an important role in it by his absence. That ONeill sure did some potent praying. When shells are hitting all around you and you wipe the Those who pray do more for the world than those who fight; and if the world goes from bad to worse, it is because there are more battles than prayers. General George S. Patton was a complicated military figure, but there can be little debate over whether he was quotable. Somelines became classic. Patton pointed out that there was not enough ammunition, food, or gasoline to support all the armies. The termination of fighting in Europe does not remove the oppor-tunities for other outstanding and equally difficult achievements in the days which are to come. ), Patton also requested the help of the press corps in informing the Germans that four of his armored divisions were slashing away at them. This article is from the bookPatton: Blood, Guts, and Prayer2012by Michael Keane. I dont yield to any man in my reverence to the Lord, but God damn it, no sermon needs to take longer than ten minutes. You can also buy the book by clicking on the buttons to the left. At 1900, Eddy and Grow came to the house to beg me to call off the attack due to the bad weather, heavy rains, and swollen rivers. Many elements of the speech were recycled over and over. He was dying, but he had nofear of death. July 24 Patton served as Commanding Officer, 5th Cavalry, Fort Clark, Texas. The jacket was waist length with brass buttons upthe right side in the style of an old Confederate officers uniform. . At the end of the speech he said, Iam taking this division into Berlin and when I do, I wantevery one of your tracks to be carrying the stench of Germanblood and guts.. The two men bonded over their shared military enthusiasm and love of strategy. . Decades later, in a February 1, 1945 memo, Eisenhower rankedthe military capabilities of his subordinate American generals in Europe. The General Patton I saw there was the Army Commander to whom the welfare of the men under him was a matter of personal responsibility. . Pestilence and famine have not touched us. People must try to use their imagination and whenorders fail to come, must act on their own best judgment. When, in 1916, General Pershing was ordered to lead a punitive expedition into Mexico, Pattons regimentand Pattonwere to stay behind in Texas. Let the Germans do that. . Who is with me? he yelled. As he lay bleeding in a bomb crater, Patton ordered Angelo toreturn to the tanks and point out the location of the machine gunnests. April 11 Patton was made the commanding officer of the 2nd Armored Division. HistoryOnTheNet 2000-2019. He had not failed them. All in all, Patton had had a quite satisfactory war. As he searched through his prayer books, ONeill could find no formal prayers pertaining to weather, so he composed an original prayer which he typed on a three-by-five-inch card: Almighty and most merciful Father, we humbly beseech Thee, of Thy great goodness, to restrain these immoderate rains with which we have had to contend. Even if you arehit, you can still fight back. General George S. Patton's Personal Jeep Driver Remembers the Legendary Man American Veterans Center 803K views 5 months ago "Growing Up Patton: Reflections on Heroes, History and Family. Graciously hearken to us as soldiers who call upon Thee that, armed with Thy power, we may advance from victory to victory, and crush the oppression and wickedness of our enemies and establish Thy justice among men and nations. By God, I do! . On December 21, Beatrice read to Patton from John Steinbecks novel The Red Pony. It is a much less formidable obstacle than I had gathered from the books. For Gods sake, send some gasoline.. World War Two Timeline From The Great War To Germanys Surrender, When Patton Enlisted the Entire Third Army to Pray for Fair Weather, California Do not sell my personal information. It would be better to attack as soon as Bradley could provide him with supplies. . But he was only as good as the company in which he fought. When armyand navy personnel rushed up to see him, Patton stood and delivered a short impromptu speech: Im proud to be here to fight beside you. Somelines became classic. I want to pin a medal on him.. The Army Engineer was called in, and we finally decided that our field topographical company could print the prayer on a small-sized card, making enough copies for distribution to the army. The year after the publication of War As I Knew It, Monsignor ONeill felt compelled to write his own account of the prayers origin, which was published in The Military Chaplain magazine as The True Story of the Patton Prayer. ONeill complained that the footnote on the Prayer by Colonel Paul D. Harkins. The vivid and profane inspirational speeches garnered muchattention and some detractors, but Patton also gave countless speechesintended to educate his officers and troops on the topics of strategy,tactics, discipline,and how to conduct the new deadly form of armoredwarfare: You men and officers are, in my opinion, magnificentlydisciplined.You cannotbe disciplinedin great thingsand undisciplined in small things . And dontgive the enemy time to dig one either. Patton next prepared for the breakthrough to the River Rhine, a formidable natural obstacle to the invasion of Germany by the Allies. There is still a tendency in each separate unit . General Pattons religious beliefs, like the man himself, were unique and defy easy characterization. He did not literally run over bodies. For the first twelve years of his life, Patton was educated at home. In April 1941 Patton, who had been acting commander of theSecond Armored Division for six months, was given permanentcommand and promoted to major general. Patton made the same point a few years later, after the invasion of Sicily: I had all the non-Catholic chaplains in the other day and gave them hell for having uninteresting services. We did not see a single beehive, although there were quite a number of mimosa trees. The weather was the most serious threat. Speech at the Copley Plaza Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts, on June 07, 1945. I told them that I was going to relieve any preacher who talked more than ten minutes on any subject. They both contemplated leaving the service, but they both stuck it out, just as a later generation of officers, in the post-Vietnam eramen like Norman Schwarzkopf and Colin Powellwould again rebuild the army into the worlds greatest military force. Distribution was completed on December 11 and 12. . Pray for victory. March 12 Patton was promoted to the temporary rank of lieutenant general. So Patton called Bradley again. Every man has a job to do and he must do it. 1945 March 17 Eisenhower ordered Patton to cease making plans to enter German-occupied Czechoslovakia. . The event reflected the actions that might be required of an officer delivering military dispatches. Eklund, he demanded, do you know Chaplain So-and-so?. Visit our more popular pages if you would like to learn more about one of the most important generalsin U.S. military history. One of his first acts as commanderhad been to build an amphitheater in the wooded hills of Fort Benningthat could accommodate the entire division. Patton spent his years after the war going from base to base as a control officer for mechanized maneuvers as a brigadier general. Two days later, the U.S. armies in Europe were engaged in the greatest battle ever fought by American forces. He was laid next to a Third Army soldier who had been killed in combat during the Battle of the Bulge. Although he was a part of the first war, he is more known for his victories in the Second World War. George S. Patton is a legendary World War II general, but much of his character as a military man was formed in the Great War. 1934 March 1 Patton was promoted to the permanent rank of lieutenant colonel. I do not want to be hit there again. Yes, every man is scared in his first battle. Coy Eklund, an officer on Pattons staff, confirms a story about Pattons insistence on inspirational sermons: It is no myth that one Sunday morning, after attending church services as he always did, he stalked into my office in the Army barracks in Nancy, France, where I was the senior duty officer. He wrote to General Leonard Wood asking for his advice and assistance. After we had left the church, we followed the Way of the Cross, which is a dirty street, to the point where the Roman Forum had stood. These were not combat men. Patton the film doesn't seem to have any real interest in being a veiled metaphor so much as it just wants to tell the story of a really weird, really interesting guy. . The turning point of World War II. We got through on good old American guts. General Patton : A Soldier's Life (2002) by Stanley P. Hirshson, . The best is the enemy of the good was one of his favorite maxims. . The admiring troops immediately dubbedhim the Green Hornet. Simply because people prayed. I told them the attack would go on. George Campbell Scott, portraying Patton, standing in front of an immensely huge American flag, delivers his version of Patton's "Speech to the Third Army" on June 5th, 1944, the eve of the Allied invasion of France, code-named "Overlord". 2. then they will organize a battalion and I will command it. At the end of 1943, while Pattons commanders were deciding his fate, the allied leadersRoosevelt, Churchill, and Stalinmet in Tehran to discuss strategy for defeating Germany and plans for the postwar world. Wood replied, We dont want to waste youngsters of your sort in the service of foreign nations. This article is from the bookPatton: Blood, Guts, and Prayer2012by Michael Keane. As fresh gunfireerupted, all the soldiers but Patton leapt back into the security of thetrench. All men and women of the six corps and thirty-nine divisions that have at different times been members of this Army have done their duty. Patton joined the Second Armored Division at Fort Benning, Georgia in 1940. . We have the finest food, the finest equipment, the bestspirit, and the best men in the world. Praying, he said, is like plugging in on a current whose source is in Heaven. Prayer completes the circuit. In many ways Patton and Eisenhower were strikingly different. Beersheba and the surrounding country do not look too difficult, but certainly away from the wells the country is an absolute sand sea, and it is difficult to understand how Allenby ever moved a cavalry corps across it. Eisenhower was self-effacing and came from dirt-poor beginnings. He had not failed them; he had shown his courage and faced his fears. "Patton" (1970) General George Smith Patton, Jr. One codex dating from 1420 and depicting the life of Saint Anthony, who spent his time being pursued by devils in the form of beautiful women, was particularly interesting to me because in one of the pictures it showed an armorers shop in which suits of armor, varying in date from early 1100 to 1400, were hung up for sale just as one hangs up clothes in a pawnshop. Audio mp3 of Address delivered by George C. Scott. Thetrouser legs were skinny and shoved into his black, laced-up fieldboots. Dont ever think that your job is unimportant. In 1915, he was sent to Fort Bliss, Texas, where the cavalry troops were all turned out in Patton swords: It was a fine sight all with sabers drawn and all my sabers. Pattons exploits in World War II, and his quotable phrases, are legendary. In addition, they had killed or wounded an estimated 88,000 enemy soldiers and taken another 30,000 prisoner. An Army is a team. . We are now fairly started on that phase of the campaign which I hope will be the final one. . Napoleons defeat confirmed Emperor Nicholas Is dictum that Russia has two generals in which she can confide: Generals January and February. To learn more,click here for our comprehensive guide to General Patton. The point of interest is that most historians are prone to classify armor by dates, whereas here we have visual proof that as late as 1400 all types of armor, both mail and plate, were still being used. . March 31 Reached Hawaii and was assigned to the G-1 and G-2 Hawaiian Division. You have fought your way across 24 major rivers and innu-merable lesser streams. . Some day I want to see the Germans raise up on theirpiss-soaked hind legs and howl, Jesus Christ, its thatgoddamned Third Army again and that son of a bitchPatton.. Death must not be feared. General Patton was notblessed with a deep, booming voice. He also faced uncertainty about his career in peacetime. Patton left the window, sat at his desk and leaned back in his swivel chair. Pray for our Army, and Pray for Peace. George S. Patton was one of America's most famous and colorful generals. He wanted torun. Patton ran over people's bodies in the road gaining the nickname "old blood and guts". November 10 Detailed to the Tank Service. He sat beside her in church each Sunday as she recited the liturgical responses from the Book of Com-mon Prayer, and he developed an amazing capacity to repeat passages at length. They are awfully thrilling like steeple chasing only more so.He was promoted to colonel. Be seated. Heservedin numerous staff positions throughout the country. For a man driven by a belief in his own destiny to lead troops in war-fare, peace was more frightening than war. . He wore a smile from ear to ear. He first came to attention as a commander fighting Pancho Villa in Mexico and helped revolutionize the use of tanks in warfare. Brad, dont tell anyone, but Im across. A surprised Bradley responded, Well, Ill be damned. It worked out more or less that way, with Patton the first officeror soldier of any rank in the United States Armyassigned to the Tank Corps, where he was charged with establishing the First Army Tank School. This article is part of our larger selection of postsabout the George S. Patton. He asked her what time it was, and when she told him, he said that he was tired and told her she should go eat dinner; they could finish the chapter when she returned. George Campbell Scott, portraying Patton, standing in front of an. None of Defeats. . We have no memory of a lost battle to hand on to our children from this great campaign. Our duty . The Saar campaign was launched on November 8, 1944. At eleven oclock on the morning of December 8, General Patton telephoned the head chaplain, Monsignor James H. ONeill: This is General Patton; do you have a good prayer for weather? But Patton could look to more recent lessons about weather and battle. We are advancing constantlyand we are not interested in holding onto anything except the enemys balls! All realAmericans love the sting and clash of battle. . See if we cant get God to work on our side., Chaplain ONeill: Sir, its going to take a pretty thick rug for that kind of praying., General Patton: I dont care if it takes a flying carpet. If the band played a piece first with the piccolo, then withthe brass horn, then with the clarinet, and then withthe trumpet, there would be a hell of a lot of noise butno music. . You mean across the Rhine? Sure am, Patton replied, I sneaked a division over last night. 1918 January 26 Patton was promoted to the temporary rank of major. We are advancing constantlyand we are not interested in holding onto anything except the enemys balls! . I want to talk to you about this business of prayer. Patton rubbed his face in his hands, sat silently for a moment, then rose up and walked to the high window of the office where he stood with his back to ONeill, watching the falling rain. 20th Century Timeline Of World History: What Happened? By God, I do! Death must not be feared. The one honor which is mine and mine alone is that of having commanded such an incomparable group of Americans, the record of whose fortitude, audacity, and valor will endure as long as history lasts. The vow of Humility was got around by the simple expedient of washing a poor mans feet three times. . You have liberated or conquered more than 82,000 square miles of territory, including 1,500 cities and towns, and some 12,000 inhabited places. . Years later, recalling his relationship with Patton, Eisenhower wrote, From the beginning he and I got along famously. . . Both chaplains and men are removed from a special building with a steeple. Trusted by his troops and feared by the enemy, General George Patton was one of America's most dynamic--and controversial--war commanders. It was soon knownas the Patton Bowl. The earliest versions of his soon-to-be-famousblood and guts speeches were delivered there. Some people call that getting the breaks; I call it God. General Patton is best known for leadingtheU.S. Third ArmyinFrance and Germany in the wake of the Alliedinvasion of Normandyin June 1944. General George S. Patton, the famous war-time leader, died not from wounds in battle but rather from a car accident. Dont ever think that your job is unimportant. It is power.. The leadership had no interest in making room for a new weapon in the shrunken army. Pattons communication was not limited to his speeches; he alsoprojected strength in his demeanor and in his dress. But it was mostly over their love of tanks. 1938 July 1 Patton was promoted to the permanent rank of colonel. Book by clicking on the Prayer by colonel Paul D. Harkins Campbell Scott, portraying,. To capture the attention of his soon-to-be-famousblood and Guts speeches were intended to motivate the Third... Interest in making room for a new weapon in the greatest battle ever fought by American forces we... It, and the best general patton blood and guts speech in the style of an role in by. Gafsa and El Guettar realAmericans love the sting and clash of battle Third ArmyinFrance and Germany the. Came to attention as a control officer for mechanized maneuvers as a control officer for mechanized maneuvers as a officer! 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