common law birth certificate australia

Go to any good stock office and ask them to check these . The reason we do this is so that you have complete control over your own data and can remove it at your leisure if you choose to do so. Get a birth certificate Register a birth Naming your child Donor-conceived births Stillbirth and pregnancy loss Adoptions Marriages and relationships Marriages and relationships Getting married in Victoria Victorian Marriage Registry Overseas marriages Get a marriage certificate Register a domestic relationship Revoke a relationship Your Consent is ALWAYS required Carry these docs with you and if ever confronted by Police or other persons thinking they have authority over you. Birth, Marriage or Change of Name certificates that have been destroyed due to a natural disastercan be reissued at no charge at yournearest Service NSW centre or call 13 77 88 for more information. There are twelve designs, representing each year of the Chinese zodiac. When you get the fine and complain, YOU are being belligerant. It is international by nature. RLB (Record of Live Birth) to record the time, date and circumstances of the event.2. All Rights Reserved 2023 Common Law Australia. The NSW government's digital birth certificate (DBC) will be trialled by Vision Australia and selected early childhood education centres, according to minister for customer service and digital government, Victor Dominello. Enter your email address to follow Real News Australia and receive notifications of new posts by email. Common Law Australia is functioning for entertainment purposes only. a debit or credit card to pay for the certificate. See Register a birth. Or do you have a Certificate of Title which is NOT proof of ownership, but proof that you hold some personal contract in regard that house & land. A birth registration statement must be lodged with the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages ('the Registrar') within 60 days of the child's birth. By visiting and entering this website or any of its entertainment libraries in any way you hereby agree that you entered into a domain subject to the terms of Common Law Australia, and that as a consumer of this entertainment, you agree to do your own research. The real truth comes with being honest with yourself and your goals. Find a JP. You lose them when you agree to let others determine your Rights for you. Reinforce our commitment to the inclusion of all communities. We'll ask you for the following information during the application process: You may be able to prove your identity online. Australia Post advises customers to anticipate, information about any brothers or sistersand. It will apply to every common law country that has a system of birth registration. Under the Cestui Que Vie Act 1666, IV 'If the supposed dead Man proves to be alive, then the Title is revested.' By submitting a declaration for your birth, you have confirmed that you exist. Magna Carta can be considered one of the most significant documents ever drafted as it espouses many of the individual freedoms and constraints on the actions of the state that have formed the foundation of common law legal systems around the world. Celebrate lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans- and gender-diverse, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) Victorians. The minister has also foreshadowed trials of digital first aid certificates later in the year. On the 24th September 1999, all governments of the world, inclusive of Australia have been ordered to submit their government, people and resources into the central world government, the United Nations situated at Manhattan Island New York in the United States of America. There is no charge for recording any information with the Common Law Court. Tim ODwyer is a Notary Public based in Sunnybank, Brisbane, QLD, and he is happy to help. mid-14c., pre-eminence, from Anglo-Frenchsovereynete, Old Frenchsouverainete, fromsoverain(seesovereign(adj.)). We send legal certificates by express post, for security. There is no charge for recording any information with the Common Law Court. Presumptions of parentage under the Family Law Act Submit your application and payment for a birth certificate to us: Help us improve the content on our website or tell us what is working really well. Law Foundation Law Oration 2014 on 21 May 2014 in the Banco Court of the Supreme Court of Victoria. Register your intention to marry. That which your parents give you,3. Can we get a copy of our live birth from the State Registry Office? Yes.And you have a drivers licence in the BC name? If you can't complete the application form online, you canuse the PDF application form and apply by post or in person. Non-urgent certificate applications (average processing timeno additional fee). We buy his book and then resell it here. This style also comes in fauna. Optus data breach - South Australian certificates. However, this cant be tracked and signing on delivery is only available in some countries. It's printed in soft, harmonious shades and highlighted with gold. You can apply for a Queensland birth certificateor a replacement birth certificate or commemorative birth certificate packageif you or the person you are applying for were born or adopted (and registered) in Queensland. At the present, it appears to belong to the Austalian Government, who use that future return to borrow heavily. David Icke calls Banking . This occurred when a mans condition was changed from one of freedom to one of bondage, when he became a slave. select the green checkout button to continue, by post to Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, PO Box 15188, CITY EASTQLD 4002. Government! After its collected from our office, we do not have control over or responsibility for any damage done to a certificate in the post. This is avoluntary app. At the time of birth, each person is issued their own strawman, legally speaking. Emphasis added too]. Fee to send a copy of a birth certificate to a Passport Office $44. Within Australia and in particular at Werribee in Victoria, Julia Gillards former Labor seat of Lalor, all persons of any type of position or influence within Werribee have concealed the real fact in particular the organization known as Wyndham Ministers Network have known over a period of years that Julia Gillard, John Howard and others have been criminally charged and remain pending Grand Jury process in Victoria, but, have concealed this from the people of Werribee to enable the transfer of the people and land. Yes. a certified copy of your birth certificate (for the Australian citizen) a certified copy of your divorce papers (if applicable) - send by mail to the Australian Embassy - Consular section - 4 rue Jean Rey 75015 Paris the application completed and signed the certified copies of your passport and birth certificate Particularly if you were under age when this agreement was created. You can stop acting in commerce and own absolutely nothing which means you cannot even go on the dole as that generates a bond. In the schooling & medical system you are referred to by the BC name. You no longer have to pay for your drivers license? Tasmania's lower house will consider a bill to remove sex from birth certificates, which would be a first for an Australian state or territory. They have quietly acknowledged this, but it is only verifiable on his website. But to declare who you are effectively begins the process of moving away from the corporatized system that has taken control of so many facets of your life, that is now infringing on your inalienable rights. We do not accept personal cheques or cheques issued from outside Australia (in any currency). It's often used to help establish a person's identity. You can choose to have your certificate sent by express or registered post for a fee. This United Nations program of gathering all nations is caused by. For general enquiries, feedback, complaints and compliments. Below is a post by Sue Maynes fromThe Commonwealth of Australia Facebook pagewhere research is posted about the theft of our civil and political rights and rights of equity. You can provide a document showing you are a legally appointed guardian of the person on the birth certificate. NOTE: Click on the Button above to access your personal record page. The vision is to create communities for the people by the people. You may be from the family of Smith but the document only records you as Robert James. Our step-by-step guide can help you manage your finances, understand your responsibilities and find support services. You must register the birth of your child before you can get a birth certificate. You can pay: We will accept cash at the customer service centre, but prefer contactless payments such as EFTPOS or credit card. [Editors note: I made some minor grammatical and typographical changes. And fits the picture of the incorporation of the commercial and financial community, even to the use of local charity group purchasing. Along comes government and tells you to get permission to do something on that which you believe you own. So YOU, driving a car owned by the BC name, using a licence in the BC name, get a fine (in the BC name) and have the usufructory responsibility of paying it. Severance Pay is the amount paid by the employer for terminating employment relationship, regardless of the reason for termination. Of course, most natural persons wouldnt willingly form such an unlawful but legally reductionist joinder, so trickery and obfuscation are used; and this starts when our birth certificates are created. Can you help at all? Again, the beliefs and practices can vary considerably from group to group and person to person, but once you are familiar with the ideas above you are more likely to realize you are dealing . Note: Our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 is our supreme common law. That is why the courts must make you agree to be the BC name, so the responsibility is accepted and all that is left is payment of the bill. What is the Bradbury Pound? This actually answered my drawback, thank you! In fact, I would guess in actual terms of change, nothing has occured at all. Reclaim your Sovereignty: Your Birth Right or Rightful Birth? Inalienable Rights are the Inherent, Sovereign, Natural Rights that existed before the creation of the State. International registered mail is used for overseas deliveries. $42 - Priority Service (not payable when applying in person) The following payment methods are accepted: The BC one that being the one you have been trained to use. The maximum penalty for not doing so is $1,250. This is a very important concept to understand because by understanding it you will understand how the government and the global cabal have systematically planned and conspired to . Does it belong to you? 2. If it's urgent, apply online then contact us. The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt. ~ John Philpot Curran (17501817), (Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom). Read our information for young people on getting a birth certificate. In Australia, our supreme common law is the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901. It is a permanent and official record of a child's existence, and provides legal recognition of that child's identity. All information recorded in Common Law is held in a password secured database by the Administration of this website. If you're eligible to apply and the person has been registered in NSW, toapply for a birth certificateyou must provide: You can also apply for a birth certificate by: If there are errors on the certificate you must: Processing of a birth certificate begins when we have received your complete and correct application. Commemorative birth certificate packages include an official birth certificate. The fees for applying for a birth certificate: $53 - Certified Birth Certificate; $63 - Commemorative Birth Certificate; $36 - Reduced Fee Birth Certificate (+75 yrs. If you are forced into a contractual agreement that has no benefit to you, it should be null and void. In every case so far, the charges were settled and they let the fellow go without a record of crime by surrendering the birth certificate. Can you stop giving it future value? Once signing this charter, you will also gain access to other declarations that further declare your right standing. 1. Birth, death and marriage certificates will sometimes include statements as to Aboriginality, especially in earlier records. Put simply, Common Law, or the Law of the Land, has been used to govern and keep the peace in communities ever since mankind gathered together for their mutual protection. Use tab and cursor keys to move around the page (more information), Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, registering authority interstate or overseas, Fill in the birth certificate application form, Queensland Magistrates Court or Queensland Government Agent Program. You are called by the name of Billy, Rob, Jimmy, John etc but that is only what you are called by your parents. Once 12 or more people swear the Assembly Oath, that Assembly becomes a lawfully appointed Local Government of the people, for the people, by the people, with all the powers of a government to pass laws or by-laws to protect the community, to elect Sheriffs, to convene Common Law Courts with a Jury of 12, and even to raise a local militia to protect the community from attack. Get the birth certificate application form. By recording your birth with the Common Law Court, you now have an option, you can remain under the statutory system and rules or stand under the authority and jurisdiction of the Common Law Court. When you were born the government created a LEGAL FICTION (Strawman). They are generally enforceable. Doing this simply confirms that you are a living, flesh and blood man or woman. (Well, clearly it is not). BDM commissioned the rainbow commemorative birth certificate to: The department acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the Traditional Custodians of the land and acknowledges and pays respect to their Elders, past and present. By recording your birth with the Common Law Court, you now have an option, you can remain under the statutory system and rules or stand under the authority and jurisdiction of the Common Law Court. Your birth certificate is an important personal document. What? Important: Do not laminate your certificates. So if someone isssued you a Birth Certificate before you could read (which Im betting they did), someone in control of your interests (your parents maybe) agreed to it. How do I destroy my legal fiction? Thanks to former Senator Rod Culleton for these template letters which may assist in preserving an individuals right to employment. The vote retained the Monarchy of the United Kingdom and as such The Crown of the United Kingdom. As does every commercial activity you enter into that uses the BC name. By submitting a declaration for your birth, you have confirmed that you exist. will be talk about common law, about Admiralty Law, and about oaths of office. In fact, both the Certificate of Birth AND Social Security number, are for inventory control purposes, similar to the Amistad Schooners manifest or those numbers or records used bylegal entities or Corporationsto track, account for, use and dispose of inventory.]. One is " Australia" and the other is " AUSTRALIA "., Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window), Commonwealth Custodian Workshops/Zoom Timetable, Road Map to Reclaiming and Restoring The Commonwealth of Australia,,, What the Corporate Government dont want you to know, Doorway to the Divine Self Hooponopono Prayer. Clearly the BC name does. Their makers seek, with some success, to make them generally coherent with each other and with the wider legal system. (iv) No entry on the register should be expunged following an alteration to sex or name, but certificates issued by the Registry should contain only the information requested by the applicant. But I have the deeds people say to me. At no time during your early years, does the RLB name get used. No information shared or discussed should be considered as legal or health advice. BC (Birth Certificate) to validate date and time. Now, you are born without a name. K. now your rights & what they are doing with your information. Common Law protects our rights and freedoms, as long as you defend your rights. Certificates are delivered by registered post. No earthly force can take your sovereign rights away! No. Commemorative birth certificates are decorative mementos of the birth of your child. Going back to the law of the land, do no harm and cause no loss, If you are like a lot of people you can simply overlook this. To stand against any authority that rules unjustly against our will. Check processing times. Once you understand this, it will make sense to get out of their system and establish yourself as a living, flesh and blood human being, to live according to Common Law Principles: Download and edit thisCPOform to become aCommonwealth Public Official. I have just completed the registration. You all know I believe this country is being administered under martial law for some reason. General Maddox | Sunshine Plaza, Justice of the Peace Society Inc. Westfield Garden City Library, Mount Gravatt, Queensland commemorative birth certificates, Deadly Choices birth certificate initiative, Chinese zodiac commemorative birth certificates, Official birth certificate (standard postage included). FBI. sign your Charter to establish a Common Law Assembly. Thanks for asking. "26 U.S. Code 6702 Frivolous Tax Submissions." Government is solely responsible for commencing a person's identity, through issuing a certificate at birth or migration to Australia, and is solely responsible for declaring an end to identity, through issuing a death certificate. Anything I post as a comment anywhere on the web is in the public domain and free to be transmitted, copied, stored and used without any need to reference me as the author. Common Law Australia is functioning for entertainment purposes only. Answer the questionsit should take you less than 10 minutes. I waive all rights. The first question the tax office ask is what is your assessable taxable income. Processing times When you apply for a certificate or registration, we email you details of documents you need to provide. If you didn't receive an email after applying, contact us. 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