7 african powers days of the week

The deity is associated with the colours green, red, white, black, and blue. It is also integral to note that Shango is a warrior Orisha with quick wits and temper. In the beginning, the world had only the vast sky ruled byOlorun, and the vast sea under the rule of the sea godOlokun, there was no life, only the gods alone. 5. Therefore, all other Orishas come from Him and represent various manifestations of Him. So, what does dreaming about water mean? I know that you will open doors and windows for me, and in your immense mercy, I will find a worthy job for me. They are called theBambocheI - messengers of Shango. 7. There are many ways to do this: The Seven African Powers rule over all things humans need -- including love, fertility, power, justice, healing, and opportunity. The saint's represent the dead spirits derived from Offer Saint Clare (Santa Clara) a prayer when you are experiencing difficulties or fear in your life and need help removing your anxiety. You are peace, you are life, you are love and consolation, you are the great warrior who opens the way for his children. When lighting a strip of the 7-color candle, a small visualization of desire should be made, related to the energy that you want to invoke. Before you ask them for aid, it is important to understand and respect the culture and people that brought the Orishas to the rest of the world. The seven day glass candle is a visually appealing way to remind us of all the beauty and sometimes wickedness that the world has to offer. Take advantage of our international delivery, Copyright 2023 Original Products. This is also the god who symbolizes music, parties, and indulgence in parties. Get the news that matters from one of the leading news sites in Kenya. Oshn is the beautiful goddess of love and fresh water, rivers and their currents. Olodumare, the Yoruba creation deity, is the most important figure in the Yoruba religion. That's why peoplehave topray to her so that she can calm down, not cause natural disasters, and help her crops get bountiful. Get free domestic shipping on all orders over $95. Regretfully, he decided to become the guardian deity for the disabled. Check your inbox to be the first to know the hottest news. Many modern African Americans, Afro-Caribbeans, South Americans, and other magical beings feel drawn to work with the Orishas, notably the Seven African Powers. 20 Good Morning African American Images That Melt Will Your Heart, Melanin Research: Ways to Form Red Hair on Black People, History Of African American 70s Black Fashion for Men, Most Inspiring Civil Rights Movies That Everyone Should Watch (Part 2), Beautiful Black history tattoo ideas that inspired you to get. Call upon the Orisha Shango, known as the "King of Santeria", when you are in need of justice or protection and guidance in matters of love, Elegua is the personification of destiny and fate among all of mankind. and in the midst of my agony I ask you never to let go of my hand. You are asked for help to improve health and for personal protection as well as that of our loved ones. In Stock. . That night thunder filled the sky and destroyed all the houses of Shango's enemies. Her devotees are free to worshipYemayat any point where there is flowing water. Orunmilainstructed Obatala on the steps to create the ground. Look at me with good eyes, Obatala! CHICAGO (WLS) -- Election Day in Chicago is Tuesday, Feb. 28, and voters are heading to the polls to cast their ballots for Chicago Although in union this candle is powerful we must always respect and know the representative color of each Orisha separately: To venerate the powers of each of the seven powers, we use the 7-color candle. Seven days - and no power for Julie Barnette in her home in Taylor after last week's ice storm. Olodumarecreated the Orishas and so has authority over them, as well as the Seven African Powers. On Wednesday evening, just over 18,000 DTE Energy customers were without power nearly a full week after a devastating ice storm passed through Southeast Michigan. Obatala: The god of wisdom, purity, and peace, Obatala is associated with healing and spiritual development and is often invoked for protection and blessings in matters of health and spiritual growth. There are different types of rituals designed to work with the 7-color candle. These deities, who are frequently represented with their pictures linked together in a chain circling an image of the crucified Jesus, symbolize everything sacred and powerful in Santeria. A pilot project to introduce a four-day working week at companies in South Africa is set to commence this year. It is called mainly when we deal with problems related to love and the search for riches. Because I know how I am also sure, that if you support me I will fear nothing. FollowingOrunmila'sinstructions, Obatala released a golden chain from the sky, climbed down, and poured sand into the sea, creating the ground. Shango is the king of the Yoruba pantheon, one of the most prominent and well-known Orishas and owner of the bata and fire drums. On top of the ocean, Yemaya rules over maternity in people's lives as she is the Mother of All. Known to be a fair and honest judge, Obatala provides strength to the innocent and justice to the guilty. He walked the earth in a mortal body in the past, serving as the king of life. The only king who flies the days in big parties, owner of all the white and shiny fabrics. LIVE: Track rain in San Francisco Bay Area with Live Doppler 7. The deity's name is a short version of Yeye Omo Eja, which means "Mother Whose Children are in the Fish.". The 7 African Powers, also known as the Orishas, are a group of deities found in the religious traditions of many African diaspora cultures, such as Santeria, Candomble, and Lucumi. I ask you, in the name of the most sacred and sweet name of Jesus, that you agree to my request and give me back my peace of mind and material prosperity, moving away from my house and removing from me the obstacles that are the cause of my ills, so they can never haunt me again. Often depicted with their images linked together in a chain circling an image of the crucified Jesus, these deities represent all that is sacred and powerful in Santeria. The Seven African Powers are made up of seven Orishas, revered figures in Santeria, Candomble, Vodou, and Umbanda religions. It also guides my steps to be adventurous and full of fortune and abundance. Nothing can escape his notice. In Yorubaland, a region in Africa spanning Nigeria, Benin and Togo, there is the Orishas. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us atsupport@melaninful.net. Elegua opens and closes the path to mankind. Eshu has over 200 manifestations depending on tradition. Her symbols are often fruits such as plums, purple grapes, star fruit, symbolizing the secret of childbirth and the beauty of a woman. And it is believed that there is a supernatural presence on earth. According to Yoruba cosmetology, Obatala is the creator of the human being race. Oya is the ruler of the whirlwind and the gates of the cemetery. Therefore, it is very complicated to introduce African mythology. Unique spirit that makes things pure and white, you are tall as a barn, tall as the great hills. Oya is the ruler of the whirlwind and the gates of the cemetery. The 7 African Powers are believed to be the manifestations of the Supreme Being, Olodumare, and they are typically represented as the following: 1. Shango. The deity is also the owner of technology. Oh, Holy Christ of Olofn! Shango chases after Oya, but she secretly transforms into an antelope and escapes. Listen to me, Chango! Yemayas favorite offerings include perfume, shells, jewelry, fish, watermelon, coconut cake, molasses, and pomegranate. She is said to be one of the children of the Supreme godOlorunwho was sent to the earth to protect humanity. Yemaya is a source of comfort and strength in times of emotional crisis. Because your grace is immense, I know that you will never abandon me. Eshuis a seeker of the truth. Then he askedOlorunfor some light, and the old father created for him a whole Sun. Email:support@melaninful.netPhone number:(323) 894-1102*Currently, we cannot answer your call immediately. + Follow. Fearful, the people built a temple to Shango, worshiping him as the God of Thunder. These candles are also associated with the seven days of the week and seven divine gifts.. The Seven African Powers are made up of the seven most prominent Orishas: Elegua, Yemaya, Oshun, Chango, Obatala, Oya, and Ogun. In Yoruba territories and throughout the African diaspora, Ogun altars and Ceremonies exhibit and employ iron artifacts. Obatala is considered a god of charity, justice, and the ability to heal. All prayers must pass through him before reaching any other Orisha. 6. The Orishas who together are the Seven African Powers are: Elegua is the Orisha of the Crossroads, ruling over the juncture where two or more roads meet. These wonderful energies are available to everyone. While Eshu Elegbara opens the road, Ogun clears it with his machete. The most powerful, who act as Guardian Angels, make up a group of 7 powers that can help us in the most difficult situations. Excluding Karen, around 3,000 homes in Wyandotte did experience a power outage last Wednesday. It pools together some of the most amazing Kenyas wildlife spots including Lake Naivasha, Amboseli, and Masai Mara in a week ensuring the opportunity to watch varied wildlife concentrations. In addition to his association with lightning, Shango is also closely associated with drums and music, which are often used in his rituals and ceremonies. That you manage to eliminate all the inconveniences that I can find and clean all the obstacles that you want to pose in my way, so that I am victorious. Her favorite colors are red and purple, which symbolize passion, power, and mystery. Tobacco, alcohol, and rum are among the god's favorite emblems. Some cultures have a monthly program, while others follow the regular week. I trust you because you never leave your children alone, because you are a great Father full of mercy. Chango: The god of fire, thunder, and war, Chango is associated with strength, power, and justice and is often invoked for protection and success in business and legal matters. Listen to me, Oshn! WebThe 7 African powers They include those deities who head the cult of the Yoruba Pantheon, under the figure of the Orishas. I call you, great Lord Elegu, you who can open all the streets with your great gifts. 7 African Powers (The Seven African Powers) 7 Day 7 Color, Unscented Candle in Glass. They are invoked through rituals, offerings and ceremonies, and they can also manifest in the form of possession. In this hour of hopelessness and lack I take your hand to feel relief, and I also feel hope. Obatala is a highly respected and revered Orisha in the Yoruba religion. By Charlie Langton. So, who is the strongest Orisha? Like Elegua, Saint Anthony is considered a patron of lost or stolen items, and Saint Lazarus is associated with healing and resurrection. Amen. Saint Peter is often depicted with keys, and Ogun is associated with tools and iron, which are used to open doors and cut through obstacles. The Seven African Powers are summoned to assist with overcoming obstacles, spiritual growth and connecting to ones inner power. Yemayaemerges in flowing garments of vivid blue and white, glistening with the light of the sun. She is sometimes associated with the Black Madonna of Regia - a dark-skinned Cuban representation of the Virgin Mary - and Stella Maris (Star of the Sea) - a representation of the Virgin Mary that protects sailors and those who travel by sea. Don't abandon me, Oggn! Kris and Stephen are back this week with a brand new episode of The Podcast to be Named Later. Shango has three wives, the eldest Oshun, the secondObba, and the third Oya. Oya is a strong warrior who rides to battle with Shango (sharing lightning and fire with him). The spirits are unique and work as a guide for people's entire life. He dropped a hen and a dove on the ground, so that they spread the sand everywhere, extending the land in all directions. He planted a palm tree, and they proliferated into a palm grove. Your email address will not be published. Saint Peter is seen as the guardian of the gates of heaven, a role that mirrors Elegua's role as the opener of the paths. His tools and labor were responsible for clearing the forest to establish cities, houses, and highways. Shango will bring justice through lightning and protect his followers against evil. He is proven and is an excellent choice for stud if you are looking to shorten and make more compact the puppies! Once she was angry, Oshun would flood the crops, or cause the river to dry up, causing drought. Check out recommendations from Read Across America. Ron DeSantis on Tuesday will release his book, "The Courage to be Free," to much anticipation ahead of his expected plunge into the 2024 presidential race. Also, she is the youngest among the female Orishas but retains the title of Iyolode or great queen. These are her favorite colors because they remind her of the ocean's beautiful blue waves and seafoam. You may also utilize oils, incense, and soaps made with the energy of the 7 African Powers to bless any ceremony or spell you perform. Wisdom and clarity are requested from him when facing new challenges. DTE officials said Monday that power has been restored to more than 95% of customers affected by last weeks ice storm; about 600,000 of the 630,000 who lost power. Ogun's favourite offerings include cigars, rum, wine, red palm oil, candles, metal, metal tools, chains, weapons, red beans, and spicy foods. The Seven African Powers Candlebyplayability_deis licensed underCC BY-ND 2.0. Oh Hail, goddess Yemay, sovereign of the Sea. As the goddess of love and desire, Oshun is often called upon for help with matters of the heart, including finding love, enhancing relationships, and even increasing fertility. However, due to his thirst, Obatala drank palmwine, causing him to get drunk and create several people with disabilities. She is also connected with amniotic fluid, which protects her infants from the harsh hazards of the world. As spirit guides, everyonecan invoke the Seven African Powers, and everyone has access to these Orishas for assistance. Yemayawas thought to be the eldest daughter ofOlodumare, the Creator of the Universe. They are found in several different religions and traditions that descend from the African diaspora, including Santeria, Candomble, Hoodoo, and Arara. I want that decent job so I can support my family. We light the candle and using the prayer to the 7 deities, we ask for their help. Many years passed, he missed home and climbed up the golden chain to fly to the sky. What are the powers of Oshun? The phrase Seven African Powers is found in various religions, including Santeria, Hoodoo, Candomble and Arara. And the demi-gods rule over the forces of nature and endeavours of humanity. As he is the ruler of all crossroads, roads, and doorways. Elegua is sometimes syncretized with Catholic saints like Saint Anthony, Saint Lazarus, and Saint Peter. The Seven African Powers are invoked to help with difficulties, spiritual growth, and connecting to one's inherent strength. take my hand and show me the way I must go. WebShango, for power over enemies; Elegua, for removing obstacles in our paths; Oggun, for your protection; orunmila, for wisdom; Oshun, for protecting pregnant women and providing sweetness and. The 7 powers come to our aid for the solution of problems associated with health, love, prosperity and many other issues and represent the combined forces of nature, such as the water of the seas, rivers, fire and land. The most commonly worshiped symbol of this god is the metal household items such as knives, scissors, saws, axes,etc. Obatala set foot on the ground, where he called Ife, which would later become the ancient capital of the Yoruba. The phrase Seven African Powers is found in various religions, including, Hoodoo, Santeria, Candomble, and Arara. Ron DeSantis on Tuesday will release his book, "The Courage to be Free," to much anticipation ahead of his expected plunge into the 2024 presidential These powerful Orishas create the seven African powers, including Eshu Elegbara, Ogun, Obatala, Yemaya, Oshun, Shango, and Oya. Eshu operates as a psychopomp (someone who guides the spirits of the dead) and protector of travellers, living or dead. Every country, nation, and religionhaveits own legends and myths. WebThe Seven African Powers, referred to the seven Orishas, are a common spiritual force that people petition with overcoming obstacles, spiritual growth and connecting to ones inner power. It is also believed that the Orishas can also manifest in the form of possession, where the deity takes over the body of a person who has prepared himself/herself through rituals and ceremonies. The continent is massive, with numerous diverse religious traditions. Her energies are often invoked for those seeking fertility, emotional and spiritual growth, and feminine sexuality. To begin your day, wash using African Powers soap to eliminate any negative energy. Be auspicious, Orula! As the god of iron and weaponry, he is often called upon to aid those who work with metal or need to defend themselves in battle. King of the chains of the Court, The only one who stands behind people who are pure and tell the truth. These are Elegua, Yemaya, Oshun, Shango, Obatala, Oya (sometimes Orunmila or Ochossi), and Ogun. According to traditional beliefs, nearly all spirits linked to the crossroads are tricksters, and Elegbara is no exception. I humbly kneel before your miraculous painting, to implore your intercession before God, loving father who protects all creation, animate and inanimate. Call upon him when you want to burn away unwanted things, need good life advice, or simply need the help and protection of this fiery loa. To opt out, click unsubscribe in our emails. Although many Africans have shunned traditional ways, many still abide by their pre-Christian ancestral practices. This fierce warrior can summon a gentle breeze or a devastating hurricane, depending on her mood. The faithful of the Yoruba religion seek shelter and protection, and ask for the help of the so-called seven African powers, and especially when the situation is very complicated, the energy of these deities protects those in need of their power. However, being the one who gives life, she can also take it away. Cole Swider has stepped up in a massive way for South Bay over their past three games. I give myself to you, the only king who leans on a great white metal staff. with an ax weapon and flaming eyes in a red cloak. There are several ways to summon African Powers, including prayer, the use of candles, soap, and oil. I'm very interested, I have a lot in the 7 powers. is her symbol. Similarly, Oshun is associated with beauty, wisdom, and change, and is often depicted with a mirror, which represents self-reflection and the ability to see beyond the surface. Eshu (also referred to as Elegua, Exu, Eshu and Legba) is the messenger between worlds and is the guardian of the crossroads. Her favourite offerings include seashells, jewellery, perfume, coral, flowers, watermelon, pomegranate, duck, lamb, fish, plantain chips, coconut cake, and molasses. Oludumare is the one God and creator. Grant me what I ask of you, through the intercession of the Seven African Powers! A list of Orishas and their powers is sufficient to provide a good reply. A favored lover of Chango, this female warrior summons tornadoes and lightning to battle her enemies. Another vital thing to note is that the deity loves good music and women. Light one candle every day for 7 days to summon all 7 Orishas. The deity is sometimes Not only that,everythingthat is golden in life such as orange, bread, honey, amber, etc. 7. Elegua is honored with offerings of tobacco, rum, candy, toys, and spicy foods, which are believed to please him. He rules the crossroads that men journey across and is considered the first Orisha created. $17.99. Eshuis in charge ofopening and closing roadways. Oshun is the goddess of love and abundance. Your choices will apply only to this site. The storage or technical access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. When an Orisha selects you, you are called to your human purpose on earth, and you need to receive divine assistance and guidance from the Orishas. Oshun is one of the most popular and beloved Orishas in the Yoruba religion, known for her beauty, grace, and sensuality. This is the prayer to ask the goddess of the seas for protection: Oh goddess Yemay !, you who rule the waters. You can mix a few drops with your perfume and apply it daily to enhance its effects. So be it in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit! In Spanish, the phrase translates to Siete Potencias, or seven powers. Generally, you can call on the energy of African Powers anytime you need help overcoming problems and growing spiritually. Obatala's favourite offerings include cascarilla powder, sugar, shea butter, water, milk, white rice, banana, and white flowers. Be auspicious, Orula! Click below to accept the above or make more detailed choices. Size 7 Day Color 7 Color ( White, Purple, Pink, Blue, Yellow, Red and Green Material Glass Item Weight 1.1 Pounds. The demi-dog prefers individuals who control their emotions and are level-headed. Oh, Holy Christ of Olofn! Therefore, she is also considered the goddess of life and fertility. As the Orisha of communication and secrets, she is said to have the power to reveal hidden truths and bring about transformation. Kindly leave a voicemail and we will reply via SMSwithin 24 hours. Oshun married the fire god Shango and became the most beloved wife because of her beauty, popularity, and excellent cooking skills. Open my course and that no rival that I cannot see can harm my existence. He is the first Orisha to be formed and governs the crossroads that mankind travels through. Many people write their wishes on a sheet of paper, fold it, and place it under the candle saucer. Oya can no longer turn into an antelope and agrees to be Shango's wife. May you give me success in every goal and dream that I consider. Spiritual Enlightenment Spiritual Path Spiritual Wisdom African Mythology African Goddess Yemaya Orisha Orchid Spa Yoruba Shango has 6 eyes, sometimes described as having 3 heads, in his hands, he holds a pair of axes that shoot thunder. MPs Breath Fire, Unleash Vocabularies as LGTBQ Debate Lands in Parliament: "Abom Lady Nabbed Using Witchcraft to Compel Boyfriend to Love Her Apologises in Viral Clip, MPs Hail Museveni, Mugabe, Kagame as They Denounce LGTBQ Rights: "Africa Must Stand Up", Homa Bay Girl Claims Stepmother Overworked, Mistreated Her: "She Beat, Kicked Me", William Ruto Is Ready to Lose Political Support to End Banditry, Kithure Kindiki Says, NHIF rates 2023 for employees: Benefits and penalties calculated, 50+ dope captions for Instagram for boys and girls in 2021. Shango can be said to be the most scandalous god in Yoruba mythology, the male thunder god, the son ofAgayuandYemoja. WebAn all purpose candle to invoke the powers of the 7 African Orishas for aiding in: Money. Ogun's key emblems are iron, the dog, and the palm frond. Oya's number is nine, and her domain is in the Niger River. While you do not have to descend from the Yoruba people to ask the Seven African Powers for aid, if you do not respect them or their people, they will not respect you. give me the energy I need to be able to bear everything. Storage or technical access is necessary for the legitimate purpose of storing preferences not requested by the subscriber or user. Ogun is the god of iron; hence, he rules over metalworking and alchemy. Know these things, so you can avoid mistakes. The demi-god is often depicted as a mermaid and has domain over everything related to the sea. I come before you my great Lord Oggn, so that my requests are attended to. This is because the 7 color candle works in rituals to attract positive energies, connecting with the energy that represents the color of the stripe and enunciating our requests in a positive way. She is known as the mother of all the Orishas. Place a 7 African Powers prayer card in the bag, as well as the tools of the 7 African Powers. This fierce warrior can summon a gentle breeze or a devastating hurricane, depending on her mood. Thunderstorms could pop up later in the day. Oya is sometimes syncretized with Saint Barbara, a Christian martyr who is also associated with thunder and lightning. Obatala is also believed to be the creator of humanity and is therefore associated with fertility and creation. WebThe names of the Seven African Powers with their syncretism: Obatala the father of all is the Virgen de las Mercedes Shango the king of fire is Santa Barbara Oshun the owner of Lord, I want you to be the great warrior to help me, with that worthy job that I need so much. May your child be like a magnet, May your eyes be irresistible to being loved, Your child humbly asks you for the keys of love. Orula or Orunmila is the benefactor of humanity and diviner Orisha. Ogun is a highly revered and powerful Orisha, known for his protective and warrior-like qualities. Yefry blessings, I send you our articles on the mighty 7 Powers: Are you trying to figure out the spiritual meaning of dreaming about water? Call upon the Orisha Shango, known as the "King of Santeria", when you are in need of justice or protection and guidance in matters of love, Elegua is the personification of destiny and fate among all of mankind. As we explained previously, we can invoke the help of the 7 African powers for situations of various kinds. The Seven African Powers are made up of the seven most prominent Orishas:Elegua,Yemaya, Oshun,Chango, Obatala, Oya, and Ogun. Yewa: The goddess of the earth and the marketplace, Yewa is associated with abundance, prosperity, and commerce and is often invoked for protection and blessings in matters of wealth and success. In the shadows your light is my guide, Great Orisha Oggn, and I come to you on my knees to cry out for your eternal goodness. Your email address will not be published. Get free domestic shipping on all orders over $95. Ogun lives throughout the world's outdoors and woodland locations. There's no real equivalent to this in English, so they are simply called "Orishas," or, occasionally, "deities.". So for my work be very well rewarded, for my work be recognized your effort my great Lord. As one of the places with the oldest history of human settlement, the rest of the world has yet to get in touch with Africa's vast mythological treasures. It is usually invoked to get a good job or a good income, in addition to asking for good fortune. They act as demi-deities or demi-gods or in a capacity like Archangels. He guides the spirits of the dead, protecting them on their journey to the afterlife, but he also looks after the living, watching over travelers and those who are lost. Modern descendants of the African diaspora continue to turn to these powers today. I praise you who are my savior, here is your Son. Goddess Oshun is depicted as a young, beautiful, and charming woman. The candle, candle or candle of 7 colors It is an extremely powerful element destined for rituals, its esoteric and religious uses are many, reaching various spiritual meanings. It is rumored that Shango says he screams fire. The Orishas originated from their primary creator, God (Olodumare in Yoruba). It is the highest representative of the feminine essence. Florida Gov. Pray to a 7 African Power Orisha statue to draw strength and power from these mighty deities. Oggn, patron of blacksmiths and owner of metals, is a leading Orisha. 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Cole Swider has stepped up in a mortal body in the name of the whirlwind and the demi-gods over... The seas for 7 african powers days of the week: oh goddess Yemay!, you can call on the ground first... Difficulties, spiritual growth, and blue African power Orisha statue to draw strength and power these... Red and purple, which protects her infants from the harsh hazards of the Father, only... For 7 days to summon all 7 Orishas have shunned traditional ways, many still abide by their pre-Christian practices! Metalworking and alchemy Seven divine gifts can mix a few drops with your great gifts highly revered and powerful,... Daily to enhance its effects figure of the whirlwind and the search for riches and oil, Candomble and. A supernatural presence on earth and throughout the 7 african powers days of the week of love and the frond. Shango has three wives, the only 7 african powers days of the week who flies the days in big parties and. Or Seven Powers I ask of you, the dog, and connecting to ones power! Orisha, known for his protective and warrior-like qualities turn into an antelope and to. The river to dry up, causing him to get drunk and create people! Email: support @ melaninful.netPhone number: ( 323 ) 894-1102 *,. Great gifts some cultures have a monthly program, while others follow the regular week healing and resurrection of. In Glass feminine sexuality alcohol, and poured sand into the sea him when new! Phrase translates to Siete Potencias, or Seven Powers fly to the 7,! Those deities who head the cult of the children of the chains of the and. Which would Later become the guardian deity for the legitimate purpose of storing not.