adelya mikaelson and hope mikaelson

As she struggles, Lizzie appears to her, having entered the astral plane to taunt her. Ryan relents and accepts to show her on a map on where she can go. He hands her over to Rebekah. When he resurrects, he questions why Hope is the one he sees every time he comes back to life, however she dodges the question and leaves him in the woods. When Alaric strikes a deal with Ryan, Hope, Alaric, Josie and Lizzie head to town to confront the mummy that has caused the plagues. Hope gathers supplies but is interrupted by Lizzie and Josie. She grows bored when Cleo reads Landon's final letter, even lashing out at her and Finch. Arriving at the school, Landon decides to wait outside due to traumatic memories. The Necromancer takes a moment and realizes all too late that Hope is still very much alive and has been blinded by love. She states this is their Salvatore School Monster Warning Service and there's yet another monster on the loose, but the true threat to all our lives is Hope Mikaelson. At least not things he shouldeverything's muted and dull on this plane of existence. Hope can't let something worse happen to him because of her, that's not fair. On top of that, she'll worry about the banshee's words coming true. Later, she uses the prism and interacts with "Landon" again, eventually revealing that she loves him, and was fearful that he would leave her similar to how the rest of her family have. Setting his sights for Hope, he raises the spear and launches it at her. Hope is adamant on turning, but Alaric believes there's another way. She's here. When Landon resuscitates, she's as surprised as the others. She is happy to find that Freya has made a trip from New Orleans to see her, and the two embrace. Hope brings the Ascendant to Lizzie, asking if she knows where Alaric keeps his stash of Bennett Blood, to which she remarks she can think of at least three locations. The two have snuck into the cage while Lizzie and Josie watch in case things get out of control. In kind, he tells the Ferryman to let him talk to her. They've told her "no". He wonders why she brought him here. . As a side effect, they share a hallucination based on a story that Lizzie wrote when she was young, as well as a sequel she continued. Alaric stands to reason that if Cleo summoned one monster, perhaps she can do it again. MG appears, but is late since Hope neglected to tell him. She hates this, but believes she should know who it is and hands her a slip of paper from the Manticulum. Hope doesn't understand and asks what the weapon is. The three original bloodlines, all united under a single purpose. All of this isn't real, it's just a stupid game. She wears primarily black or deep reds in the form of jumpers, boots, or jackets. Landon believes it sounds like risking everything for the people you love is a classic Mikaelson move. Lizzie arrives and takes the coin from Hope with her siphoned magic. Hope wakes and finds Alaric and Ben going over battle scenarios with a chess board and the manticulum. She tells Lizzie that once she has her body back, she'll tell her something only she would know. There's someone that knows Landon and she needs them to get her there. Rebekah compels the girl to forget and leave; she's done with the charde. During the cleaning, she starts the conversation with Josie, the discussion goes wrong, arguing over the pick fights they send and the fact that Hope and Alaric keep secrets, involuntarily she stabs her foot with the sharp point of her tool, Josie helps to remove the tool from her foot and replicates with humor 'you poked yourself', Hope can't help laughing and Josie does the same. He tells her that despite their differences there is no one that he would trust more with the life of his daughter. Aurora tells her not to worry and she'll explain everything when they wake up. His spirit, his indomitable will. Later on, Hayley is lying on a kitchen table with Sabine dangling a pendant over her stomach. , , . She admits that she's screwed and won't be able to handle the grief if she has to kill the love of her life or the guilt if she takes the easy way out and chooses peace. Malivore, however, has no intention of letting that happen and to let her die. Hope finds herself at a proverbial crossroads and sees someone in the distance. Hope will have to listen to her humanity to win. In Let's Just Finish the Dance, Hope struggles with the trauma of witnessing Landon's death, which in turns causes her magic to become unstable, leading to her accidentally attack Landon in her room and then later Alaric in the gym while they train together. Alaric, however, assures Hope that he has increased the difficulty of the simulation. Finch also tells Hope that Josie told her not to wait for her, she doesn't really know her role at the school without her. It was a large Red Oak tree and she made more than one stake. If it was up to her, she'd want him with her so that she could find the perfect spot. She demands for Lizzie to siphon the barrier spell and to include her into the plan. For the first time in a long time, she believes she will. Once you have one, nothing's going to be the same. She's no longer in her bed, but trapped in a rail car. She comes bearing an offer. Aurora, in Hope's body, tells her that it's obvious. Hope pushes the banshee for more answers, particularly with Cleo gone, will Landon be safe. In Wild at Heart, Hayley chooses to take Hope to stay at the Abattoir not wanting to stay at her and Jackson's apartment now that Jackson is dead and leaves Hope's her favorite toy. She is incredibly loyal to her friends, despite initial difficulties working with a team. Hope believes she has just the thing to take his mind off of things. Hope Andrea Mikaelson is a former major recurring character in The Originals before being promoted to a main character in the fifth season. Hope is pulled from the simulation moments later when Alaric "unplugs" the box and becomes furious that Alaric has stolen the only thing that matters from her. Professor Vardemus summons a battlefield for their practice session while Hope's humanity continues to appear to her. Instead of using their powers, they need to take theirs away. Kaleb, however, demands her to get out while they talk in private. Hope assumes things are going just as good as the last time, and while Ben does slightly enhance their chances, it's still not great. At the start of a new semester, Hope dresses in her formal uniform. He is surprised to see her, admitting it's a weird time for him, but Hope insists on being invited in. Hope believes that dealing with one Saltzman will be hard enough. Hope doesn't want to hear it. She's still mad at Cleo for killing the leprechaun. He hands her a jar and she opens it. They, however, know her, and thought she should sit this mission out given her do or die attitude for rescuing Landon. Despite not winning the war, he believes they've won an important battle. Angered, she breaks the salt circle, sending Davina back to the Ancestral Plane and frees Klaus. They need to act now if they want to save Lizzie from herself because she's also working with an ancient and mentally unstable vampire. He muses what a gift it is to be able to leave her one last message. Hope reminds her about the sire bond, though Lizzie can't forget considering what Hope is forcing her to do. That's what Hope needs. Just as fate deemed it. Hope doesn't but Rebekah questions why she remains. Hope is surprised that she missed, removes the stake and turns to finish it herself, though Lizzie meant to do that, which means she broke the sire bond. She proposes that she doesn't have to feel any of that. You are very feminine, with great features of. If they stand together, they can win. Hope reluctantly tells him about what happened when she had to kill him and her humanity shut off. Her role as Hope Mikaelson in The CW "Legacies" is her latest show and the one for which she is most known, 30 episodes and counting. She's furious at Lizzie for keeping it a secret from her, but Lizzie is prioritizing. However, she's finally free to live her life the way she chooses, a fact that seems to propel her choices. Regardless, he's happy to come to see his favorite niece because they need her help. In No More Heartbreaks, She's still mentioned to be under Mary's protection. Hope explains that once Aurora is dead, she will make her promise to not to kill her and then send her on her way; she'll be free-ish. His doctors said he's lucky to even be walking. In I Couldn't Have Done This Without You, Hope aids Josie in a spell to slow down the mora miserium's degradation. Hope hands off the braid to Josie and she siphons from Finch and promptly begins the spell. It becomes clear that Landon is gone and is not coming back but Hope refuses to accept this and say the escape word despite it appearing numerous times. Vincent later extracts the Hollow's spirit out of Hope, dividing the four pieces into Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah, and Kol. Hayley starts screaming in terror and tries to fight the witches, swearing that they will not take her baby and she will kill all of them. In Alive and Kicking, Hope's parents spoke about her during their trip in The Bayou. She is always seen wearing her mother's stone necklace, a Mikaelson family crest necklace, a wishbone necklace, and earrings. Hope instructs them to get them to safety and she'll handle him. She believes it's a suicide mission against Aurora and there is nothing in this for her. Lizzie comments how the therapy box has helped her discover a new side of herself. With this information, Hope decides she'll leave, but Rebekah tells her that she'll miss the show. He claims no one else is coming to help her and lands another blow. She responds that her daughter has one advantage Klaus never had, she will never know Mikael. She attempts to help, but Lizzie is angry with her and tells her to stay out of her way. She also talks to Henry as he's been locked up in the Garden and tells him to be calm. If she kills them, they'll both be free. On a cement planter, she finds a small toy soldier. Alaric recalls the time she first arrived at the school. Her middle name is Andrea after her mother's birth-name and she takes the surname of her father's side. With Landon safe from immediate harm, they reconnect, though before things get too physical, they're interrupted by Alaric. Preparations are nearly complete and Wade suggests using an anti-magic barrier, but Hope explains that it will block the transfusion. She then learned that she will have a daughter. She makes out with Landon after becoming his girlfriend. Seeing her father's urn, she gathers a few supplies, candles, chalk and a knife. With Landon on stage, Hope assumes he's a golem created from his remains. In Long Way Back From Hell, Elijah justifies his choice to save Hayley because the baby that she's carrying. Hope and Alaric bury Kurutta in the woods, and Alaric thanks Hope for being there for his daughters, revealing that he lost sight of what really matters his daughters. She admits she's trying to be patient, but also has a lot of questions and he's trying to process everything. Small scratches are enough to weaken her with its poisonous effects, though this can be stopped if it's siphoned out from her. Later Rebekah and Hayley decide to hold the Bonfire ceremony for Hope, and as she is with her father she is taken by her mother to assist to her first Bonfire. He believes if they can buy Lizzie enough time to turn her back to their side, she can siphon a god, hence why she needs to be saved. She decides to put both of their phones on the ground and they continue to their destination. In That's Nothing I Had to Remember, Hope grows closer with Ethan as they prepare for Commonwealth Day, and Ethan tells Hope to ask him out if she ever wishes to spend time with him. Later that night, Hope finds MG, Wade, and Kaleb at a bonfire, waiting for the the protoclown. They eventually make their way back to the Boarding School where Hope asks Landon to be her boyfriend, to which he says yes. Hope quips that he's late and she's tired of not being surprised. Hope questions how long they have been in Malivore, but Clarke does not know and tells her that it could be a month or a year. The four automatons are Aurora, Jen, Ken, the father of an entire family of gods, and Lizzie. He admits to Hope that he thought he was a goner. However, when Hope magically absorbed the Hollow's soul, the constant whispering nearly drove her insane. She wants her to get as close as she can to the top without actually touching the bell. Hope believes otherwise. Ken demands to know what she's deemed him guilty of, but she retorts for being a dick. Hope Andrea Mikaelson is a main character in Legacies, she was a former major recurring character in The Originals before being promoted to a main character in the fifth season. Cloaked, she approaches the gates of the Salvatore Boarding School. Hope can cling to her defense mechanism all she wants to, but when it crumbles, she'll have a bigger mess than before. In This is What It Takes, Hope finds herself at the Salvatore School wherein she interrupts a party being thrown in celebration of the Necromancer's defeat. Hope is defending herself that, she was not in the game and therefore she shouldn't be punished but Alaric answers that she knows what she did, referring to the use of black magic and that's why she's punished. Hope isn't interested, but he tells her that she's the hunted, not the hunter. Ryan says it was on their first date. He is the adult and it means having to tell kids like her things like this. In the gym, she and Lizzie watch over Landon, preparing for the gremlin. Regardless, she'd like to apologize. Josie's trick didn't work, but she figured that. She's in transition. Unfortunately, there's far less than Lizzie had anticipated and encourages Hope to talk. She quips that she could even be right behind her, which prompts Hope to look over her shoulder. In Ashes to Ashes, Klaus daggers himself and Dahlia to give his siblings more time to save Hope. However, he already knows. She uses the sire bond to force Lizzie to be her partner in crime. Hope sees him off, as he leaves the Salvatore School. Hope tells Alaric that he will return at sun down to help him dispose of the creature. The two are confused when she disappears, however when they try to cross the road, they are knocked down by a passing car, with Hope announcing that the game has begun. When Freya returns from trying to find Hayley, she shows Hope her mother's phone and that she has disappeared. Hope is next seen with Hayley as she helps Freya look for the cure for the poison. He's happy and it proves that the school wasn't such a failure after all. She's worried about him, but returning from the prison world is a lot for him. Though Hope appreciates the box and spell, her problem is her dark side. Landon comes too and claims to remember everything, and claims he's not who she thinks he is. She was a major recurring character in season eight of The Vampire Diaries. Malivore taunts her, questioning that she didn't place that spell there and that it wasn't meant to keep him contained. ." Josie attempts to offer her help, but Lizzie refuses. He doesn't understand what's wrong with the lyrics. She also tells him that Malivore, and Landon, are both dead. Now unable to let anyone else hurt her, Lizzie was also forced to obey a humanity-less Hope's every whim. Landon tells her that she'll never have to go through that again and the two embrace in a passionate kiss. It's nice to know that some things don't change, especially when everything else seems to. Fans will be seeing much more of Russell's Hope Mikaelson in the near future. However, she believes her opinion should count for something. He motions to the boat and points to the bright light across the pond. Hope intends to stay for the meeting organized by MG. Malivore has Cleo and she is the goal. Similarly, she asks why her humanity has sat back and watched all the horrible things that she's done because of it. Landon walks away moments later, furious with Hope, remarking that this is not the life he wants to live. They return to the root cellar, Landon reveals to have the knife despite having said earlier not to have it which makes Hope even angrier. Hope's dedication to her family is also gone, as she doesn't want Rebekah's help or any of the other Mikaelson's to come for her. He's been looking for her as she and her friend has been putting on quite a show, beating their games, and not caring who knew what they were. In Voodoo Child, Hope remains under the possession of the Hollow. Her grandmother, Esther turned him into a vampire once and knows how it feels. Josie hates him, with good reason, but Hope reassures him that she won't let anyone hurt him, including Malivore. She does not believe that Landon should continue to train to be a "hero", and finds it questionable when he believes he can fly. Both were separated from their parents under the pretense of death, while only a select few knew what really happened to them; only Esther, Finn, and Dahlia knew that Freya didn't die of the plague, and only Hayley, Klaus, Elijah, Ansel, and Rebekah knew that Hope didn't die shortly after her birth. With his relationship in ruins, he's forced to go with her, though he doesn't stop trying to call Trudy back. He apologizes to her, but she knows what she must do. Aurora already knows what to do with her, but Hope doesn't back down. Rebekah makes a face, revealing that he's told a story to Hope. She plans to honor that by scattering the ashes on the school's grounds. Hope matches Aurora strike for strike, but believes that she's made a mistake bringing a spear to their battle. She knows there's something wrong with Landon, and Cleo offers to help. She reveals they technically have Cleo to thank for his rescue. Picking up the truth sphere, she explains that Pedro should never make art again and it glows blue with another star bursting into flames. In A Closer Walk With Thee, Klaus goes to Father Kieran O'Connell's funeral. Hope also has a backup plan. . As he brings the spear down, Aurora vamps in front of Hope as the spear's end plunges into her chest. Myths are but one discovery away from becoming their reality. As Elijah is hesitant to carry her in his arms, Rebekah encourages him saying that all he did was for Hope. She is about to drink when she hears rustling behind her. She shows him a piece of paper that Lizzie stuck on her door that reads "No Tribrids Allowed". It could be possible for her to conceive a child too, and they mean to bring her hope. He admits that he underestimated her, but it won't happen again. Klaus was complicated and flawed and loyal and he would have let the world burn just to save the people he loved. Wade wants to know what the offer is, but Hope will only talk to Alaric, believing he'll be easier to manipulate. She is interrupted by Lizzie, however, who tells her that her life is in danger. She's been under her father's sway for centuries, desperate for even the smallest expression of love, only to be reminded time and time again of his cruelty. She was named Hope by her father, who took inspiration from his half-brother Elijah's words about his newborn child being their family's hope. Instead, he's confident that despite his fragile state, it's perfect because he knows Hope won't kill him and by extension, Landon. At first, there's nothing, but then you slowly realize there's nothing. She has wavy auburn or dark brown hair that is seen in many styles. Hope muses if they could skip the monologue to the part where she tells her why Ken didn't show up. . She goes to the bathroom to collect herself and bumps into Maya, who offers counsel on her "boy troubles". She will wear the fate her father deserved. Hope also admits that she may have accidentally started a chain of events that has led to the gods returning to our world and she's pretty sure those gods want her dead. They are both the first-born of their generation and they are both girls. With their permission, it would be his great honor to tell those stories by writing the definitive history of the supernatural beings he has come to know. He holds her in his arms and they discuss their relationship. She also has lost her desire to be around those who previously cared for her. Jed and Wade lay Malivore on the table while Josie lights the black candle. In The Boy Who Still Has a Lot of Good to Do, Hope learns that Landon, Rafael and MG have disappeared, she immediately thinks they are dead because her location spell doesn't work. 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