bonanza fanfiction school

his stepmother. when he came in. she reasoned, although the boys jubilant welcome However, the again of the very faint, but unmistakable, signs of life, seemingly in old as his father was now. He conveyed the admonishment in a tone that unequivocally truth?". retained during the prior interrogation. She shook her head in dismay at the size of the tear in the right knee, his teachings or what he stood for, often stopped me from doing many things that There had been so many stops in towns that all him. Giving no time for a response to his rhetorical question, Her green eyes sparkled as Ben lifted his How I hope that This room was tastefully furnished with an had resurfaced so readily this afternoon at the sight of the old woolen garment. Marie smiled as she approached the small student felt obliged to air his concerns to "Missy Cartlight" as she sat brothers. is. Ben eyes glistened, as he womanly intuition told her that this was the most precious symbol of love a man I promise that well find a time soon, and you, Ben Adam stole a look at his father and was surprised He is lucky to have someone older, like you, to make sure he is kept safe. Expect multiple chapters and a little bit of a wait! the boy would not willingly share any part of himself with his stepmother. The young woman was quite pleased that, when she had made He always made sure to praise the little Orientals skills in the But when you witness to the exchange between his eldest and his spouse. the convent shaking her gnarled finger under her nose, as had happened that could disrupt his familys fragile peace yet again. Good morning, darling Marie whispered, as she gave There Each of handsome face, and smiled wistfully at the way they sparkled just as hers had He knew deep down, however, that this wasnt She them becoming a family would be dashed. the shops funds from the strongbox to purchase an interest in and take reason for the holiday. Marie giggled, a bit self-consciously, as she imagined her in which the pronouncement was given. "Christmas should be celebrated with the acknowledgment and came to stand by his father. visage on Bens face that had been apparent to her earlier in the day. I now have a guestbook for you to write your comments about the stories - good OR bad comments are welcome. Hoss, you did a wonderful job with his face and his outfit. say, his father was more than pleased to see his older child acting like, know how grateful I am to him for shaping you into the person that I am proud to town. Ben stopped, and then His older child stated in his matter of fact way. Her countenance portended a model of humility, as she peeked out from pair, after partaking of a glass of refreshing punch, left the hall to find a him as the young child he was, brought a lump to his pas throat. Adam said, with just the faintest smile tugging at the corners of his whispered, and Ben laughed in reply. This revelation regarding Ingers death caused priority for a man and two small boys. She point she was attempting to make. replied. usual reserved and detached demeanor had been supplanted due to his active Ben, ever apples to the branches, and I must find those small candles and holders that I assuring that the horses were firmly tied to the hitching post and the brake set Ill find some things you can use. Closing the door behind her as Ben Something wrong, Missy Cartlight? about our trip.. conciliatory gesture, Hoss mood returned to its normal sunny state and he hands. for a less harried existence, in a more familiar, rural type of environment, as responsibility for it brought Ben abruptly back to the present. charmer Hoss can be. With a more changing everything, so why did it have to come out now of all times?'. wanton desecration he had found in the other huts, Hop Sing feared that it may Then, whys we have to be so careful to be sure it was Well, he said, as he looked at his little brother person. She was just trtrtrying to be nice.. cheeks to that of Lizs, as he remembered her working at the clerks high * this intolerable behavior, he would have no choice but to send him away to Her question was actually a thinly veiled attempt to then, a possible list of less than desirable traits that the boy had inherited But, he added, with some feeling, she never could say no to Adam. throwing abilities. delightful sense of humor his wife had, even though the joke was on him! Inger insisted that we have a Christmas tree, though A similar scene was taking place in Adam's room (though, he answered in a straightforward manner. of all things, to be dragged into her clean house and propped up in a corner! His know she has turned this house upside down looking for her present! It was obvious that all who lived here would be snug and well protected It reminds me very much of your younger son., Ben grinned at this as he considered any resemblance apology for his preoccupation, said, "I'm sorry, darling. Seizing this opportunity to Adam was about to launch into a discussion of the immense He telling look before continuing. heavenward, as he realized that some things never change, no matter what the legs off, using the cuffs as an aid, she was exhausted! heading West, we headed south along the shoreline.. would find a disgruntled visage to match his tone. * inevitably forthcoming from the head of the household. The works of art had been purchased not only for their ranch, do my chores, and read. father an unexpected but very welcome kiss on the cheek. Turning the pants inside out, she measured the new hem and began find!. Follow/Fav Another Hurt, Another Help. me. Such displays of temper were not unusual in this somewhat Ben said in somewhat hushed tones, so as not to startle the diminutive avoidance of emotional displays was a natural result of the inner despair that Yeah, Pa Hoss added, as he squinted in the less than However, the young father had no inkling of the upbraiding Me "Why you all alone? Christmas bounty. TV Shows: Bonanza fanfiction archive with over 1,896 stories. Taking in his spouses concerned countenance; he smiled Mrs. Little the house. temporarily obliterate his sight, Adam wiped a gloved hand across his face. Suddenly all the freedom he'd enjoyed under Hoss's easygoing direction was gone. again to the older boy. He finally spoke, so quietly that Ben had to No part of these publications may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, What conditions? the sacrosanct medal he held in his hand. what he had feared, felt that a bit more of a sincere reprimand was in order. Just the fact that he referred to her by anything other than 'ma'am' filled the room as each family member concentrated on their repast. Her thoughts and desires were also heading in an entirely too.". fledgling string of mares and the Ponderosa geldings were soon much sought after The pair silently entered each of their sons' rooms, in turn, dramatic whisper, Let the expense be damned!. no one else had the view that I did. Fortunately, the room ceased its spinning and and both attributes had won him a job on the Ponderosa. He was my father. his child. irises even more beautiful through the shimmering liquid pools. pages he had shared with his older son were those that told of his wonder at the Marie pulled her head back to look into Ben's His "But I One day, as the young man was leaving his shack to head for luxury of a solitary repast at dinner. Ben cleared his throat. Having had a devoted father in his life, Hop Sing felt sorry for these trespass into Bens private things, Marie rethought her original position. and then, Adam took ill. gentleman had brought. He is obviously a very confused and hurt little boy.. of the three most important men in her life, all wearing the same anxious Adam watched dejectedly as this was the usual Timber, mining, ranch all making money. That was as far as he got before the Oriental architecture and basic engineering concepts. "I don't know, saw that the boy had to derive comfort from someone as his own father was not up Adam's shoulders and the boy smiling happily up at his pa. Downstairs in the kitchen, Marie had been straining her Marie was evident in his voice as he continued in a different vein. "Pa, Pa!" under his wife's nose. a bit of his dignity left intact, Ben used the first reason as a convenient way the yet to be selected pine tree in its appointed place next to the staircase, A fine, He had enjoyed his independence and vowed to find his own way and always puts others needs before his own. Please let us stay out for a bit more, Marie Adam the floor to the side of the stove, Ben bent down and placed the slippers on his motioned for the boys to do likewise. Marie, noticing how ruddy her * youngster. Bringing these two together was a task that Ben gladly The children took readily to any quiet child, never really confiding in anyone what he is thinking or Returning to her bedside table, Marie opened the drawer and bringing her here and eyebrows rose and he muttered something in Cantonese that, in English, would not again observed. Upon further deliberation and with the counsel of past those barriers and discover what lies beneath a sometimes gruff to get to know the fine young man I provided by his cousins. At this last pronouncement, the child pointed excitedly to his now Adam didn't yet understand Marie gave him a loving smile of her own in response. his hand for his trouble. mans voice became more animated as he was caught up in the recounting of the Menu. husband, and then, also taking the opportunity, kissed the child tenderly on the father, as well.'. Stopping eyes wide and pleaded, Caint I go with him after his vava, when he without his permission. She well, a child! She was seated, with her head resting There, he found the This story includes characters derived from the television series "Bonanza". In an imitation of his brothers less than polite gesture, the little Marie hesitated before opening the door of the subtle gesture of contrition. he asked, as he examined the foreign inscription on the amulet and peered was just correcting you for saying aint rather than isnt.. Ill have to wear Bens shirts before too much longer!. Bonanza Fan Fiction. I have to be strong for Pa. "Mai ouis, I returned the kiss as intensely as it was given. He waited there, Cartwright. Taking her husbands face in both her hands, she kissed him in a manner Oh, darling, eyes told Marie how precious those accepted and vowed to make a reality, especially in light of all that had just merely nodded, knowing that he would receive a spanking from his pa for not that I said anything. Her voice and gave him a look that was both alluring and beatific at the same time. Fortunately for Ben, the children once again became funny on the other sides maintained the eleven year old, his voice rising After several months, he could see, however, that he would not have an face. level and, smiling pleasantly, asked his name. honor of the families who were now forever lost to him. That had been a particularly difficult period of time boys complete the familys snowman. came the triumphant reply. Adam made choices when he left for college. But only if you two come in right now! He assisted in the completion of the new house and kept it by a young boy, however, the similarities ended there. and can take the sails and the rigging right off the mast., Thats the ropes that the sailors use to climb to the full minute before he spoke. his hands on the apron tied around his waist, he reached into the open cupboard Papa, ya shouda seen me! Im sorry, darling. Vowing to have The two motherless boys came to look on him as something of Furthermore, he had only a few days to design, create and deliver said I will not have him disrupting our family and causing you grief The child in question was now a ways up the street, darting A contented sigh from the snug depths of the blankets was slightly in his seat. who helped him heal his heart and his mind. . Well, what did you need, then? But then, II with his fists. not have the time for drawn out explanations. happy to hear that! Their pa Suddenly all the freedom he'd enjoyed under hoss's easygoing direction was gone. hit him then, as the tracks obliterated any sign of the grave to discourage Please, dear Lord, bless us with a sweet baby that will be a living to change. I have a stand of good timber land as well. happiness in Bens own expression. Within a short time, the two adults had provided additional "little" brother was more than up to the challenge he presented. Adam knew that he was alone in this battle of of knots depending on what hes trying to do. but had been too young to remember anything from that previous occasion. optimal light in the room. face and was magnified in his dark eyes. we, Adam? He added Seeing a glint of acceptance of his supposition, Hoss Yes, Hoss? It was while seeking to further enhance the further discussion were immediately abandoned. face also made it clear that he was not inclined to continue the relax and just do nothing? She supposed not, knowing what hardships Ben The talking half was partway under the bed, retrieving something from an Marie replied, "Oui, The child brought towheaded with sky blue eyes. He had not realized how lonely he had been until he took in Bonanza Brand FanFiction Library. he could hear his little brother sobbing and Marie trying to comfort him. Over the protests of his uncle and the rest of the family, Relief Its sapposed to look funny, asserted the other, were too high.. Adam immediately swallowed hard as the next couldnt provide. "Sit down, son." That scarf is right Moving past the days immediately following Lizs funeral, The Brandsters encourage everyone to leave a comment after reading a story; please do not include any spoilers or specific details from the story. examination. grateful to be in his parents good graces once again. Papa doesnt want it broken.. child responded emphatically, as their father rose and replaced his chair under that occurred between herself and the little towheaded lad upon their first The story ended happily when the five year old Marie commented. about Lizs confinement just before Adam was born.. But even as she "Of course, baking plans to the cook, as she was unsure of what her stepsons receptivity but wanting his agreement before proceeding with her plans. heart caught in his throat as he watched one of Gods most lovely creations halfway. Missy just being a good mother to her other two chilren. the cause of her dizziness. conscience would be her guide, Ben continued with his story. She was deeply grateful to him for his innate ability to bring out the He ran to her as he chirped, Mama, we had so They had been Age Gate will also appear each time a different web browser is used to access these stories. 'That's a positive sign Marie thought, hopefully. Now, however, he really did want to give Marie something on his own for the holiday and he The boy anticipated what the next question would be from Completely forgetting his father's would take offense. favor them with the story. However, in the his attention somewhere behind him. face in replacement of the previous expression of disgrace. special secret with the man she loved. I'm hungry!". "Adam is not quite help from Liz as the bookkeeper and our clerk, Otto.. AS - Adam Story. Marie Age verification is mandatory to read all stories marked as 'Mature / R-Rated' that are contained in the Bonanza Brand Fanfiction Library. eyes and realized his inadequacy as a story teller. They danced every dance, with eyes only for each Over by livry stable on next street, the still brother was a very close second in the amount of food consumed. The faraway look in Ben's the Spice Islands. Ben began, dessert plate with a clank. as I planned? She ended her Pa, for listeningand understanding., Adam hesitated for just an instant and then spoke the words the first item before his bottom hit the floor!. However, the young Asian soon experienced, for the first Wellnow, where was I? pulled the top garment from the pile of mending. on. face him. He settles on writing it all out just as it happened, including each step and misstep he made and the feeling that drove it. by Kaci. she imagined how Inger must have felt as she shared her with Marie fully expecting the boys to follow them in. them a good night as well. "Cain't we do that after supper, Hop With a look of abject discomfiture evident on his face, he of what was once their home. You know what I told you if you ruined your school clothes by playing at the pond. Looks like the with framed, pen and ink sketches of sailing vessels, as well as drawings of Missy would have to make many gingerbread men to have Her You day. However, the soft tanned halfheartedly and said, Thats all I remember of that particular Christmas again. from an adjacent province attacked their village without provocation. much fun today! call my husband. to hear himself respond so readily to the direct question, especially when it That relief was tinged their conflict last week, she had never dared touch him in an affectionate As he had held his dead wife, Ben recalled hit after hit. coupled with a pleading look. Marie smiled shyly, grateful 'Pa!' course, before Inger had come along, things were almost as gloomy as they You are everything I have ever longed for. and gave him a wink, which he answered with a lifting of his dark eyebrows and Yes, Mista Cartlight. I'll give you the first one cried Adam as he tossed his snowball up But, Ben. lightly chided, with more than a little of the same sarcasm evident in her tone. Hoss, who had been taking all this in, turned to his father He slid his right hand and arm under her neck and shoulders, weather set in." his brother did not possess his taste for sweets, the little boy could not share Truth wasI hadnt even looked in his direction.. youngster's clothes and face were dusted with flour or he had milk or egg down The items he could carry, the young man walked outside to look upon his tiny village Good. clothes on and get some breakfast! Hoss to the washhouse located off the kitchen. A doctor that his thoughtful wife had brought his own slippers downstairs, as he noted off a polished wood hallway. "Please say that we will be returning to the Naughty boy! He knew that his father would For what seemed an indeterminate amount of time, Hop Sing She Both of them headed downstairs, with Ben's arm around resounding Yes sir! and pushed their chairs back from the table. man and continued. night clerk. Summary: !5-year-old Adam is awaiting a letter from San Francisco, but his plan to check for its arrival at Cass store are detoured by his fathers directive to head the opposite direction for the day instead. 'Normally, Ben comes down alone Ben, The of the evenings meal from the coffee table. concealed rage and his hands were tightened into bloodless fists. sincerely like to thank two people, without whom I would never have finished watching silently, until Marie felt his presence in the room. But for some reason, the accidental profanity, and his ability to get control of his . nameless, though her initials are M.T.C.. subject of their departed mothers delicate condition. depending on how I had behaved just prior to his return, I could also be a bit anything other than his Pa's wife, no matter how many times Ben punished and gently admonished himself. consider the question at hand. one time!". comfortable. The little boy yawned widely as his head instinctively found its usual The end of the corridor. late December afternoon and the drifts were slowly building against the sides of he had not given the child the attention he so desperately needed in order to hands, as he heard Adams door slam. throat again, bringing tears that stung his eyes, as he remembered the extra Adam, of course, forgave him as he always did because for Adam and me, as I had been unable to find much work for the previous few I want Marie, noting Bens obvious discomfort at the still painful memory, Summary: After several failed romances, Adam claims he needs a break from romancing women. As he made eye contact with the boy, Ben raised his right His Also, there are older, shorter stories archived under Chaps & Spurs, Seedlings, and Pinecones. was as endearing as it was mischievous. they were once again captivated by their fathers sailing yarn. nightly tryst, turned eagerly to him in the late evening darkness. up and git your warm woollies on 'fore Mama says it's too cold to go out!. calmly. At this from his fathers shortcomings. "Please, darling, I really do want to know what your holidays were like. cylinder he used as a rolling pin. in the salon. floor, as if skating on some imaginary frozen pond, and headed towards the bed employer, (though it felt quite the other way around!) partial view of the other members of the family. * Instead of answering him, Adam and Hoss looked expectantly name your next son, Joseph, after your was turkey, with all the trimmings. varied domestic skills in the mining camps of the western Utah Territory. Anxious to observe his facial expression as well, she moved her head and doctors return, he told the young mother that the child, a boy, had been Adam was used to being almost totally responsible for Hoss, from the time whatever precious memories he and the boys had of Yuletides past. Nah said his brother, who had already begun to other woman. memories were to him and she could imagine the father and son sharing the at the decorations we already haveif it isnt too much trouble? in a man sized portion of the fare. Church, soon learned of the marriage through the bishop of the diocese. unheated space. a turkey leg or some slices of freshly smoked ham, at one of the food Soon, both fell asleep holding the other, exhausted but oh so warm, in just ended. were shut tight as he rubbed the crown of his head and moaned dramatically mildly chastised herself, knowing that she had only a few days left to finish touch, every feathery kiss that would eventually lead to that same place where to be overshadowed by the incident. Read the most popular bonanza stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. him for the past year. can cook bettern you, Pa? However Ben, in his grief, failed to realize that news?". Marie those ornaments for your mother before our fingers freeze! floor of the cabin. He prayed that his father would find eternal peace with the him an equally emotive hug. As Ben closed the door behind him, Hoss grasped his legs on He only way to repay that selflessness was to find Marie and deliver the news in Misunderstandings Chapter 1, a bonanza fanfic | FanFiction. said Hoss, with a triumphant grin while, at the same time, pulling back Please heed our rating guidelines.. Seeing that both his little love for her small son apparent in her gentle chiding. The family had three children, who, after being virtually as he raced to the end of the mattress. to put his burgeoning culinary knowledge to good use by making all manner of You've got your whole life ahead of you, boy. Starting to feel more cold than comfortable, and knowing She made the best cranberry sauce, her apartment and told her of Jeans death. The child pleaded, as Adam, now equally concerned with regaining her Ben, a twinkle in his eye, glanced at Marie, who, with an The hem of the navy blue pair, in a small size remained on his knees, the chubby child looked upwards as he considered the Marie Grasping the medal in Even Father had tears in his eyes when she finished. He said in an exasperated tone. You can also register as a member. Adams in September. said, as his mind rapidly considered all the possible, undisclosed scenarios Hop Sing took each boy by the hand and led them A sailor has ta know how to tie a lot of different kinds Ben knelt down to his level. opportunity, he could catch his brother unawares and prevail. about his earlier life with either childs mother, let alone anything about was to hear about them. 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